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Queensspring 2015, Vol. xViii, no. 2

The Magazine of Queens College

Poet for the AgesEmeritus professor Stephen Stepanchev celebrates his 100th birthday and 13th book

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Look at the spot you put us in.

Remember your pledge to a student caller?

That online gift to your favorite department or for the college’s general use?

The contribution to your reunion campaign?

Well, those gifts—large and small—are doing a wonderful job. With state funding providing just one-third of Queens College’s budget, your contributions are more important than ever.

You are keeping excellence alive by supporting our renowned professors, offering opportunities for students regardless of their means, and maintaining the highest standards of teaching, research, and public service.

Thanks to your support of the fund for Queens College, 80% of our students graduate without any debt.

If it weren’t for you, Queens College

wouldn’t be in this position.

Thank you for your support.

Visit us at qccommunity.qc.cuny.eduor call 718-997-3920.

12 Turn-of-the-Century Meditationsat age 100, poet and Professor emeritus stephen stepanchev reflects on his life and work.

QueensThe Magazine of Queens CollegesPRing 2015, Vol. xViii, no. 2

leanna Yip exeCuTiVe diReCToR, MaRkeTing and CoMMuniCaTions

John Cassidy ediToR

georgine ingber aRT diReCToR

Jefferson Caballero sTaff designeR

leslie Jay Jacquelyn southern

Bob suter sTaff WRiTeRs

10 Landmark Experiencestudents travel south to walk— and march—in the footsteps of dr. Martin luther king.

We welcome your letters: [emailprotected] Cover photo: edna Barth

8 Queens of the Courtdrawing on a glorious school tradition, the knights rule women’s basketball.


4 News 7 Giving Back 18 Alumni Notes 23 Kupferberg Center Events

16 Producing a WinnerMichael Cohen ’83 and Michael Weisman ’71 offer QC’s first course in sports broadcasting.

14 Code Warrior Professor kent d. Boklan makes a hobby of cracking historic cyphers.

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As director of the Barry Commoner Center, steven Markowitz oversees multiple research projects; he’s seen here with (from left) technicians steves Vanderpool and rolando Munoz, and principal investigator Holger Eisl, who are monitoring new York City’s air quality.

Nuclear-weapons workers handle some of the most dangerous materials in the world. It takes trained people and organized programs to detect work-related illnesses early so that these workers can receive treatment. One of the first lines of defense has been provided by the Worker Health Protection Program (WHPP), under the Barry Commoner Center for Health and the Environment at Queens College. The U.S. Department of Energy has just awarded it $40.5 million in renewed funding to continue screening these high-risk workers another five years.

Working with the United Steelworkers, unions affiliated with the Atomic Trades and Labor Council, and regional medical providers, WHPP already has provided free medical screenings to more than 30,000 nuclear-weapons workers from 14 nuclear facilities in New York and seven other states. Physicians trained in occupational medicine examine workers for evidence of work-related conditions like asbestosis, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, cancer, hearing loss, and chronic beryllium disease. WHPP conducts extensive outreach to workers, and completes a written evaluation that they can submit to the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program for monetary relief. In 2014, WHPP provided general occupational medical screenings to over 4,200 workers (more than 1,000 of them for the first time), representing the largest number in its 17 years of operation.

Most famously, WHPP has developed one of the largest occupational lung cancer-screening programs in the world, with more than 13,000 workers screened already. Its pioneering use of low-dose chest CT scanning facilitates early detection.

WHPP is run by Dr. Steven Markowitz, a distinguished occupa-tional-medicine physician and epidemiologist as well as director of the Barry Commoner Center (formerly known as the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems). The center was founded by the late Barry Commoner—the world-famous scientist, teacher, and environ-mental advocate who worked closely with citizen groups.

Commoner Center Awarded $40.5 Million from DoEThe Aspen Institute has announced that Queens College President Félix V. Matos Rodríguez has been selected to join the 2015 class of Aspen Institute Ascend Fellows. The Ascend Fellowship invests in leaders from a wide range of professions who have breakthrough ideas to build economic security, educational success, and health and well-being for low-income families.

“Poverty and inequality are the central economic, political, and moral issues of our time,”

notes Walter Isaacson, CEO of the Aspen Institute. “The Ascend Fellowship is part of the Aspen Institute’s commitment to advancing opportunity and equality in America.”

