March 2020 – iTzDarkVoid (2024)


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March 26, 2020

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Card Game, Casual Game, Games, Gaming, League of Legends, Mobile Game, Online Games, PC Games, Video Games


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March 2020 – iTzDarkVoid (2)

Legends of Runeterra, the League of Legends Card game currently has a promotion with Twitch where players with Twitch Prime can obtain a free Twitch Prime Capsule which contains:

  • One Champion Wildcard
  • Epic Wildcard
  • Rare Wildcard
  • Expedition Draft

This promotion is valid until April 27th, 2020 and can be claimed here. Aside from this promotion, Twitch Prime also has a bunch of promotions with other games that can be found here, where you can claim with Twitch Prime or start a free trial.


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March 24, 2020

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Casual Game, Digital Extremes, Games, Gaming, Multiplayer Games, Online Games, PC Games, Playstation, Playstation 4, PS4, Video Games, Warframe, Xbox, XBOX ONE


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Warframe’s Operation: Scarlet Spear is finally live on PC, with the Sentinel Invasion which threatens all of the Origin System.

Within Operation: Scarlet Spear, players will report to the Scarlet Spear Flotilla Relay which is our home base against this invasion. From the Flotilla Relay, you will be informed of incoming Murex Waves which as massive vessels harbouring massive amounts of Sentinel forces.

March 2020 – iTzDarkVoid (4)

To combat the Murex Waves, both Ground Assault and Murex Raid is required, meaning that player will be able to fight on the ground alongside utilizing their Railjack to directly assault the Murex. Fight against the Murex Waves to obtain Scarlet Credits for exclusive weapons, arcanes, cosmetics and many more.

The Murex invasions comes in waves, meaning that the Flotilla relay will display the duration of the current Murex and the time until the next one. The usual downtime between waves is 10 minutes.


Ground Assault

On the ground, your mission is to seize the Kill Code from Sentient Condrix and transmit it to your allies above. You’ll need to use an Operation Link Beacon — or OpLink Beacon — to connect to Squads in real-time. Fend off Sentients from harming the Beacon while it analyzes the Condrix for the Code you need.

Essentially, buy a Operation Link Beacon from the Flotilla Relay and go into a Ground Assault. Within a Ground Assault, Sentinel Condrix will be deployed, defeat these then deploy an Operation Link Beacon and defend it to obtain a Kill Code. Each sequential successfully Kill Code obtain will reward Scarlet Credits.

Murex Raid

In the Railjack, your objective will be to infiltrate the Sentient Murex, gain control of its Transmission Array and broadcast the Kill Code shared by the team on the ground. This will hopefully cut off the Murex from the rest of the Sentient Armada deeper in the Veil and delay further destruction.

Players doing an Murex Raid need to get close to the Murex with their Railjack then board it with their Archwing. Similar to Ground Assault, when inside, you’ll have to place down your Operation Link Beacon and defend it.

Event Guide

Ground Assault

The Ground Assault is pretty straight forward, go to the quest marker target the Sentient Condrix until it’s health bar goes gray and kill the sentinels that I spawns to continue damaging the Sentient Condrix.

The maximum Sentient Condrix that can be defeated per run is 9 and the points reward scale up to 500 something max. The most effective Warframe to use in this event is Limbo because his 4 essentially renders all the sentinel spawns immobile making it very easy to defend the beacons. Although Limbo will make this easy, the enemy levels scale pretty quickly meaning that you shouldn’t bring un-moded gear.

Murex Raid

The Murex Raid requires the player to have a Railjack TO START THE QUEST, otherwise you need to join someone that has a Railjack and has initiated the quest. You don’t need a Railjack to join this mission.

In Murex Raid, all players will spawn inside the Railjack and someone needs to pilot it towards the big red Murex, there will be an indicator showing where to go. While in transit towards the indicator, the Railjack will be attacked and boarded occasionally by Grineer and Sentinels. If you have a pretty beefy Railjack, you can leave them alone until you reached the Murex but if you don’t, you might have get take care of them pretty quickly or they can greatly damage the Railjack. If the Railjack’s health drops to 0, you will fail the mission and it will return you back to Flotilla. Make sure to repair the Railjack otherwise they won’t regen health and take continuous damage.

After you reached the Murex and secured the Railjack’s safety, you have to get out of the Railjack and enter the Murex. Within the Murex, go to the indicator and deploy your beacon and defend it. After defending it for 9 Kill Codes, you will transported back to the Railjack. If the ground team isn’t sending Kill Codes, you might be stuck waiting until they do.

