Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

AUGUST J), 1872. THE HARTFORD DAILY COURANT FRIDAY MORNINtt, i iaasfiaftti. plsrrUanftms. Smitli, Bourn Is Lard dull and nominal, for winter BHli -iTmnrnr in good demand at full prices, sales at 1H-Bmk meals it rctt. ehoaldcrsiiatclear rib sides lor clear sidHM Bacon In iod demand shooiders tiH.

Whisky flraa at s. CtoTTOK-cliarieston sU-ady, middimgsat mtjre dnH and rtomloal New Orleans nominal, low middlings 19Hfli Savanaah quiet, niiadlings at 80. Foreign Warlteia. LivERToon, Ausrast 8 evening Spirit! IM-psatine Ul. Common rosin 8.

Lonuon, August 8. evuttUqc Linseed Oil 37 pds. 5s.LVJ9 pds, 10 anminga. TO HIGHWAY CONTRACTORS. rpHE Pelactrnen of the town of Weth-I erileld offer for contract to the lowed bidder, tuc constiuction of a public highway from Wtthers-n, id center to West hill (about one mile In length), a id mil meet person deiriR to build the ssme, at ihe terminus of the barlford and Wethrenald Horse ra'ltoad on WEDNESDAY, Allgnst 14, at o'clock p.

with plans and specillcalioie of the amount aDd fhtiracier of the workto be performed resersiofc to THE CAMPAIGN 1 ggr- BT JOSEPH CITV PCkr Railroad Comfamt. ExectTivB OrftclB No. 31 Kassac srnixT, Niw York, Aoirnst JfrTS. The Coupon and Resristcred Interest, due An. 16th, 1672, on the First SlorUaije Kijjht per Cent.

8 pc' cent.) Gold Bonds of the St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad Company, BOTH E.lbTKItS AND WESTERN DIhlON, will be plid at the office of tha Fanners Luan and Trust Company of the City of Sew York, apon presentation and demand, on and after that date, free of tax. FRANCIS A. COFFIN, aug lidis Asst. Tnaj-urcr wttzrlaad.

Geneva, Aug. 8. The "'aim" at-bitratiou tribunal mel again at 12:30 to-day. and, after a session of two and a half hours. adjourned to Wednesday next.

Several of tne arbitrators and oo tinsel are Buffering from indisposition from cixcesa of toil and disa greeable weather. The object of the court in adjourning so long a peril! to give the member time for the cvpeclal study of a have oome before them, fit confidently hoped the labors of the tribunal will be brought to a satisfactory conclusion by tbe lain ol September. Helsla BRUftntLB, Aug. 8. Owing to the prevalence of the miderpest in Germany and Kusaia, the lieljian government has issued an order prohibiting the importation of cattle from those countries.

ranee. Pakis, Aug. 8. The assembly committee on fortifications has agreed tu strengthen the fortiiication at Graveluies, Dunkirk. Lille and Calais.

TarkcT. Coxbtantikopi-e, Aug. 8. Cosuscormd-jouk, a village on the Asiatic bank of the Hosphorus, inhabited by poor Jews and Greeks, ha been destroyed by fire. Upwards of a thousand families are homeless and destitute.

TUB A TI1KH. deport front (Jutted StatM Signal OAm, ProhabtLUte. Washington, Aug. 8. 8 p.

m. A Falling barometer, cloudy weather, raiu and southwesterly winds in the northwest upper Mississippi valley and on the upper la1. en; partly cloudy weal her in the Ohio valley, with southerly aud easterly winds extend in to the lower lakes southerly to westerly winds on the gulf, with elear weather on the south Atlantic; light southerly to easterly winds, light courft rains and cloudy weather from Florida to Virginia southeasterly winds and partly cloudy weather in the middle and eastern states. NftW lOttK. ilf etropeJiaTand Suburb.

New York, Aug. 8. A mad bull being chased through Brooklyn to-day. turned several times ou his pursuers, injuring a boy named James Donahue, and then a man named iVter Mcuermott. He was subse quently shot.

One of the stray bails fireU at the animal penetrated tbe baCK of I) Channel, superintendent of the Koosevelt street ferry. The wound is probably fatal f'happel waa shooting the animal at tne time. -A copy of the indictment for libeling Kil Patrick, against the editor of tbe Tirm tt, was sont to tbe district attorney to-day. George C. iSittterlee, a well known New Yorker, died at Mount Deseret, to-day, aged Ti.

G. D. Cardozo, brother of the ex-judge and chief of the ordnance bureau, Is dangerously ill. The auction sale of the Htadt theater prop erty was stopped by an injunction. John Thompson, who in cumpany with an other man uot in custody, committed a burglary on Mav last at Charles i'belns', jeweler, hixiu avenue, snot Air.

rneipa in tne Dreas and tired at another Convicted of burglary an but missed him. a the nrst degree to day. ana sentenced 7 Judge Bedford to twenty years' bard lal in tne state prison. "The Hull ItaU-es TJjlrd Jar. Bt'FKAi), Aug.

8. the races were attend- ed bv fully oou neopl e. The pure ol f'r live yjar olds and under, 6o the Hrat, M-Vi to the second and 1VJ to tbe third, was won by Lady Maud i Time 2: and Mary 11. third. three straight beats.

Goldiust second The purse of flM.uw to horses, $5,000 to to the hrst, to tie second, 1,500 to the third and to tqe fourth, was won by Kiiburu Jim tu three straight beats, lime -1, ttuio was second, uazeue third and Advance fouJrth. The purse of fJ.IKlO 2:50 horses, tl.WX) to tbe iirat, tVM) to the sjacoud aud ftHJ Ui the third, was won by Hem itattoa in three straight beats, ii mail: a2 Grace was stfc- nd and G. jester third. To-morrow will be the gala day of the meeting. Lucy, Goldrmitth Maid.

American Girl and Henry competing in one race. TUB EST. Henouat Kail read Accident Baltimore, Aug. An accident occurred on the en tern ary 1 and ra i 1 road, ear Finksburg, Carroll county, yesterday afternoon. It was caused by the springing of a rail.

Two cars were wrecked, aud some fourteen passengers more or less injured. James W. Biacham, of Avondal. Carroll couuty, had bis right shoulder dislocated and his left arm badly broken. His mother was serious-injured.

The wife of state Senator Longwell, of Carroll county was seriously injured. A 40,000 Loft In 4 lurluaatl. Cincinnati. Aug. 8.

A fire this afternoon in tbe square bounded by Uace, Kim and Water streets and the river bank, destroyed a number of sheds (used as stables, black-snjttb shops and small manufactories, and a few small dwellings. Tbe buildings mostly belonged to the Wiggins estate. The chief losers are 11. I. Straub, no insurance G.

W. C. Johnson. :i.noo insurance ti. B.

Hill, 0 insurance tl.000. The other losses will swell the aggregate to An Elevator In Trouble. Chicago, Aug. 8. A resolution was presented on 'change U-day, showing that the proprietor of tne burned Iowa elevator bad made an over-issue of receipts of 100,000 bushels of corn, and calling for au investigation.

An Old Steamboat Captain bordered by Koutilia. -St. Loria, Aug. 8. Last night a party of five or six roughs attempted to force Captain John Stevens to a political controversy at Carsonville, ten miles from here.

Stevens declined, and on some insulting remark being made to him, knocked one ol the party down. The ml liana then beat and kicked htm to death. Steve us was au old and well known steamboat man sixty years of age. He leaves a family. Two of the assailants have been arretted.

'laLKCHAPH I1E.T1S. At Long Branch" yesterday the Selling race. two miles, was won by Albuera in 3:44 Gayo second. Ocean Steamer Arrived at New York the Laurent. Two unsuccessful attempts were made to burn Steubenviile, Thursday morning.

jl 8s only about 10,000. Tbe directors of the Southern Baptist theo logical seminary hare decided to locate that institution in Louisville, Kdmond T. Winston, a well known mer chant of Richmond, died ut the White Sul phur Springs last evening. John 8. Delano teleeraDhs from Ohio that his father is in better physical condition than reported Wednesday.

Lieutenant Colonel Grey, formerly of the second I'nited States artillery, died Wednesday at San Francisco of apoplexy. Mrs. Henry M. Atkinson, the only daugh ter of Senator Tinton. died at Brownsville.

Thursday. FINANCE AND TRADE. Hoar and Stoeftta. Nkw Yoax. Anerast 8, 1871,.