Matos Rodríguez developed the Two Generation Student Retention and Degree Acceleration Pilot Program while in his previous post as president of Hostos Community College. The program would support low-income parents who are pursuing a college degree by providing their school-aged children with an academically based, full-day summer enrichment program. With their children in quality and affordable summer care, parents would be able to continue their studies and graduate sooner by taking courses during the summer. The summer enrichment program would specifically address the academic losses that low-income K–12 students typically experience due to “summer slide” (the loss of academic skills over the summer break).

“I am grateful to the Aspen Institute for making it possible to implement a program that provides much-needed support to parents working toward a college degree,” says Matos Rodríguez. “I look forward to using my experience as an Ascend Fellow to explore ways to improve the educational outcomes of college students who are parents both at Queens College and throughout the City University system.”

new QC shop Clicks with patronsIf you want to purchase official Queens College apparel and accessories, you’ve got a surprise in store: The QC Shop is now open for online business at As the URL suggests, the shop is part of a venue that gives virtual shelf space to every school in the CUNY system. Merchandise ranges from T-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies to key chains, office supplies, and folding chairs, all featuring the distinctive QC logo. For motorists, there’s a highway safety kit that includes jumper cables, a siphon, a blanket, a flashlight, and a tire gauge. What could be more appropriate for—or from—people affiliated with a commuter campus?

president named an Aspen institute Ascend Fellow

More Kudos for the CollegeFor the second consecutive year, Queens College has been recognized by Washington Monthly as the #2 college in America for doing “the best job of helping non-wealthy students attain marketable degrees at affordable prices.” The magazine analyzed 1,540 U.S. colleges and selected 386 that delivered the “Best Bang for the Buck.”

A college’s “value” is now receiving extra scrutiny. The Obama administration has declared that the federal government would begin to rate colleges to determine “who’s offering the best value, so students and taxpayers get a bigger bang for their buck,” in the president’s words.

Because student debt is so high nationwide, colleges are increasingly being ranked for their affordability and students’ earning power after graduation.

For instance, Forbes magazine recently published a list of the “Top Best Value Colleges 2014,” and QC makes the grade, ranking #16. These are “top colleges and universities that deliver the goods without picking your pocket,” advise the editors.

Along the same lines, Money magazine’s new best colleges list focuses on quality, affordability, and outcomes (how much the diploma will be worth in salary after graduation). QC was evaluated among 665 higher education institu-tions, ranking in Money’s top 30 percent.

The college was also recognized as a top producer of students who receive the prestigious Fulbright grant from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Chosen for their academic merit and leadership potential, students receive grants to study, teach English, and conduct research in over 140 countries. “We are very proud that our students are being recognized so frequently by the Fulbright program,” notes President Félix V. Matos Rodríguez. “These honors speak highly of both the quality of the students Queens College attracts and the skill and dedication of the faculty members who teach here.”

for commuters from Queens, long island, and even Brooklyn and Manhattan, the trip to QC has gotten appreciably easier: The college’s new shuttle bus provides daily nonstop

service between campus and two major transit hubs, Jamaica station and flushing-Main street station. The bus also provides cross-campus service between Queens hall and the student union.

launched last august after a three-day pilot, the shuttle has won converts among students, who must display a current QCard in order to

board. all students pay for the bus through their student activity fee. (faculty and staff must buy a sticker to ride the bus.)

“it’s very good,” said upper junior domisah Purnell last fall. “i get to class faster.” her one-hour trip from Brooklyn had shrunk to less than 45 minutes.

for second-semester freshman emmanuel Rodriguez—another early adopter—shuttle bus travel proved easier, as well as faster. “i worry less about my destination,” he noted. “it’s my last stop.” he hasn’t been the only passenger

to relax in transit. at the end of one run to campus, “one of the kids was asleep at the back of the bus,” reported MV Transit driver Jimmy fogle. “When i woke him, he

said, ‘oh, i’m here?’”Ridership is highest at rush hours, added fogle. “it’s a good thing for the kids. They have their own private space.”

shuttle Bus gets into gear

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schools she attended at home, and at QC immersed herself in other European languages. Her senior recital featured selections in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, and Russian. But when the artistic director of Yale’s program called Yu to notify her of her acceptance, she found herself at a loss for words. “I had slept in that morning, so I was pretty sure I was dreaming,” she recalls. “I said, ‘You’re kidding, right?’ The director answered, ‘I’m not kidding, dear.’”