Just like the Ground Assault, the best Warframe to use is Limbo and Limbo actually just makes this mission laughable since all the enemies are sentients. Limbo renders all sentient immobile and you just wait until the time runs out.

Players can enter the Murex a maximum of 4 times per mission and can reward up to a maximum of around 2,000 points. The enemies in Murex Raid scales much faster than Ground Assault but the actual difficulty of the Murex Raid isn’t in the defense of the Beacon but rather defending the Railjack because the enemies become beefy rather quickly and you have to deal with them fast or the Railjack’s health will deplete to 0. Limbo helps in this case but the majority of the boarding in the ship is from Grineer.

Event Rewards

The points that you obtain from doing Ground Assault or Murex Raid can be traded in to Little Duck. She has 2 weapon blueprints which should be the main goal since these are limited:

  • Ceti Lacera Blueprint
  • Basmu Blueprint

March 2020 – iTzDarkVoid (5)

Other than that, there are cosmetics and Warframe Arcanes. Most of them are niches and not significant but it is recommend to get 21 copies of each of these Arcanes, so you can max them out:

  • Arcane Grace – Chance for %Health Regen when Damaged
  • Arcane Guardian – Chance for Armor when Damaged
  • Arcane Nullifier – Chance to Resist Magnetic Damage (Scales to 100% and this prevents some enemies’ energy drain which is Magnetic Damage)

You might also want to get 2 max copies of Arcane Grace & Arcane Guardian because Warframe can have a maximum of 2 Arcanes and these can stack.


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March 21, 2020

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Capcom, Casual Game, Games, Gaming, Mobile Game, Multiplayer Games, Online Games, PC Games, Playstation, Playstation 4, PS4, Video Games, Xbox, XBOX ONE


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Revealed today is the next upcoming title update monster for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Alatreon the Blazing Black Dragon which is set to launch sometime in May as the 4th Free Title Update.

March 2020 – iTzDarkVoid (7)

Alatreon, Blazing Black Dragon

While currently, Title Update 3 featuring Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang will be released on March 23rd.

March 2020 – iTzDarkVoid (8)


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Posted on

March 20, 2020

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Casual Game, Games, Gaming, Multiplayer Games, Nintendo Switch, Online Games, PC Games, Playstation, Playstation 4, PS4, Video Games, Xbox, XBOX ONE


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Animal Crossing: New Horizons & Doom Eternal have now released. Both of these titles have been delayed from their original release date back in 2019 to today.

Escape to a deserted island and create your own paradise as you explore, create, and customize in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game. Your island getaway has a wealth of natural resources that can be used to craft everything from tools to creature comforts. You can hunt down insects at the crack of dawn, decorate your paradise throughout the day, or enjoy sunset on the beach while fishing in the ocean. The time of day and season match real life, so each day on your island is a chance to check in and find new surprises all year round.

Get the Game

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There is only one dominant life form in this universe, and it carries a steel-barreled sword of vengeance. Become the Slayer and hunt Hell’s armies to the far reaches of the earth and beyond. The only thing they fear… is YOU.

Get the Game

Disclaimer: Some of the links below are affiliate links. If you decided to purchase from one of these links, I will receive a small commission from it with no cost to you.


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March 19, 2020

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Blizzard, Blizzard Games, Casual Game, Games, Gaming, Multiplayer Games, Online Games, Overwatch, PC Games, Playstation, Playstation 4, PS4, Video Games, Xbox, XBOX ONE


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Overwatch‘s 32nd hero has been revealed to be Echo after it was teased back at Blizzcon last year in the “Reunion” cinematic. Echo is also currently available on the Overwatch PTR for play.

Echo is an evolutionary robot programmed with a rapidly adapting artificial intelligence, versatile enough to fill multiple battlefield combat roles.

Echo is a DPS Hero that has a lot of mobility due to it’s ability to fly and glide around, a triangular 3 shot default attack, sticky bombs, a laser beam and the ability to duplicate an enemy and use their ability.


  • Passive: Tri-Shot – Echo fires 3 shots at once, in a triangle pattern.
  • Sticky Bombs – Echo fires a volley of sticky bombs that detonates after a delay.
  • Flight – Echo surges forward quickly, then can fly freely.
  • Focusing Beam – Echo channels a beam for a few seconds, dealing very high damage to targets with less than half health.
  • Glide – Echo can glide while falling.
  • Ultimate: Duplicate – Echo duplicates a targeted enemy hero and gains use of their abilities.


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March 18, 2020

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Casual Game, Games, Gaming, League of Legends, Mobile Game, Multiplayer Games, Online Games, Video Games


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The mobile version of League of Legends’ Team Fight Tactics is now available on the Google Play Store early.