The features of Walt-street to-day were depression in vaJae on etock exchange, iQcreased firm lift, and an advance in the gold premium, an anmHtled condition of foreign exchai ira, and eaae in muuey. Money opeueu eary at per re-aiatned to ail dar, closed at per cent. Gold was mure active and fluctuating, opvmd at dt-ciined advanced 115)i, and ciuwed at 115.3,fg,115-Frora 4 to 4 pt-r cent, was paid for carrying ciearintrs aCthe gold exchange bauk TIJKJV treasury dis- oursenienis sterling quotea at ocit wnn sales reported ae low as Government opened sUtrtitly lower, were quiet all day, eWwed rjieacy with btter. On th itock exchange there was a continued pressure to seil long stock; aud prlr.es ddcltned to It was a noticeable feature of tbe market that the dividend paying shares such as New York Central and Lake Shore were freely ottered for sale The great decline was iu JJew Vork Central, Lke Shore, Erie. Ohio, Northwest and Paul Cviinmon, Pacific Kill, Weetero uion.

Col ambus. Cleveland aud Indiana Central and Union Pacilic There was little or no rally in prices ia the late dealings, and the market was dml and heavy. State snjcks on the general list have been steady. Tennessee issnes are very strong, 11 bid for old, and 14 tor new. The market close! quiet.

The following are tne stock quotations New 5s, at unlttMj biat-je conpons of '81 1 8tf; Five-Twenties of '-H2 Pive-Twen- I ties of '64 coupons, lPi Five-Twenties of 'W coapons. llb new Five-Twenties coupons January and JuSy, Five Twenties of C7 coupons, il5Si FivoTwentiea of '63 coupons, Teu- fr'orues 1327 currency eixen, 113 Canton, Con. coal 43 Cumberland at Western Union tel. at 7yi Quicksilver, do. pref.

50 Pacific Mail, 74 Water Power, 51 Adams Wells. Fariio jtfx 87 American Sxuress. T.iX Uni ted States 83 New Vork Central Sne. at pref. 71; Harlem, ll'i do.

preferred, 130 Michigan Central, 117 Panama, Ifcij Union Parific stork. 35K Laaa Shore. 8-J; Illinois Central at 130 Ctevdand and Pittsburg at 91 Northwestern pref. Cleveland and Co Iambus. New Jersey Central, 107 Rock Island, 110 Milwaukee, St.

Paul, do wauattn tqm no. prererreo, rort ayne. Terrc Haute 90 do. preferred, 44tf Chicago and Alton. 117: do.

preferred. 119 Ohio and Mis-iessippi, 4-i Boston, Hartford and Erie, 1 India-ana Central. 84: Burlington, 184; and St. Josenh. 87V Central Pacific bonds, 102 Union H4; band Wrants.

81 Income tH, Tennessee 74 new, 14 Virginia 5s, 45; new 50i Mtt- souris isortn caroiinas ao new xu doulu Carolinas ne SW. Prosacs norksvADKUst 8. Naw Yobk Cotton tf hicherand firm sales 2,703 bales middltng uplands at HI v. Flour more active and PX15c higher; sales lt 2 V) barrels; state at round hoop Ohio western at $5.859.25 southern $7. 50 13 SO.

Wheat better Bales 5o.O-i mineis rnj. 1 spring at JFi.M4fi l.fii No. at (1 5K1.6nii fn store winter red amoer western at i.7:i&1.7S white Michigan at $1 8f 2.00. Corn more active and shade better sales 1.000 bushels steamer new mixed western at t2 sail at Oats heavy sales 38,000 bush-5ls Ohio at 4700; western at Beef dull. Prk shade firmer new mess Lard fiat BHQtoH.

Butter dull state at Oi26. Whisky etedy western free at SwjAWX- Kice firm Caro-Hra at Binrar firm; Muscovado at 8 VfW fair to good refining at Coffee firm Rio at Moiat-st dull. Jiaval Stores Spirits turpentine steady at la51t. Koein steady at 75 for warned. Petroleum dull; cruue at fo Yi refined at S22S- Tallow quiet at 'J J.

Linwed oil 89. Freights firm. Chicao. Flour ncchanged dull and firm. Wheat active and higher No spring at $1.471.49.

closadat $.46 cash or for August; tl.211. for September; closed at fl 81 seller all the year 1.14; No. 8epringold at 1.25,1,30. Cora active, higher and um-ettb-d sales of No. 2 mix-d closed at cash or for August September; rejected 39 high mixed No.

2 at 44. oais Cire, nigber and unsettled No. 2 at 32 ouspot or August c'osfd at SLtJtfCft-tttf- Rye quiet aad unchanged No. at 58Jtf. llariev nominal, sample lots new at 55 on track.

Whisky "firm at Wi3tf. Provisions mes pork steady at for cash or for August. Lardouiet and unchanged; 8 for winter 8(fji for summer, balk at' at' in gond dtmand shoulders held at 6: short rib mHrfles wanted at Bacon dnlland firm. No Tolsi4- fr.otir firm. Wheat active and higher; laige Bales amber Mietiitran, old tl.b&fr.l.70; new for August 44 September No.

laid red winter 1.7; new f.ir 44V No. 2 red winur 451 46; old, 1.65; new A jpust fl.44 September 1 4 No. 3 fi 34: rented rsd. l.Otxi.1.10. CornuiiietAi.rf i' ucchftDged.

CuciATi. dull shaas lower; sales at $13.00 INBPKCTION An editor thiiikp. from the manner which ahlru are made tu thle city, there otiht to tie an tnttpectt on of eew-ing. He aya he went to the expense of a new shirt the other day, and found hlmfieif when he awoke In the morning crawling out from between two of the That man evidently novi-r went to N. J.

BROCKETT CO'S FOR THK EVIODEL SHIRT! Bring on your orders. We make quick work of them nmv days. OLD BOOKS Magazines, and Magic, ltonnd and Ro- Bonnd. HINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IS LA NKJS OOKS MADE TO ORDER.

IZ LI a NSATLT DONS. Good Work at Iteajjonable Prices. Case, Lockwood Urainartl, 4'or. Pearl and Trnmboll nta. SICGQ.

Do VGU sea This 7 20.000 to Loan at all times, on first i a. bojuuu morLKautt, ai iatr raitia. Mortwure Notes bought and sold. Cltv nrniwtw told at )t pe" and Farms 1)4 per cent, com laiwiiHL i iutu uufltDesa. nnx at nut tub-a.

mi word for IL bnt call and satisf vournelf a Kuiuuui. "i v.ivjr auiu vuumrjr rTopeny ror sale al price wtuch invite investxacnt, as parties maslhav. UiC UUUa. IV. S.


FLUTINliS, KAMHt'HC KDO I.VG3 and INSERTING, STANDARD I'LAITINOS, TUCKED CAMBRICS, etc, in great variety. Satin Striped Black Grenadines MARKED DOWN. Llama Lace 1'oints HARKED DOWN. To which we incite attention. HASTINGS BALDWIN 373 Main Street.

anrft Great Closing Out Sale OF SIMMER UOODS AT JOSEPH LANG DON 89 MAIN STREET. ne 6 CLOSING SALE OP LADIES' SUITS Sawyer 418 AND 420 MAIN BT. We have in stock over three hundred Ladies" Kuita. in every vailety of price and material, which we offer at Costof Jlnnufaicture. RESrECTFUIXY, Sawyer fe 418 AW0 420 MAIN BT.

angl JUST RECEIVED! A larc assortment of Hamburg Embroideries la Use work and NEW PATTERNS! AT LOW PKICEH. Brown, Thomson McWhirter, NOS. 269 S71 AND J73 MAIN STREET for BALK The e.w nd elegant i fc I iz. Martha's Vinejard, 5ntncket, Newport 80t Kocky 1'oint, by txpreTram, COSIMt'SCIWfJ. JCLT 6th, 187J.

Excnrslon Tick-ts to Martha's Tiner" and retnrn Kood till October 1st, at redaocO rates. Fare from Ilartford, Manchester, Kockyille ud BootB stsnrhesifr, t.7.'. 1-lainville, 7 A WUiimantlc, 5T5 Bristol, .60 Now Britain, 1 00 aterbnrT.8 JO Incladiris: Horse Car transfer both wm In New Bedford and through checas for Baina. (Boats leares the Vineyard daily for Larre Hartford at 30end 4S a. (eTpress), Waterbnry at Vnd New Biltain at a.

reaching vineyard abont p. m. HeturnlirK-leaire Vl.ieyartl at raaching Hartford al and Waterbnry at p. m. iranis irora nirriur.

t. a. fa, connects In Providence with boat reaching Bartford to Hewpoit 51 New Dntam Bristol 4 00 Waterbnry SO Baggage checked thronh. jT 4 tmrtle J. T.