That’s success, in any language.

JIN-XING “JX” YU ’14 is already a soprano of note. After only three years of classical training at the Aaron Copland School of Music, she gained admission to the Yale School of Music’s opera department, a program so exclusive that it accepted just six singers

last year, giving all of them full scholarships. She also won a 2014 Graduate Arts Award from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation;

recipients are eligible for as much as $50,000 a year for

up to three years, to cover tuition or living expenses.

“When I’m 70, I will look back and still be

amazed at this opportunity,” says Yu. “I’m going to take it

from here and run with it.”Born in China and raised in

Japan, the future diva grew up in a musical household; her father plays the erhu, the two-stringed Chinese violin, and her mother plays piano and the Chinese dulcimer. Nonetheless, when Yu came to New York in 2007, she thought of herself as a dancer. She completed a two-year certificate program at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in 18 months and subsequently hit the road with regional companies.

A year later, to keep her student visa, Yu enrolled at Mercy College as a communication disorders major. She was then recruited to play volleyball for the QC Lady Knights. Benched by injury in her first year here, she took up classical music as a raw beginner; indeed, she had to audition twice before being accepted as a vocal performance major. “Queens College is the kind of place where even if you don’t come in with all the tools, professors are able to see your potential and give you a chance,” she observes.

Yu also completed a major in linguistics. She’s fluent in Mandarin and Japanese, studied Spanish at the international

Raising Funds in Memory of a PoetHoyt Jacobs ’11, a talented poet and teacher, was hit and killed by a truck while bicycling in Long Island City on January 17.

A recipient of an MFA in poetry from the college, the 36-year-old Hoyt had taught creative writing and com-position here as an adjunct, and went on to receive certification in teaching English as a Second Language at QC. A native of Georgia, he was living in Brooklyn at the time of his death and working as a reading and writing tutor at New York City College of Technology, CUNY.

“Hoyt’s death sent shock waves through our MFA community, and our students, alumni, and faculty are broken-hearted,” says Nicole Cooley (English). “In the wake of this senseless accident, Hoyt’s friends and fellow MFA alumni have done a wonderful thing by launching a fundraising campaign for the new Hoyt Jacobs Poetry Prize. This will be given every May to a Queens College MFA poetry student, since the MFA program brought Hoyt to us and brought all of us together.”

For more information and to make a donation, visit

finding her Voice at the aaron Copland school Professionals on-and off-CampusEach year the Office of Institutional Advancement hosts distinguished alumni as speakers in a special lecture series called Professionals on- and off-Campus. Now experts in their fields, these alumni serve as role models for today’s students, who hope to achieve their own career success. The series lets students not only hear talks but also interact directly with accomplished professionals from a variety of industries and sectors.

We would like to thank the following alumni for their participation.

in fall 2014, the speakers were:

MiCHAEl CoHEn ’83, President and executive Producer, Bizzy signals entertainment

DAViD rosEn ’80, President, ipMedia inc.

FrEDA JoHnson ’68, former President, government finance associates

ronA sCHnEiDEr ’78 (MA), owner, Rona schneider fine Prints

susAn TEllEr ’75 (MA), owner, The susan Teller gallery

in spring 2015, the following alumni were featured speakers:

gArY KATz ’81, President and Ceo, international securities exchange

DAViD KrEll ’68, Chairman, international securities exchange

KArEn DAlY ’77, senior Managing director, kroll Bond Rating agency

ronAlD FrAnK ’68, Managing Partner, iBM global Consulting services

MiCHAEl rosEnBErg ’67, senior Vice President, Bank of america Merrill lynch

Dr. ArTHur AsHMAn, founder, ashman department of Periodontology and implant dentistry, new York university College of dentistry

FrAnK BoCCio ’74, Chief administrative officer (Retired), new York life insurance

AnDrEW A. KiMlEr ’74, Partner, Vishnick Mcgovern Milizio llP

JosEpH TroTTi ’80, Partner, Vishnick Mcgovern Milizio llP

riCo VirAY ’79, founder, The CementBloc

gErArD pAssAro ’79, Vice President of network operations and distribution, Msg

seeking long-term ReturnsJacqueline Willens ’70 invests herself in theQueens College foundation

Jacqueline Willens ’70 is managing director of her own eponymous investment group at UBS Financial Services—but you wouldn’t know it from her low-frills office. She works in a bullpen, and her desk, topped by half a dozen monitors that allow her to track the market, is barely a few feet from her employees’ stations. Speaking in the adjacent conference room, Willens gestures toward its translucent glass walls and comments, “We’re very open here.”