The set date of release is tomorrow, so iOS should be getting it tomorrow on the Apple App Store.


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March 17, 2020

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Games, Gaming, Multiplayer Games, Online Games, PC Games, Playstation, Playstation 4, PS4, Respawn Entertainment, Video Games, Xbox, XBOX ONE


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March 2020 – iTzDarkVoid (13)

Apex Legends currently has a promotion with Twitch Prime where it will be giving out a content drop every month for 12-months.

Players that already have Twitch Prime can claim the content here after linking their Twitch account to their EA account, if not already done. Otherwise, they can sign-up for Twitch Prime here, the first month is free.

This is the 4th content drop and offers the Lucky Charmer Mirage Skin which will be available until April 17th.

March 2020 – iTzDarkVoid (14)

Aside from this promotion, Twitch Prime also has a bunch of promotions with other games that can be found here.


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Posted on

March 17, 2020

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Blizzard Games, Card Game, Casual Game, Games, Gaming, HearthStone, Mobile Game, Multiplayer Games, Online Games, PC Games, Video Games


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March 2020 – iTzDarkVoid (16)

Leading up to Ashes of Outland, Hearthstone is giving out Kael’thas Sunstrider to all players that log-in before June 29th.

Kael’thas Sunstrider, a Legendary neutral minion, is breaking free from Ashes of Outland and entering Hearthstone a month early! Starting March 17, all players can log in to receive* the Lord of the Blood Elves, who is playable immediately, and explore his unique power—with Kael’thas in play, every third spell each turn is free.

*Limit one per account. Must log in by June 29 to claim.


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March 17, 2020

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Blizzard, Blizzard Games, Card Game, Casual Game, Games, Gaming, HearthStone, Mobile Game, Multiplayer Games, Online Games, PC Games, Video Games


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Revealed today is the next upcoming expansion to Hearthstone, Ashes of Outland featuring Hearthstone’s first ever new class, the Demon Hunter and the Outcast keyword coming to the new cards.

Ashes of Outland brings Hearthstone players to the memorable setting of World of Warcraft’s first expansion, The Burning Crusade, only to find it has been razed by an unstoppable force for destruction known as the Rusted Legion. The Black Temple stands as the last bastion of civilization in the war-torn realm, where the self-proclaimed lord of Outland, Illidan Stormrage, and his army of Demon Hunters fight to take back their world. Journey through the Dark Portal and lead the charge to save the world in Hearthstone’s newest expansion, Ashes of Outland!

The Year of the Phoenix introduces Hearthstone’s first new class since launch: the Demon Hunter! Embracing chaotic soul magic and fel energy, the fearsome Demon Hunter features an in-your-face playstyle, cutting down foes with weapons and claws, or crushing them with enormous Demon minions.

Illidan Stormrage, the newest playable Hero in Hearthstone, embodies the Demon Hunter’s class identity. The Demon Hunter will enter the fray on April 2 with a new prologue campaign consisting of four story-focused single-player missions, which retell Illidan Stormrage’s origin story from his perspective in the Hearthstone universe.

Ashes of Outland introduces Primes—a new kind of Legendary minion which start off as strong early- or mid-game Legendary minions that hit the board and do their duty, bravely falling in battle to fight for control of the board. Alongside Primes are Imprisoned Demons, fel entities that come into play Dormant for two turns.

Initially untouchable by either player, but visible to both, these powerful minions unleash wicked effects once they’re activated, with the potential to swing the outcome of a match.


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Posted on

March 13, 2020

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Games, Gaming, Multiplayer Games, Online Games, Playstation, Playstation 4, PS4, Video Games


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Nioh 2, the sequel to the action RPG Nioh has now released.

Defy your own mortality and unleash your inner darkness across the violent feudal land of Sengoku era Japan and the deadly Dark Realm, in this savage action RPG sequel.

Nioh 2 features an improved combat system to it’s predecessor, brings a multitude of new weapons absent from the first, and introduces the all-new Yokai shift that lets the player’s Guardian Spirit posses them to take the form of their Spirit along with their powers.

Master the art of the samurai in this brutal masocore RPG… for death is coming.

Journey to 1555 Japan, a country gripped in endless warfare where monsters and evil spirits stalk a land of natural beauty and menacing peril.

Hunt down your enemies as a rogue mercenary wielding the supernatural powers of the mythical Yokai.

Can you survive the treacherous Sengoku era and the new and terrifying Dark Realm?

Get the Game

Disclaimer: Some of the links below are affiliate links. If you decided to purchase from one of these links, I will receive a small commission from it with no cost to you.

March 2020 – iTzDarkVoid (2024)
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