MrMANUS. Ass't Pnnl. EXCURSION TO LOh'G ISLAND via Conn. Valley Railroad and SuHsliine. EXCURSION Tickets to Oreenport, bhelter lMand.

Sajr HarUir end return, will he sold at all smioue on tlie Conn. Valley Railroad on and after tS7a, for t'i until furtler notice. Train leaTce Hartford at7: a. m. arriving at 6ay-brookdock at a.

then connectlnK with the Steamer Sanshine, and arrivlcr at 8aj? riarbor about p. leare ba? Harbor at 7:14 Savbrook doclt 1:14 p. m. arriving in ilartford at p. m.

Cars leave passeneers within fifty feet of Steamer. A new. eiacions and commodious hotel has just been opened on Shelter Island, nar the steainboar landing HiltAM FOWLKK, auga lmdia flnp't ('odd- Valley Hailread. Connecticut Western Railroad. ATOTICJB TO jEXCCRSIOlNISTB The i- Connecticut Western Kailrobd will uke Sxcor alon Parties or Sunday School Picnics at low rates to points on the road.

Tariffvllie has ft fine grove atd spring near the depot for picnics, and those who wieb for a longer ride will find the Twin Lakes and Lake ville ansnrpassed for beautiful scenery, and with a eood road, free from dust, we hope to receive a snare of this business. GEO. W. PHELPS, Bnp't. Hartford.

July ISTt. 6wd gropasat.iw Notice to Master Builders and Con! ractors. OFFing OPTH8 COMMISSIONERS rOlTUB CKKCTION Of A NKW CAPITAL. KOB THE STATE CONNEtTIClTT, HAurroKu, July 15th, 1874. BALED PROPOSALS Will be received by the nndereined at thie office, until the 1st day of September, 1873, for tbe erection of a State House at Hartford, Connecticut, in conformity to the plans and specifications made by R.

M. Upjohn, Architect. The plans and specifications can be consulted at tbe Senate Chamber, in the State Ilou'e at Hartford, or at R. M. Upjohn office.

Trinity building. New York City, on and after July lid, 1873. A proper person will be In attendance at each place lo exhibit them. Separate bids will be received for the mason's work; carpenter's wont, stone cutter's work, and iron work, these four departments, taken together, to include all minor ones, and to constitute, when executed, a complete and finished building. Each bid must be accompanied by a satisfactory bond for not lees than fifteen thonsand dollars, with sureties satisfactory to the commissioners, conditioned that the bidder will ac sign the contract which may be awarded him and give secarity sat afactory to the commissioners for iu fa thful performance.

The commissioners very much prefer to contract for the entire building with one party, or with parties contracting and dealing jointly, as one, with the com miseioners. They will therefore receive sinple bids for the construction of the entire building. All such bids must be accompanied with the written guaranty of two persons satisfactoiy to the conunist' loners, that the bidder will sijrn the contract if awarded to him, and that he will give a bond, satisfactory to the com-miisioners, in thetam of two hundred thousand dollars, conditioned that he will faithfully perform the contract such bond to be executed at even date with the contract. Payments will be made as the work progresses, under the direction of the commissioners, for all work executed, but a reservation of ten per cent, will be made in each case until the completion of the building. The commissioners reserve to themselves the right to reject any and all bids as they may judge their; terests of the State shall require.

Every bid should be addressed "To the President of the Board of Commissioners for the erection of a State House at Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut." MARSHALL JEWELL, 1 WILLIAM 0. 8H1PMAN, WILLIAM H. BARN CM, "-Commissioners. WILLIAM B. FRANKLIN, HENRY P.

HAVEN, jTl6 lmdfs4wi89 1ROP08AL8 FOR HEADSTONKt kOH, NATIONAL MILITARY CEMETERIES. War Department. 1 qcartsjrm astir c-xskrals opflcs. aahjngtou, D. Aug.

1. 187. Pronoeals are i vited for marking the trraves in the national cemeterieias required by law. to be addressed to the Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C.

Fropoal.4tbould state tne price for each headstone, properly inscribed and pet at the head of the grave in each national military cemeiery. Bids may be ror the whole work or ail the cemeteries, or for that of several cemeteries in a district or for a single cemetery. The bonds required will be. In amount, twenty (20' per cent, of the whole amount of eacn contract. All uronofcalB received by tbe Quartermaster Gen eral will be opened on the 14th day of October, 1ST a.

at noon, at the office of tbe Quartermaster General, af iiiL it i jd, u. kj. in presence or Didders, ana contracts will be awarded to the lowest reenonpible bid ders as oon as a comparison of tbe samples and prices can be completed, provided the samples are deemed suitable by the Secretary of War. A 11 samples should be distinctly marked In order to prevent mistakes. Lists of the cemeteries, with the number of graves in each, together with full information as to conditions, requirements, Ac will be furnished on application in writim? to the Ouartermaa.er General.

ington, D. C. tavfiopes containing proposals, to be indorsed Proposals for headstones for national military ceme teries," and addressed to the Quartermaster General, Washington. D. C.

M. MHIOS. Quartermaster General, Bvt. Major General V. 8.

A aug trfKiis Snsuranrr. FIRE INSURANCE. PHlENIXofHford. 1,700,000 North Britbh Merean- UlejIxndono.ndDM;nbnrgh,10?000j0()0 GEO. B.

FISHER, Agent OFFIC WITH PHCEJTIX I8CRAKCH Hills Ulock. 333 Street. leil ljdis B. Pi. ALIXYS General Insurance Agency, Ofllca cor.

Pearl and TrnmbnU Sta, CO sIF ANTES K2P RESENTED Hartford Fire Ins. Co. 3,000,000 Royal Fire Ins. Co. (Liverpool A LrjnJl 3,000,000 Pennsylvania Fire Ins.

Co. (Fhila.) 1,300,000 Qneen Fire Ins. Co. (tiTerpool) 1 0,000,000 Also, Life, Steam Boiler and Harine Insurance promptly written in the best companies. ap iu lyaipsiyweowuo W.

E. BAKER'S Fire Insurance Agency No. 1 Hartford Trust Block. Policies written at current rates on all Insnrnhle Property. In the foltowimr first-class comtaniee.

with assets January 1, 1873 Home of Jiew York, Howard, Sew York, (ioo.000 Citizens, New York, 71 1.41 Manaura, Jew tort, 4.3.1hu SprinfrlleU Fire J7 People's, Worcester, Exchange, Boston, Atlantic, Providence, Providence. Washington Tolland Ce. Mutual Lancashire, Manthester, t.ngiana, anl lydis C. C. KIMBALL'S Fire and Marine Insurance Agency, riO.

S40 MAIN BTREJiT. Assets of Companies Itejtresented Jan 1 tfdis AGENTS WASTED TO SELL Scissors and Yardstick OR. ALL ABOUT DRY GOODS. ACOMPLETK ltfanaal of the Dry Goejds trade. Over 41' 0 descriptions ot fabrics, Ac.

Only boo of the kind ever published. lear type. Bordered pajres, imeu papt-r. ana darable biuaintf. oUs rapidly.

Money made easy. Atldreaa BROWN AQUA, iy 19 lmdla Hartford, Conn. WRINGERS. LOOK AT OUR Six Dollar Wringers, Wholesale and Retail. Geo.

M.Way 844 MAfN STREET. Prices Reduced ON ALL The Best Clothes Wringers. A few old ones very cheap. BEST PLACE TO BUY ANT GOODS IN TUB UAltDWABB LINE. FRANCIS 343 Main Street.

Burtis' Hot Air Furnace Ba or Snrfi.ce BarnluK, Portable or Brick Set. It Excels all Others 1st In Its immense direct radiating surface. Sd Its perfect operating (rrate. 3d of access to clear the fines. 4th Its powerful heating qnaliuea, 6th It will not leak gaa.