Something else that’s clear: Her commitment to her alma mater. A member of the Queens College Foundation and an Angel Investor, Willens also—with her husband—established a scholarship that covers most of the tuition for two undergraduate business or accounting majors a year. “I don’t usually get involved in things I’m not passionate about,” she says. “Queens College is an affordable college with an outstanding track record of academic leadership.”

As it happens, QC’s reasonable tuition and high standards were not the factors that inspired Willens to study here. “I was too chicken to go out of town,” admits the Bayside native. “Plus, my father said he’d buy me a brand-new car if I stayed at home.” She may have been the only education

major driving to school in a gold Cutlass convertible with a black top.

Willens taught in public schools in the Bronx and Brooklyn before the commute from Fresh Meadows prompted her to pursue the other field she loved: business. From her start as an auctioneer for her father’s firm, which bought and sold rare stamps, she moved into finance. “I’d never been turned down for anything in my life,” recalls Willens, who pounded the pavement for a year before landing a job that included sponsorship for the Series 7 exams, mandatory for all stockbrokers. She eventually made her way to Paine Webber, which merged with UBS in 2000. Advising people who come to her exclusively by referral, she prides herself on choosing the right path for her clients.

Willens is equally thrilled with the transformation of QC since her student days. “The campus is beautiful,” she says. “I never thought I’d see a residence hall there. QC has become a place where people can not only get a good education, but also have the complete college experience. When you follow the school and the success of so many people who attended it, you can’t help being impressed. It’s only getting better.”

president Félix V. Matos rodríguez visited students calling QC alumni during the phonathon campaign. student callers learn about philanthropy and how a gift to the Annual Fund can impact their experience at Queens College.

luncheon, lectures, activities, student performances, co*cktail reception, and more.

Watch for the september issue of Queens for more details.

sAVE THE DATEHoMECoMing 2015! Sunday, OctOber 18 • 12–5 pm


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This year’s Knights, coached by Bet naumovski and Anthony Clarke, finished the season at 22-8. Front row l-r: Twanda Holder, Amber Harrison, raychel shannon, imani Davidson, Taylor Miller, and Joya McFarland; back row: Head Coach naumovski, Kristen Korzevinski, Janeen McFarlane, Melissa Fumano, MacKenzie rowland, Elisabeth gully, Madison rowland, and Assistant Coach Clarke.

in photos from the 1970s (above), gail Marquis (left) and Donna orender (right) wear the uniform of QC, where they were coached by lucille Kyvallos (center). Their version of women’s basketball paved the way for current standouts like Madison rowland (inset).

In FitzGerald Gym’s women’s locker room, head coach Elizabeth “Bet” Naumovski displayed a huge photo of the 1974–75 women’s basketball team, with a banner: “Restore the Glory.”

When she arrived at Queens College in 2011, Naumovski found that the Knights knew nothing about their team’s rich history, so she created a history wall. After all, Knights had been pioneers in pro ball and the Olympics. They had shattered precedents in “The World’s Most Famous Arena.” The coach who guided them to glory in the 1970s was Lucille Kyvallos.

As Naumovski scrounged to find trophies, photos, and memorabilia, she wanted her team “to understand they could do the same thing. Looking back on this season, that has come to fruition. They now know the past. They consider themselves part of it.” They, too, have written their own glory story.

