Sections, but updated (2024)

Sections are the main traversable areas of Interminable Rooms. They serve as a major obstacle the player needs to pass in order to further get into the game. Certain Sections are more difficult than others due to each having their own unique array of entities, but Sections, despite their appearances, don't stand out very much on their own. The first two sections, A and E, each have 400 rooms. The cycle of both of these sections having 400 rooms means that the third section, Section V, will probably soon have 400 rooms too and other upcoming sections will have 400 rooms as well.

  • Section A

  • Section E

  • Section V

  • Section U

Also known as Section Apartment

Strategy & Tips[]

  • If you are in the later rooms like A-200, hiding from early entities right after they spawn isn't needed. Keep opening doors until they are close enough. This doesn't apply for entities like A-200 or A-278, since they spawn infront of you.

Entities List[]

PictureNameSpeedAbilitiesAppears AtChance to spawn
Sections, but updated (1)A-10SlowHas the ability to break pillars with slow movement.Anywhere past Door A-10Common
Sections, but updated (2)X-10FastX-10 moves faster.Anywhere past Door A-10Uncommon
Sections, but updated (3)A-35MediumA-35 will rebound once.Anywhere past Door A-35Uncommon
Sections, but updated (4)X-35Very FastX-35 will rebound twice with very fast movement.Anywhere past Door A-35Very Uncommon
Sections, but updated (5)A-60Very FastIt will stay stationary in the current room for a few seconds, it also has the ability to change its own face.Anywhere past Door A-60Uncommon
Sections, but updated (6)X-60Very FastSame thing with A-60 but it moves its face around left and right.Anywhere past Door A-60Very Rare

Sections, but updated (7)

A-80Stationary/SlowA-80 will go hostile if near.Anywhere past room A-80Common
Sections, but updated (8)A-100Extremely FastHas the ability to check grey lockers in fridges in the current rooms, then rebounding to A-000.Anywhere past Door A-100Very Rare
Sections, but updated (9)A-120Very FastIt has the ability to rebound 2-3 times and spawn minions that go by M-120.Anywhere past Door A-120Uncommon
Sections, but updated (10)M-120Very SlowShoots bullets that do massive damage.Spawned by A-120Very Common (with A-120)
Sections, but updated (11)A-150ModerateSpawns on a sheet of paper in a random position in the current room. than checking all grey lockers and fridges in the current room before despawning.Anywhere past Door A-150
spawns from its paper
Sections, but updated (12)A-183Lightspeed (Randomized each rebound)It randomizes speed every rebound. If not hiding A-183 will scream going at even more tremendous speeds.Anywhere past Door A-183Rare
Sections, but updated (13)A-200ModerateA-200 spawns behind the door before appearing, if getting out of a hiding spot it will rebound.Anywhere past Door A-200Common
Sections, but updated (14)A-245LightspeedA-245 will destroy all grey lockers and fridges in the current room. A-245 is harmless.Anywhere past Door A-245Common
Sections, but updated (15)A-258StationaryA-258 makes a earraping noise when spawned. Masking any other entity's audio cues.Past A-258, when a room is opened.Uncommon
Sections, but updated (16)A-278MediumA-278 will appear out of a portal, then rebounding. It will spawn portals on the ceiling then clones come out. These clones are ULB-278 and TLAB-278.Past A-278, in the ceiling out of a portal when a room is opened.Uncommon
Sections, but updated (17)TLAB-278SlowAppears out of A-278's portals, and checks under tables before despawning.Past A-278, in any of A-278's portals.Very Common (with A-278)
Sections, but updated (18)ULB-278SlowAppears out of A-278's portals, and checks blue lockers before despawning.Past A-278, in any of A-278's portals.Very Common (with A-278)
Sections, but updated (19)A-300StationaryTurns a random color, and summons an entity corresponding to that color. Entities that can be spawned: Noah, A-10, A-35, A-60, A-80, A-100, A-200, A-245 and A-258.In a newly opened room, past A-300.Common
Sections, but updated (20)A-332LightspeedDashes through the map at an absurd pace, potentially rebounding and waiting before despawning.Past room A-332.Very Rare
Sections, but updated (21)A-350Extremely Fast (in intervals of 10 rooms / 2 seconds)Moves in thumps. will throw boxes depending on materiel and throws orbs that do some damage.Past room A-350.Very Rare
Sections, but updated (22)A-404Angered: Far Beyond LightspeedAngered: Not hidable A-404 and it rebounds a massive amount of times. It has a docile mode too that is stationary.Past room A-404.Docile: Impossible (Removed Temporarily) Angered: Impossible (Removed)

Room Types[]

This is the first room in the game, it features a red carpet floor with 2 chairs with notes above them that show the Rules of the game. It also contains a metal machine that says “work in progress”, it may be an entity spawner. At the back, there is a large metal door with a keycard hole that may be the entrance to Section U. There is also a metal machine with Gummy Flashlights, you can buy one for Sections, but updated (23) 10 and you get unlimited Gummy Flashlights.