SOLD BT CHARLES KING. 487 and 4D9 MAIN ST, my27 LO 81L.K 11AT8 made oyer iuto the nt-w etvle. Cat.iinere and rtJt Ual clt-aued, dyed aud trimmed, i'anamw iiata flnni ri and trimmed, at JOKNWIN auifljjind 147 AT)nm atrcel, Hartford. WOOLEN MACHINERY. TWO complete sets, WOOL- KN MAualNEKY for Fancy Caeri meree all uearty new aua to ijooa conai'ion, including Carda 4ai4, Valea Jeuk a Twiter, Cronip-ton broad Fancy Looma, Woolwon Sheaia, etc.

Muft oe aula lmmeuiatelv and removed on or befure hi'pt, tat. For furtlier information addreen JOHN UAi Norwich, Conn. auira tfdjtwli THE QUEEN'S TOILET! For I ro proving and Beaatilyloe the Com plexlon.aud Kemuviux I in, unburn, Frcfkle. mud all arup-llonioB the Mitu. THIS preparatiou la the only one of Ha class which priard from a physician' prescription, and of which a bonaede ana nis accompv oius eacn oo.ue as a guarantee ol its purity ana gen-ainnuuMB.

Printed on the wraoicr of ever bottle Is the fol lowing certificate from Prof. 8. Jana iiayea, fetate AiMyr ana Chemist for Massac hnsetts Diw. 8 b. Fitch A Son "ThOneen's Auui'L, roceivea irom yoa, tx or'U anaiy.ca.

witn the foliowiiiff rettulis This it a tmrelv veirvtaMe nr- partion, free from poisonous metals, or injurious sub-s tances of any kiud: and it is composed of iiiredicnu iwi i iuu uruiUK irM)rijLie9. itespectruiiy, a. Uaha Hati, 40 KtHte street, lion ton. Price tl per bottle. 8oldat41but st bv OKO.

iiiic winiout ueaiiii is a Burden. 4 ft A rAvntnilnn Tina Vtutt I achieved in this country in uedicai science. Chfinistry and the mkroscrpe have proved tht'tn-selvee most powerful agents towards this result. The sick and feeble have luaa'ued to turn their hacks npon prwerful opiates, caJomef, and depleting drauiihl atiminietered hy auat rupuions aud unJirn-d qtiitcks, and JudicifMit-ly piac tneir irufL in pure aud huio-oine medicine, prescribed bv regular physiciaua, Sfriluates of meical umvers-itiea. bun sands are sunerint; from liearc, wbtoi, if the cause waa unaer-stood tney couid be readily relieved.

Dr. Von Markhausen, The well-known Gfman practisinsr and consulting pnjsKian auUBurtiou, wiii arrive ai ine United States Hotel, Hartford, Where he may be consulted during ONE WEEK oi ly comuiencibf; Auguatix TWENTY YJtCVItH Of a remarkably socre-sfnl career in this country and in (jermaxiy enutie Prof. YON MARKHAUSEN To the highest confidence of the public A CERTAIN CURE Is guaranteed is al! diseases of the Chest and Throat, ana in CONSUMPTION up to a ceruin suie, Jusv eaes of the Heart, not organic, the I Avar and the Kidneys and the Lnnary organs, oa MtK'i, Iierantjemeots, Bit ions lieaaache, Dynptpriia and Worm Oiseaeea. SKIN DSSltri. I.hronic Ulcers atad Diseases of the Kyc and Ear are rapidly and radi- juiy corea.

Dr. TAX MARKHAUSEN Has also eftVcted remsrkable enrr in of Ki-tulaand PAH iLYSlft. NKUVOL and uaNKKa DEBILITY. Ladies from diseises pecaliar to their sex, Inuicated hv Lncorrbu as or Whiles, fain ia the Back and bides. iadarhe and Latssiiudt Painful Menstrual ion and Sterility, may apply to the doctor with the fiiJiest confluence that they win oe completely relieved.

Kail explanation of the moCeuf treatment riveu without any charge, sine be is confident that will at once recommend itself to the judgment and oand common sense of every one. Treatment private ana connacntiai special cav. Testimonials and references toteseenif deirfd. Patients mav. if thev desire, bring with them their faxiliv nhvsirian.

since there are ft who obiect to avail themselves of lrofeor Von Markiiau sen's iiu-mrm-e and lon extended eiperience. The doctor will visit such patients as are unable to come to htm without extra cnarge. Charges moderate. At the united States Hotel, Hartford, parlor No. 7.

Ofiice hours from 10 a. m. lo 8 p. ann toll Id the evening. Patients are invited to avail themselves of this opportunity at once.

auirl txi CROCKER'S AT WHOLESALE FROM FIRST BANDS. ABSORTBD Crates packed expressly fur the retail rounn trade, now in ptore at im porters' loweet ratea. Warerepar Bed on the Boston impenera' list. II, W.KOODWIN, jyza roptcr a xjo a.tiuio nwir THE ADAMS Nickel Plating and Manufacturing SOI TH WISDH191, CONN. NICKEL PLATINO AND NICKEL I'LATINO GOODS a aaeeialty.

This company baa aneqnaHed facilities for doinK work in the beet manner and at reasonable price. jan 29 Ifdis A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Rubber, Jet and Shell JEWELRY, JCST RECEIVED. D. II. Bucll Co.

aoirr dl DRESS SUITS Gentlemen in want of Dreas Soita will tod it for their interest to order from our atock of FINE BROADCLOTHS and DOESKINS. We will nuke it an object for those in want of the abore goods to order daring the doll season. Kelsey Hitchco*ck. ug7 A GREAT OFFER I HORACE WATERS, 481 Broadway. N.

will d'poee of ONK HUNDRED PIANOS. MKLODBONS. and ORliANS of six nrst-elaas makers, including Waters', al extreme low prices for caeK, during this mouth, or will take from (4 to monthly until paid; the same to let, and rent applied if purchased. A new kind of PARLOR ORGAN, the most beautiful style and perfect tone ever made, now on exhibition at 481 Broadway. New York.

Ian 3 Hmdeod GTO BENT A tenement of eaffl-dentsise, fora boarding house, c-nt'ai'y loca-tcU borne furniture can be had it desired. Inquire of H. B. WALDO. jetztfdK BtJoio'i Hotel, Hartford.

142 Asylum Manufacturers and Wholesale and Retail Pealergla HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, Etc. Etc. HARNESS In Great Variety. Fine Carriage and Read Harness, Of Urery Uescrf ptlom, For Coach, Coupe, Buggy, Lir ery Stables, Plowing, Farming, Teaming, Carting, Expressing, AND ALL OTHER PURPOSES On Hand and Blade to Order, Of the Beet Materials. Harness Leather, Skirting, Bridle Leather Of D.

raoFt--ATT A AND OTHER CSLSBRATSD CURIOBRS. Materials for Harness Mak ers Use, Patent Leathern, Moroccos, Sheep Skins, Pad Hkins, SUMMER AND WINTER BLANKETS Carriage Eobea do. Boots and Shoes. I have in store a lot of thope indippenaibie articles lor ioc ata-eiae, viz BATHING SHOES. Imported and domestic.

I alo mpply those eolu into ifaecouuuy, or who are alrumiy there, wiiU HAMMOCKS. My Mock of BOOTS and SHOES. QAITKRH and BLif PKK for Ijfcdiu', iote', A i and blidreu1 wear i complete If you want a good ai the tn-y in wen prtc, call at my elorc, 115 Aayluni street and et it. JO I IX WATSOX. TROTTING STALLION FOR HALE AT AUCTMOX.

TfiS TROTTING 8TALLION COLT VOLTAIRE," iTV- BRED by A. J. AlexnIr of 5f5 Kcnturky; fon'e! in l.S. birtrd by "Tat -r. in-by "1'iiot.

oui of the thorouh-brtd mare "TViJ-THip," by "Mtidfjc" ldt dam Younif orua, dj Mnrnnrino cnii-r sw darn 1'ortia, by Kmrbuck lid dambr "W'hiu." will be aoid th bidder, in front of tbu Mate Ho ueT Hartford, on Tim Uth Day of August, 1872, At 10 o'clock la the forenoon, WM.TOOIIV, Auctioneer. flartfoni, Aoe5. lTS By 'i'oour. AucUoDeer. AIXTION SALE OF Farm, Stock, Tools, etc.

IX FARMINftTON. Jutoyer the line rf ft Hartford, and omy half a niii 4- of tht Went JIarfford Reservoir On the main road to Farming ton. Sale on the prcm Thursday, August I5lh, 1872, Commencing at 10 o'clock a. shabp. A THIS property en8iHta of a jroorl 3 Jfciia, story bourni with IV rwtm! in aU, vAi euppiled iiih water.

There i alo 55 a of jkmI land Iii-noiDif, and pasture, beautifully ettuau-d for a country n-ulence. Aio-5 t-'ow-, a Horse. 3 wapona, 1 Mare seven years old, 1 Cultiva'or, flow. arrows. Chains, i lVrlin, Shwtw, tit-us.

Chickens. lc. Saie rain or nhine on thr pn-mffn-i. '1 ne pjace is well known ax the John ThoRipson farm. a'uoTe wilt ije sold to the hijieet bidder on Till KMlAl, AUuat 15.

17A at JOoVlock. By WM. T00HY, Auctioneer and manager ot liealLstate bales. no fok MARTHA'S VINEYARD, Boll on, Thou Dark Blue Ocean, Eoll EMRSIOX EXtlRSIOA slaSZS Auction Auction Auction Important Auction Sale AT MARTHA'S VINEYARD, Close to the Csmping Ground and Tabernacle. Two Hundred and Twenty Choice BUILDING LOTS, TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION, Tuesday, August 20th, 1872, Commencing at 10 o'clock a.

m. This property is bautifuUy situated and is very appropriate named Sun-Set Heights, Commanding a majrulflcent view of all the shipping constantly going and comiDK into this rcry safe and boantiful harbor. SUN-SET HEIGHTS Is the highest land in the vicinity of the Camping Ground and poftaeftnet every attraction that is possible for a Summer Resort. Those Lots arc truly located in the very beet section of tins truly popular Summer Resort. This Great Sale daring the CAMP MEETING WEEK, Will afford a grand opportunity to parties to purchase Lota at their own price.

It is acknowledged by all that Martha's Vineyard is the best watering place on our coast. The facilities for getting there are better than ever. Three Steamers leare New Bedford daily, also daily lines from New York, ail stopping within a few feet of this property, making it the most desirable of any to be found in the vicinity. Maps and Plans Xow Heady, And sent free to any address by applying to Win. Tootiy, Anct'r, HABTFORD.


Auit. 8. Ad immenw republican rally waa held at the Opera fJouae to-uiKht. JudeA. 8.

Johnson presided aud made a ttlirrint: speech. The Hon. lieury Dawes, of Maottachuaetta, made a speech of au Uotir and a half's duration, reviewing the linaccml policy and results of the administration, lie aaid it waa iiupoaeible for auy adaiinlstratiou by whomsoever composed or supported, to man net the nances of the Kovernuieiit more honestly, more shrewdly or more aoumJly and tiafely thau Grant lia'a done. He then reviewed Senator Hurauer's letters and course, aud Httid he would not judee hl motives. He must answer to his corincteiice and his God for these, but his course was that which, if successful, muHt inevitably be dU iruental tu toe uetcru.

J. tie lion, noscoe viUKii ig, in response to loud callt. spoke an hour, deal if iK. anionic other thincs. with Carl iScburz'i charges in relation to Grant and St.

Doniino and I'ieasonton'a letler, saying bchuiz had stated what the facts disproved. The meeting adjourned after lir hit; one hundred guns innonoruf iSorta Carolina. The Klorldn ICepubilf aua. Aug. h.

At the republican convention to-day 11. Hart of Jackson ville, associate jurttice, was unanimously nominated for governor and Major Htearu of Vuinoy for lieutenant governor. The con- LTt-KHional nouiinees were J. T. all and J.

Purman, formerly internal revenue asess- or. A electors, Judn A. A. Knight of Jack sonville, J. IK laiitthillof St.

AiiKUHtme, V. (i. Stewart of TallahaMee, and Montgomery of Aladisou. All were uuaijim)ulv iiotm- nated. A teliyram was received from Hart announcing his acceptance.

A Convention or Vetermna. New Yohk, August H. A call has been ia-tued by the publican executive committee fora state Cinvjntion of New Vork veterans at I'tica, Aaeust itu. The call is eiKed by Generals G. H.

Sfaarpe, P. H. Jones, tttewart Woodford. Juurdan, Uennis F. liurke.

Max Weber, t-barles etc. ITlr. Ureeley at tbe Home of lil It lid huud. N. Ang.

H. Horace Greeley arrived here shortly lie fore noon aud was received at tbe depot by the mayor and the city government committee and a deb nation of citizens. He was escorted to the state house where a short receptiou was held. Mr. appau niaUe a welcouiing (ieech auh Mr.

Grt-eley matle a brief ropjy. lie said My Friend Tap pan arid my Krit-ndsand Fellow Ht-Izrm-of Nirw Iliimp-lijri' Si tiau haif a Century hits paffit-d frlnce ft-fi. (hi, my native in qtict of future aud lari-r upptftnttftrs. Thfjae yarw. as yon kiiw, hnv; full of incirtrnt.

time ruuhet. event) hurry wh other and one tio lives half a century in ti trw live loni th in a whtue century of tlie or Mt'trtu-Wah. filuw citizens, the half CMitd winch hia i tiurt 1 to his a rj'fSeul ot New tin- hac the origin and growib of railroad-, and Uiit-rapha, and the c.ii!- a.rv.m the i ca. It ha cseii tntr rice ind fall (tr rinpin-nana dynuitie, an i It tint -en. be, of all to in-, ihet.vr'hrrtw of American avry.

A greit iliifia? baf wiJd liiHttoday a frrtat tblnsr in di-iriiwu; thatOfy 1 cum moo and trivial to tne though tit, Ih Sii prtai and nohie ucct-es ar made up of to-days. 1 to nut know how weil men have done, how many have done better la thiit aj, I ut would tfcat 1 ru i'ht fe-l that 1 have addi-fi to tne htury of the lt naif eentsry, tiie hlftorjf of my couirry better worth living in tday, witii better op ortinHit-t fur lt nurubictt b-fttQHe of ihe cvrtit* of th. (aft haif cun'ury. In (hte eveiiO" 1 have bfiri.e a bumole par! often m-e'akt-n of Hh4ri-t-ftight-odnii', (l'ji' si the ttnnfr nk'h teeni4 riiitit, B(t aitvars ut in thf wifewt aud iark't-Ht view r.fc'bt, hut iHUl I think my life ha led ma tx-trcife a iartfer charity townnln tbe ifrtat uia of the human rac-a. I b-iieve the rat majarUy of thy human race are aimui to riht 1 have aiways wit-bed in my bny liio lurt ms back to the state of my birth- ajwayt tKip-d to have i jme to rcmrn, not exertir ever to dweii with Its rt-itple, hut lo cfimtnune with th-ui and I truft ttat the few dy whit are to b-j cpent am'tui; you and my frinf wiii be the ricn't aud bappieet ijayn of my Iif.

1 hope that, herHf ur a wed a now, in a We which drawn toward it close, and wh.rt oueM be dvot-i to ret. I shall have oppitrtu titt*es nil mLy year to come to Nw Ur4p4bire, to mingle wi aid rw jtde with tbem lint the o.d elate b-arn bo proud a poeuij jn her piMrr fta'i ihm br hlr million sons and dauHirA now reilcntt of otfuer sta.es wid always hwlt ii wjth pride aud aHec'ion to their ana vay, "a it houL'ti granite rw are bird and her soil reluctant to ifive fonh rui f.r. mill, for ail that, her p-pie are amnifaf tht; hppieel and in-U'Lfijrent tif ai-y we hivts fetu." ty thei frientJt. I -hali have opportunity btireafter to tne is more fiunlSiaiiy with you. and th tft-rencx-s v.

hi have apiwreal in the pat wii! fude away in the liihi of new ircumntancc, and we harl 'nie to know otbT more thorough In that faith and hope, I now take my leave of ott I Mr. Greeley was then escorted to the Plvr-nix Hotel where be dined and afterward held a reception. He proceeded to firadf rd this afternoon whre he will remain over night as the gtust of Mason W. Tappan. A good deal of enthusiasm was manifentd on his arrival here by the large crowd hat, had assembled and a national salute was 11 red.

HftAfiFuHD, N. II. Aug. 8. Horace Greeley lei Concord for this place about 4 o'clock this afternoon.