Catwalk Rooms are a large, bridge-like platform composed of metal, elevated above a desk and computer, as well as two lockers found the parallel direction of the furnishing. This room can prove to be grueling to traverse, as each step the player takes upon it is loud, blocking out any audio cues, made more dangerous by the distance from lockers. It is best to leave these rooms as quick as possible, as they do not provide any benefit in general, unless it contains a Battery.

This room has a large table with 2 plants and another large table with multi-co(u)lored boxes (You cannot hide here) and a plant . This room also features a computer desk.

Kitchen Rooms have a large marble textured floor, accompanied by a large table at its center that can be used to hide in. An exclusive hiding spot, being a fridge, can prove to be quite helpful, as it functions similar to Grey Lockers. The small radius of these rooms, as well as the available hiding spots, makes them trivial to traverse or reside in if an entity is approaching.

This room does not feature much. It features a table with a plant and a carpet floor with the next door appearing on the top.

This room features 22 blue lockers, though not all work, and 5 grey lockers with a carpet floor. This makes it easy for player(s) to find a locker to hide in.

On the front, this room features a wooden floor with 5 grey lockers and 4 blue lockers on the left. On the right, it features 2 tables with 2 rows of crates, which is also seen in the Crate Room, and can accommodate batteries.

On the back, this room features a carpet floor with 2 large tables. It also contains a computer desk. This room also contains a lot of Batteries, which makes this the best room for batteries and hiding spots.

This room features a carpet floor with 3 tables and 2 of them have plants on top and has 7 large crates scattered around the room. It also contains 5 rows of crates, which is also seen in the Corridor-Crate Room, and can accommodate batteries.

This room features a carpet floor with a large table with a plant and 6 chairs, it also has 2 grey lockers and tables with glass in the corners. It includes a projector facing towards a whiteboard.

This room feautures a lot. It features a carpet floor with 1 large table and 1 small table with a plant and 2 large flipped over tables on the bottom. It also contains a row of boxes (it sometimes has a skeleton’s hand with blood) and 4 grey lockers 1 small table at the top.

This room does not feature much, it features a carpet floor with a single grey locker and 2 walls. This room is shaped like the letter 'W', hence the name.

This room does not feature much, it features a carpet floor with a single table with a plant and a path that appears to not have any door, leading on the the next room. This room is shaped like the letter 'L', hence the name.

This room is the last room players will find in Section A, serving as a transition room from Section A to Section E. It features TBA.


  • This is the first section added, and is based of the one from nicorocks5555's original rooms.
  • This is the section with the most inhabitants, by a landslide. (A 25:8:4 ratio.)
  • This is also the only section with cut entities.
  • The A in A section stands for Apartment.

Also known as Section Expanse

Strategy & Tips[]

  • If you are in the later rooms like E-200, hiding from early entities right after they spawn isn't needed. Keep opening doors until they are close enough. This doesn't apply for E-144, since it spawns in front of you.

Entities List[]

PictureNameSpeedAbilitiesAppears AtChance to spawn
Sections, but updated (24)E-1SlowHas the ability to damage someone near if they have a flashlight on.Anywhere past Door E-1Uncommon
Sections, but updated (25)XE-1ModerateDamages players on contact.Anywhere past Door E-1Rare
Sections, but updated (26)DG-1Very SlowWill damage if a flashlight is near them or will hop around damaging on contact.Anywhere past Door E-1Uncommon
Sections, but updated (27)CHA-1SlowSelects a player, and charges at them. Repeats many times, choosing different players.Anywhere past Door E-1Slightly Rare
Sections, but updated (28)BM-1SlowCharges up for a little bit, before exploding after a while.Anywhere past Door E-1Rare
Sections, but updated (29)E-22SlowJust an A-10 ripoff.Anywhere past Door E-22Uncommon
Sections, but updated (30)XE-22FastJust an X-10 ripoff.Anywhere past Door E-300Increases players progress.
Sections, but updated (31)E-42Very SlowWill move horizontally than despawning. If in contact it will do all your damage.Anywhere past Door E-42Uncommon
Sections, but updated (32)E-60Slow to FastGets faster every time it spawns.Anywhere past Door E-60Uncommon
Sections, but updated (33)E-142Far Beyond LightspeedRebounds to players that aren't hiding, doesn't despawn until all players are hiding.Anywhere past Door E-142Rare
Sections, but updated (34)E-144Far Beyond LightspeedSpawns in the current room before rebounding than spawning E-142.Anywhere past Door E-144Rare
Sections, but updated (35)E-200Extremely FastSpawns in the latest open room, fakes it's despawn, then rebounds.Anywhere past Door E-200Rare

Room Types[]

  • Illumined Room

  • Visceral Room

  • Section E Final Room

Illumined Rooms are one of the two contemporary kinds of rooms players will discover when exploring Section E. It is a room surrounded by walls with qualities similar to that of flesh along with various eyes along the walls that keep a mesmerized look on the player as they cross to the other side. On the left-hand side of the room can be seen a skull ensnared in the wall. Furthermore, there are various strands of already-mentioned presumed solidified blood, or simply arterial vessels that originate from many parts of the room. And finally and most noticeably, there is a hanging light-bulb overhead which emits a light-red glow around its vicinity. There can be seen multiple eroded lockers within the room which players can use for hiding whenever something may be present, one can be seen adhered to the ceiling.

Visceral Rooms are the second kind of room found within Section E, and can be best described by the primary visceral organ in the body: The Heart, which can be seen on the left-hand side of the room, beating slowly and emitting a dim sangria-red glow whenever it beats. Also within the room can be seen the same dried-blood structures/arteries that are found around the room along with various skeletal structures protruding from the wall. Like Illumined Rooms, there are various eyes on the walls which differ from those in such rooms as they do not stare at the player, rather they frantically look in five different directions. An eye can be seen on the ceiling surrounded by many bones. There also isn't some kind of light source present inside of the room, which requires the player to use a flashlight to navigate through the room although it isn't necessary if the player desires not to use it. There are also a multitude of eroded lockers inside of the room, as well as tables which also seem to be enveloped in the room's flesh-like texture.

This room is the last room players will find in Section E, serving as a transition room from Section E to Section V. It features TBA.


  • The E in E section stands for Expanse.

Also known as Section Volume

Strategy & Tips[]

  • If you are in the later rooms like V-200, hiding from early entities right after they spawn isn't needed. Keep opening doors until they are close enough.

Entities List[]

PictureNameSpeedAbilitiesAppears AtChance to spawn
Sections, but updated (36)V-5SlowJumps at nearest player that isn't hidingAnywhere past Door V-5Unknown
Sections, but updated (37)XV-5SlowSame as V-5, but fasterAnywhere past Door V-405Unknown
Sections, but updated (38)V-27SlowGets faster over timeAnywhere past Door V-27Unknown
Sections, but updated (39)V-35SlowRebounds and Fakes despawnsAnywhere past Door V-35Unknown
Sections, but updated (40)V-50MediumMoves in incrementsAnywhere past Door V-50Unknown

Room Types[]

  • Basic Room

This room does not feature much, it features a singular, somewhat rectangular-shaped room. The player is given five hiding spots in this one room: two tables on the right-hand side of the room in each corner, and three lockers on the left-hand side of the room. In this room, there is a singular light placed upon the ceiling that gives off a purple light which could be of assistance to players whose flashlights have died upon reaching this section. It functions identically to light-bulbs present in some rooms in Section E. The floor is made of a magenta-colored fabric-like material with whitish-grey colored walls.


  • The V in V section stands for Volume.

Only found in the April Fools Event.
Also known as Section Unknown.

Strategy & Tips[]

  • Entities will spawn if a song is playing, hide till it stops.

Entities List[]

PictureNameSpeedAbilitiesAppears AtChance to spawn
Sections, but updated (41)U-10MediumChecking a random locker and kicking you out of the gameAnywhere past Door U-10UNKNOWN
Sections, but updated (42)U-40Very FastSpawning a few rooms ahead of the player and sending you to THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES FOR YOUR ACTIONSAnywhere past Door U-40UNKNOWN

Room Types[]

  • Start Room

  • Basic Room

  • Section U Final Room

This room features TBA.

This room does not feature much, it only features a grey floor with 4 lockers in each corner.

This room features TBA.


  • In the April Fools update, There was an R section after U-400 has been opened. However, it is unknown what was there due to U-400 destroying the whole map preventing you from getting into the section.
  • The U in U section stands for Unknown.
Sections, but updated (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.