At t'-uncord, d'outoo- cookviiiq and Warner crowds of pe)ple had assembli to greet Mr. (re iey. At the two latter place salutes were fired and Mr. Greeley left the car to shake the people by the haud. Arriving at Bradford he was met at the depot by a braa band and an immense conrour-eof people who escorted him to the 1'rwBby House where roon.a Imd been engaged.

A recepti4jH took pbice on tbe piazza of the hotel aud Mr. Greeiey made a brief speech. It is understood he will remain here till Mon day when he will goto the White Mountains. CELEUIIATING THE VICTORY. Republican Rojoicings Over North Carolina.

A Jollltiiatlon In Kalelzta. KaLEKiH. Aue. The renuhlicans ar celebrating thir victory to-piiiit with a proceeeiyn. aid well made an address.

I he tireelev elub will have a celpbra- tiou Saturday night. Cither ollicial returns. waica came lu to-day, make it certain that Caldwell's majority will Le about 1.kil rh democrats will contest the election before the legislature. In New Haven. New Haven.

Auc. 8. Una huudrea were fired in this citv to-dav bv the reoubli- caus, in honor ot the North Carolina election. Washington. Auir.

8. A Kaliitn of two hundred guns waa Urvi by the republicans this evening, in honor of the North Curoiiiin election. In Norwich. Norwich, Aue. 8 Une hundred enns will be fired in this city to-morrow, over the result of the North Carolina election.

Maine, Boston. Aue. 8. There waa a renubllnan demonstration in Augusta, this evening at which Secretary lioutwell. Speaker Ulaine and the Hon.

Lewis Parker made addresses. A national salute was fired over the North Carolina election. New Vork. NEW York. Auh.

X. Disnatches from Buf falo and Syracuse mention the tiring of euus by the republicans in honor of North Carolina. THK PHKMIllvVT'S JOl UFVKV. Arrival at Pr-ATTRBrROH. N.

Aue. 8. President Grant and family arrived at Foquet's Hotel last evening and left this morning by steamer through Lake Champlaiii for Lake George. Hundreds of citizens paid their respectB to him at the reception last evening. rord'al Kecentlou at nnrllngton.

Burlikoto.v, Aue. 8. Tbe President and suite arrived here this moruiug and remained nearly two hours. A national salute was fired, bells rung and a procession formed to escort him from the boat. The streets were thronged with people who cheerei tbe President as he passed.

Aftwr riling around the city tbe President and General Sheridan received visitors for naif an hour at the A nieri-can tiotel and then took the boat for Whitehall. Tbe Party Expected at Maratoga. Saratoga, Auk. S. Prscideut Grant and party will arrive on the midday train to-morrow from Lake George.

Lake George. N. Aue. President Grant and party will arrive to-night. THE SOI TH.

South Carolina Plnaaeea. Charleston. Aue. 8. Comptroller Gen eral Nale publishes a letter to Governor Scott, starting with the fact that the legislature at the laat session ordered to be levied and collected a tax sulScieut to pay the interest on the entire public debt.

No action having been taken in this matter, the comptroller demands that the government require the state auditor to assess aud collect the taxes forthwith. The state authorities, it is said, collect this tax, amounting to over by the 13th of September. In aletter to Henry Clews Al New York, dated August Oth, Governor Scott says the interest on the state debt was not paid because excessive legislative expanses absorbed all the money in the treasury, and unless a special tax is levied and collected immediately, as urged, no interest can be paid before Jauuary next, when the regular tax biil being levied will be presented. The governor concurs in the justice of the complaints made against the tee for registration of state bonds chartered by the Commercial Warehouse company, but says the objeotof the registration is to satisfy the bondholders that there are no fraudulent bonds, and that the debt is truly less than Governor Scott declares that all the money received from the hvpothicatioa and sale ot bonds, excepting 700,000, has been used in meeting the liabilities oeourring before 1H09, and he claims that this is the most economically-managed government in the nation. In conclusion, be says in future a tax shall be levied to pay the interest on the debt, aud the money so colleoted will be applied to that purpose alone.

KKW KM.l.AM. Boston and Vlelnlty. Boston, Aug. 8. The insurance on the Continental sugar refinery, burned last uit ht, amounts to $100,000, distributed among offices in many parts of the country and several in London aud Liverpool.

It Is believed the lose will not exceed 2j0.OO0. The French baud gave a farewell concert to-night in the Boatou tLeater. All the concerts given by the band have attracted large and delighted audiences. The envoi owton gave a complimentary reoepiici to the members of the educational association at Fanueii Sail this evening. iac iuwu rim reject any or ait Diaa wmcn may be made.

SA.MUbL WOOIiHOL'Sg, I hiKPiifi.N BII.KLBV, Selectmen. UEZEbllAJI HUTLEK, Wethersfield. Auk. 187. 3d Times copy.

DISSOLUTION. HE copartnership heretofore existing i- between SPENCER ARNOLD, dcutlsts, Main street, Hartford, is Ibis day dissolved by mntnal consent. NOTICE. POCT. SPENCER will continue the DENTIST business at Main street.

SrBNCER A ARNOLD. Hartford, Aug. 1, 187. uk8 3d Dr. S.

W. FISKE, Clairvoyant Astrologer Botanic Physician, OF PROVIDSNCS, R. L) AyiSUES to inform liia friends and the public that thie is his last visit in Hartford his vast increase of bnsincse at borne. He will positively be at the City Hotel, No. 215 Main street, llarfford.

Sunday, Motiday and Augcst tlie lSLh, 1'JLhand 23th, and Wednesday, ue 2lst, anil li m. No postponement on account of i he weather. The doctor will treat the eick on Sun d7. The Dr. makes thorough clairvoyant examinations of t-e sict.

He has an unseen power to describe every pin of persona, and every secret disease at without being told of their complaints, and with hie wonderful gift of etrong magnetic healing ji-iwer to remove all kind of diseases that flesh is heir o. He is enabled with his pore vegetable medicines, ftniMiiMl with his power of magnetism, to remove -h the seat of all diseases. He makes sreedy rapid cores in nearly every case he undertakes. The success of the Doctor astonishes the most physicians he ceres when all other treatments fail, and the patient is restored to perfect health. The Doctor ia born with Liuinil healing curative power.

He confidently un-ttTUkec the cure of all curable diseases. His ex'ra-Grtluiary success and woMtcrful healing powers must be seen to be believed. His meguetic passes give jnnver andstremiih to the diseased organs and with tie immense crowd that flock to his rooms, scarcely not- noes away who does not receive benefit. desiring medical treatment can be thorough" examined c.aiivoyautly by sending by letter a sex, aiid ioc of hair, and two three cent stamps a rid medicines will be furnished if desired, and ex prfpfej lo all parts of the country at reasonable rat, and In ail satisfaction guaranteed. All letters should be addressed to DR.

8. W. FISKE, No. 180 North Main street. Providence, R.

I. KEMARKABLB YET TRCE. The Doctor is controlled by a higher power to read from the planets your paet, present and future destiny He a-tonlshvs the moat scientific and elite. He gives of the fatnre husband or wife. The ltct-ir is very successful in looking ap herhin and property.

He wiii teli you in what hUfinet- you will te nioetsnccecful ana sa and depcrihes the uaractrr of tartuera.and irives other int. resting and information. The Doctor is widely known Ik: one of them St reliable C.JlIrvoyauU now be fore tne public for forgetting of all kinds, and the per manent curb all lie ft as oetn vesica oy tnouaiidt, and iri'vee' perfttct as ii Fermi of aavice from to 2 correct age. sex, si.d complexion, aud two three cent stamps. If by i $4.

Soud for a ctrcuHr. aair9 IldAlwia IIH'EUIAL 0KAKl.il THE GREAT MEDICINAL FOOD. rpHH jastly celebrAte3 DKITKTIO 1 rKKPAttTi JN is. in composition, princtpaMy :i.ttLl'i'lN derived from the Wcite Wiuterrlmt tsi at Cert-ai, a solid extract, the invention of an eminent themist. ii ui not ousy been highly recommended, but to iy a 1-irge number of CUSMlbTii and NS repruuuij a very hih decree of rceuicil st.iciice as thu S.IPENT, liOT ArrEPTABlH AND HE1.IAULE FOOl FOR THE UHOWTQ OK INFANTS AND And FR MOTHKKS LACKING PFFFIC1ENT NOl' 1UM I FOR Tti iilK OFl- SPRINO.

L'tiiike ihone prt-paraiirns made frjm aiiima! or c.tt-r. which arc iiobie tu s-tima'ate the brain and irritate the d-sfenive it embraces in iu eie-mt'Dtary comj i-iiion hat which make strong Bone and Moscie. wtnch niase Ktesh and Biood. which i eai-y of never constipating fit wtnch is kind and friendly to the Brain, Mid whit a acti a a preventive of those Intestinal incidental to childhood. And while it wouid bedithcaii to conceive of an in 1- iod or Ue-ort more creamy and vr jre liouririiing ana sirentheningasan aliment in Ffverw, Pulmonnrf Complaintn) Oynpep-Mttt, JrtKtrilo the NyMtcuiy or tat-uerul Uebltlty, I's rare medicinal excelUncies in all Intestinal in L'YSiiNrtiKY.

CHRONIC DIRRHF.A AND C'HOLisK A. INFANTUM, Its? been prowd. S-e cir. uiars for testimonials. Sold by all in th'e ty.

ausrWradlawiB Over 10,000 Florence SEWING MACHINES A rraly sold in Connecticut. Tho FLORENCE runs sews rat'id. isalmot. noiseless, has the only fb-t 'tV f-Um, is not liable to et out of repair, an; by all who have examined ita merits to the bowt fajiiiiy tewiua Machine in use. 13.

i yv, isrc, AGENT FOR Winsted and Vicinity. an? 9 laid IS OR t1 ALE A veli eHtabiiahi grocery Imsiness, centrally satisfactory rea-on fir teiaia eacy. Address GRuCBR, Cdurant ofiice, aueStfd VSPKCIjLATIO Admirable adver device, adapted to all the cities for ii n.rMi-e coiiipHiiis. patent medicine oealers, inei-t bants e'c. For sale low.

A rare speculation. Ap p. at -if Asvinm street. Room 3. anjr 3d N'i rale Lectored on by Henry ard Beecher.

Valor by Tom Hood. For sale by Siii; BROWN A GROS. i. y. GALLAUDLT, Sankerand Note Broker, and Wiall Street.

SBW YO-RK. niEDWAKE, Metal, Iron, Rubber, SiK-e, Paper and Paper-Han(rtnsr, Lumber, Coal. Hiiilroad Paper wanted. Advance made on bnsi-ns i.ta:)er and other securities. my 10 lydis HOIJINJiOS'S TOILET SOAPS TOBACCO TWIT1! BRIMSTONE, 1 I'Ol KiiOS PLASTKRS.

MASON'S PORCS-LAIN LINiD JAKS, CAKBuNATB OF AMMONIA, At wholesale and retail, br TALCOTT ASTLUM ST. AT THE MARBLE WORKS OF Thos. Adams Son, Cor. Teutitle and Market )c fotind a large and complete assortment of JlaiUe HaMels, Monnnicnts and fine l'ulielied Head ttDe9. Ti iiRA COTTA VASKS mitable for Lawna and Cemetery lota.

IW Psr-irnlar attention paid to lettering and uf Mouumtute in the cemeteries. F03 THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS We offer our remaining stock of SUMMER GOODS Jnc.adintHKMNASTS. Ac, Ac. at very low prices, to make room for Fall gooas. ISI'-VJ A T11N CO.

The place to tr't vonr Parasols and I'mbrellas good order, if at b. A Si Main stretft, corner Fratt. ALBERT GA1HES. Agent, tTc. 3 American Row, ijaafacturer and Dealer in Harness of all Kinds (N baiad or made to rrder fine BnpAry, Carnnre and Livwy llarnei-e aiso Eiorees, Htavy and Farmer' Harness, wilh a of of which wiii be sold at a reason bie pi1ev.

t'id rriendsawwlasnewarerepectfullyrequested lfirali- mhl tfdis Try the Best Catarrh Remedy in the WORLD. VNEV snprly of the Conatittitioiial Bern ay just received at me STONE BKIDUE DRUG STORE. E.S.HICCINS& las STREET. HABTFORD. DAY MORSE, Bankers Brokers, 16 Wall N.

Y.f DEAL In It all way gtoekg. Bends and (ii)ldou Commission. Parttoa wishlnir to invent, will da well to (IdoIt to as direct, as we can furnish liiem any of tne nib-scrip ion bonds at the regular price, and la some capes at a discount. Depoaits received subject to draft at sight. Jan 1 lydla Webster iwron Insurance Agency.

F1UK A.i7".71AKI.-iK 1NSU A Sound and Keliable Inhuranco. ompanle, Beprmeatad and Asaets Jan. 1, 1S72 OONTrVBTNTAIi, New t.509,5Si 08 INTKKNATIONAU 00 CtKRMAM-AMlfKltAN OU KARltACiANSSTT, Providence Oo ULB.N9 FALLS, Ulena Falls, N. UU WILLIAMSUl RHa CITIf, BrooafeB.N.i- 6.50.873 00 WBSTCHKHTKJt, New Rocheilsv N. 540, 00 MBIM HANT8.

Proridenc. S4a.h3 00 PIHRMAti'B, New Vork S4fl.6l 00 HUMIH)U)T, New Vork ol.Otg 08 RA1HP7KL1) Month Norwalk, Conn. uo WAHIIlNtiTON. K.w Vort i6 ObJ 00 LAMAR, Hem kotk 300,000 00 WEBKTER tc PRBSTOJI, GEO. H.

EATON, Bolicltor. octSdls Ko. Mala atrert. COAL I COAL hue la store and are now re ceiving FHANKLIN COAt OF LTKEN8 TAL- Llt Delaware and lladgon Lackawanna. LBUKiH OOALof all sires and of the best varieties Also BKKLANiJ Blacksmiths' use.

All of which we are oaoruigat tbe LOWEST PiUCES, from vesesj or yaru. D. K. WOODFORD, Successor to M. LORD, rear 131 STATE STREET.

N. B. BALED HAT and STRAW constantly on hand jy 27 lydla COAL! COAL! FOR 1872. IV ew AM heartily tired of this long- credit bubiuem. IsUaif receive only thetV aualtties or COAL known to the trade for domestic oes, and thail sell during thle seajn KOK CAbU.

I will make it an ooject rr such 4Sutomers to give me a call. 1 shall be found at the old stand, 253 State, corner Com avrce street. I have no high office rents to pay, and am determined that cah customers shall have theii coal this ear to their em tire satlff action. Most respectfully. JS.

B. FAHNIIAM, e4 f.mdis 253 State ajtraet. HATCH TYLER, 80 STATS BTRKKT, Are bow prepared te receive orders for toe beet Tarie-Uea of Lehigh, Lackawanna, Wll.eabarre and other COALS. Particular attentiorj paid to the preparation or Co for domestic use. feblfl lydla V8PIRNDID CHANCR FOR AGENTS New Buuine.

iood men wanted tnsa'aryor commitou. Alao a few smart hoys. Apply at 13 Pearl ttreet. jy Imdeod THE CITY DISPENSARY-Will be opened on the 8th of Augnet, in tuebuildlngoa the corner of Morgan and Front streets. The eick will find physicians in attendance dally, between tbe hours of 13 and o'clock, who will prescribe and furnlch medicines without charge.

sag tt lxnd rPO THK LADIKH The best thfrif to Jt Ladies tokep in to wear the SKBLfiTON CO RhiiT which 1. KAKKKL sells for half price, and other gtjods in proportion. He pecffully, jyl lya 1. KAFFKL, 410 Main street. Sccond-IIand urnace.

OWE of Webster Hot Air Furnaces in irood condititm, having been in use but about two months. Anyone in want of a furnace can. have the above one at a bargain. H. S.

PRATT, mh23 16 Ford street. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO ALL BUYERS OF BOOTS AND SHOES. 80 1 MAIN BTREKT, EiBTroRD, Aug. 3, lb72. We have this day made a reduction on all of onr SUMMER UOODS; shall sell at reduced prices daring the month.

Sole Aeents for the sale of Jt. C. BURT'S SHOES in Hartford 'tNaffeed." Respectfully, Northrop Haynes 861 MAIN BTRKET. ao 5 Electro Cahanlc, Pat. i Jane, '6S.

ESTABLISH JED 1800. THE CONSTANT USE OF J. MOSES' Patent Electro Galvanic Spectacles Will prove beneficial in all cases of Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head and Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the Face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a II oU ot Xervou Disease FOR SALE BVJ Lazarus Morris, 398 Main Street. Jy j. hoses' Buffalo City 7 Per Cent Bonds, Interest payable January and July, rrincipal du9 10 Price, 100 and Interest.

FOR SALE BT HENRY F. VEEKUVEH 38 EyCIIANGB N. V. YTK negotiate Bonda for KailroadH, Ci'ies, Counties and Towns, aud do a general Banking business. Pay particular attention to inTestrnents for Institutions.

Trust and Ir snrance Companies. FOREIGN EXCdANOB bought and i-Ai. auir 1 1mdls JOS. A. MOORE.


MOORE BR G. Stock, Bond and Note BROKERS, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Ho. 10 Blackford's Block, (Second Floor,) I.fniA.XAI'OIilM, I1U, WE bny and sell on commisslira flrHt-c'a securities of ail description. neptotiata loans for cities, counties, and a trua act a irenral Real EsUte and In-i rance b'irfines. and ln money oo lone time.

Parncular attention i (riven to pl.cins money on llret mortyae, without, cct to the lender. RerEKSM Fletcber ASharpe. Bankers Indiana. Bnkfn Co. Porter.

Harrison A Hines, Attorneys; "Murphy. Johnston V. holesaie Lry tooSi Merchants. Jt 171min ABSOLUTE SECURITY OVEK 10 PEB CENT. INCOMK.

ARKANSAS STATE LOA1T. A Lliulted TEombrr Oflred mt79 Tent and Accrued luierest, THEflK Bonds were IsHaed tinder act of the l-epieiatre for the parpofe of assist wk the "Arkanaaa Central Kailwav1, in aceordanct wiii Section ttof the Conotitu lion of the State of A rkau-. which provides as follows: "The. Credit of thr. or ajuufitu siviUnvxtr be loawi fur any puriw wi'houZ tfe coftrrd of tht ptdjfde ihtttvf tjrprt through Oir.

Oaliof Unr" which art was submitLud to Uie tvple the iicral elxiion hfld In iNov. lHrt. and Dnanj-mottoiy rmtiiied by taem. The Legislature of the toUte has no power to Krsnt atiy additional aid whatever: the Jt tf tte ntaU atrtuot crtumd, except by amending liieCoiAStitutintiirouija A vote of the whole people. As an additional aenriiy, these Bonds sre Kuaran-teed r.y the Arkansas Central Railway by fyt.iU pjtverrunt, recorded as a mortgage in every comity tbrouifh which the line passes, acuni: as a dTect lif a opon the property of the CouipaDy, its iieal Estate iioliine took and Franc his-.

II im aho recorded that the C(laltU and1 eredtt ol the lltau sre nolrmnly Irrevocably lorilie psimentsud Ke-demptlonol ihe I'r ln-ipaliid lulercol oC eaclt and every Bond1 4 livery pecmbie safekiuard sarrotiBd them to protect, the holder from the danjrer of corruiitiou and fniiid. Uithkeordiuary Uailway IVmds. tho-e now oflt-rea are negotiable at aDy timtsoQ ihe New. Vork htocic Ex'-bni 'e. ae may be observed from tlie SliJy Stock, (otalions.

The boDfJs are of the denomination of l.oon each pavahle to nearer, aud therefore neotiaie by simpie delivery. The interest coupons artached to each, bond are payable s-mi-annuallv. at the office of the in Ww Ynrk hv Treasurer of tne -tat on the lt dar of October aod April in etch year, nn til the principal of the Bonds is eineo. at par ia lswti. AAntm a 1LL1A.HI" O.

Djr I 1VH, Barrkerf. 4- Wall New York, or tbe ARKA-NaAS CENTRAL KAIL WAV CO. No. 12 Fine tt New Vork. Man.

Pftmnhleta and Cirnlara uivinif oil pariica larsof tilis Loan can be bad on application to the above, or tethe following Banker, Agent in Hartford; C. T. HILLYER, 1 resident Charter Oak Bank. SAFE DEPOSIT E00MS, ENTRANCE ON MAIN STBKBT. Connecticut Trust Safe Deposit Company.

Baoklne Office corner main and Pearl BireeiB) iiartiui u( MONET received on deposit, sjabjeeo to h- withdrawn at any time or to ream in a spijcirk-d time, as may be agreed on. 1 1 IV I fMIU OU UBllJ uaiau' ch- Thfuf rooms are shore ground, dry and airy, conve nient of access, and enurcly tire proof and safe from, burglars. Persons wishing to bire lock boxes In which to keep bonds and other Valuables, sre invited to call and st-o them. LADIES will find the rooms pleasant and convenient for the transaction of Valuables receiveo. lor sate Keeping ai low mix.

Coapons collected. Thie comparty are antboriited to execute all trusts, whether fiduciary or otherwise, for individuals or by order of any court to act a yiariuin of the erate of any minor, or as reCviwr ot any eetal and as wet-t- Ijt or any wui. 4T jcjitrance on reari street. TBU9TBKS Henry Keney Geo. L.

Chape. C. H. North am, Loren P. Waldo, F.

Iavi. James Goodwin, George Roberta, H. C. Robinson, Chas. H.

Brainard. Geo. 8. Gil man. John Corn in e.

Chas. H. JSinlto. Chas. Bos well.

West Hartford, F. li. North. New Britain. S.

W. KasselL WethersHeld. B. B. WATHiNSON.

W. H. BILL. Treasurer. jy 1 lydisAfrtw7 TH Cor.

Main St. and Central Eow, TRUST COMPANY'S BLOCK. HARTFORD, CI Cash Capital, With Libertj to Increase to $1,000,00. LEGAL DEPOSITORY OF MONEY. CHARTERS) BY THE STATE.

Four Per Cent. Interest on Bnbject to Check at Sight. Government and other First-Class Securities for Bale at Our Othce. As the HARTVORD TRUST COMPANY receives) Deposits inlartreorsmallamoants, and permits them to be drawn as a wrolc oft in tabt bv Cueck IT Siout, and without moth-e, ailowins IXTEBEST 0.V DAILY BALANCES, Parties can keen accounts In thie Innrirntiom witlx sneHal sadvantasea of Secnritr. Convenience ant Profit.

SAFETY DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. ABSOLITK PROTECTION AGAI1SSX FfKB AMD BI KCLABN. THK 1ARTFORD TRUST COMPANY are now prparod lo rent Lock Boxo. within the Superior PI re and Burelar Proof Vault rereuiJ- con- tmcUd ana occupied by them. In addition to the great security of the Vault, the Boxes arc placed4iu-tda MASNiVE BCRGUll PUOOP SAFES, Which for strength and workmanship are linear p.f r-d In this country.

These boxes will be rented at from $10 to $20 per annum, the renter holding the entire control of the key to ib oox. Tne public are invited to inspect ifce prest strength and security of this vault and of tht Burglar Proofs within. ALSO, are received for SAFE KEEPING, Bonds.Stocks. Jew elry atd Valuable Papers, 'or which receipts will be given, and the safety thereof guaranteed. E-sr in connection witn tne vault are several pii; vat rooms for the sole use of depositors.

Coupons and collected, etc BOARD OF TRUSTERS Charles T. Ilillyer, Brinley, Kich'd D. Hubbard, Jaiues G. Batterson, ii R. W.U.

Janris, Jas. C. Wa.kle?, Thomas O. Ecdcrs, Benry Kcllou, Oliver D. tievmoar, Chauncev Howard.

Charles M. Pond. imam a nerson, Windsor. Iayid Gullup, PlaluAeld. Cornelias B.

Erwiu, New Britain. CftlAtt. IU. FOM, PreaiMfiBS DAViuuALLIP, Vlee-Prea'tt R. FAKMltR, Butary and Treasurer.

PIS fimriifsAwW. Largs and Well Selected Siocfe OP LADIES' FRENCH TRUNKS, UKXTS1 SOLE A.EAT1JKR TRUNKS, LADIES' andOKNTS' TKAVELINa BAGS AT TUB ALljn llall Harness and Track More Trans: Covers ma-le to order and Repairing done neatly. J. D. mJLLAKD.

0 ASYLUM HriiEtiT. el4 dia A Good Chance for a (Jwd liust-n ess Man. AN Interest (oae-Uilri or one-bnlf) in a well established and hichlv prciiubie hi i nesa will be to the right kind or a man. Capi'al reqntred from 01)0 to Wl. ailsfartorjr reason i fe(X ttdi cs in?.

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.