As head coach from 1968–79 and 1980–81, Kyvallos received no paycheck for coaching—only a reduced teaching load. Her budget couldn’t even cover the team’s gym shoes. As a youngster, she had played ball “by the boys’ rules: the visual fakes, the body fakes, the fake passes. It took a while for the women’s game to catch up,” she observes. Her coaching, aerobic conditioning, and weight training prepared her team for all-out competition—even before Title IX and athletic scholarships for women. Her 1972–73 squad was the first women’s team inducted into the New York City Basketball Hall of Fame. With a career record of 239–77, Kyvallos retired from teaching at QC in 1995. Now she dominates another court: At age 82, this world-ranked tennis player “follows the sun” from Fort Lauderdale to Long Island.

the roar of 7,419. “We’re here to win,” their coach assured them, but first she urged them to look at all the alums, including eight of the 13 teammates from 1975. “You got that game back for us,” Naumovski says alums told the current team. “It’s vengeance for 40 years ago.” Sophom*ore Madison Rowland (ECC Player of the Year) tied two Maggie Dixon records and her sister, junior MacKenzie Rowland, tied another. A half-time ceremony saluted the two 1975 teams and coaches, and a panel discussion followed the game.

The glory kept growing. Team captain Donna (Geils) Orender ’78 went on to head the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), and teammate Gail Marquis ’80 brought home a silver medal in the summer of 1976 as a member of the United States’ first Olympic women’s basketball team.

Marquis, who lives in New Jersey, had asked Naumovski if she could spend January 4 with the Knights. “But I wanted to make sure the day belonged to the young ladies,” she emphasizes. As she walked through the Garden’s tunnel with them, Marquis reflected how “it was unbelievable that 40 years later what we did would stand up to the test of time.”

After the Montreal Olympics, Marquis competed professionally in France and the United States, then completed her degree in education and psychology. “I had a lot of competitiveness in me that never wore off,” she explains. Among her next challenges were jobs at JPMorgan Chase, Mass Mutual, and UPS; an MBA; and work as a broadcast commentator. “I often find myself where women or minorities are not seen. I find myself as an ambassador,” she notes, including for New York’s Olympic bid. “Wall Street wouldn’t let me be a trader or go into sales. Somebody had to get the ‘no’s’ until finally Wall Street turned around. Today women and minorities get in there and get a ‘yes.’” A member of the Queens College Foundation, she is president/CEO of G. Marquis World Financial Services.

Orender, based in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, also arrived early on January 4. After a QC game in 1975, Phyllis George, then a CBS sportscaster, asked the game’s high scorer if she’d ever considered turning pro. “I was totally taken off guard,” Orender recalls thinking. “It wasn’t even something that I could imagine.”

Instead, the psychology major went to graduate school in social work. “Little did I know,” she says, “that it would be in sports that I would be given such a wonderful opportunity to positively impact people.” Orender did turn pro, playing in the Women’s Professional Basketball League (1978–81). She worked in sports television before being recruited to the PGA TOUR. For 17 years, golf became her game as she guided PGA TOUR television, production, programming, and digital businesses to new heights globally. She returned to her passion for basketball as the second president of the WNBA (2006–2011). A member of the QC Sports Hall of Fame, the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, and the recently announced International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, she is CEO of Orender Unlimited and founder/CEO of Generation W.

Naumovski, Marquis, and Orender are thrilled to see “Ms. K” catch the limelight. QC is renovating a court in FitzGerald and naming it for Kyvallos. “I think my impact was that whatever happened in women’s basketball happened sooner than it would have happened,” she says modestly. All four excel at guiding young women into what Marquis calls the “regular world, where you’re wearing skirts and high heels and not high tops.” Orender often tells audiences, “I stand before you because of the lessons I learned about playing basketball at the highest level at Queens College.” She credits Kyvallos not only with coaching her to master those “superior fundamentals,” but also teaching her “to dig deeper into myself to get what I wanted, more than I ever thought possible.”

Queens of the Court The Knights continue to shoot for basketball stardom

by Donna shoemaker

In 1973, Kyvallos brought 16 teams to FitzGerald for the national tournament held by the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women; QC finished second to Immaculata College’s Mighty Macs. A year later, on home court, the Knights beat the two-time U.S. champs. “The campus was electrified,” she notes. “There was an energy coming from the QC basketball court, going out all over the city.” The national press frenzy led to an invitation for QC to become the first women’s collegiate basketball team to play in Madison Square Garden. Kyvallos knew just which opponent she wanted: the Mighty Macs, coached by Cathy Rush, who had played for Kyvallos at West Chester. The 11,969 spectators, many of them female, were ecstatic.

The 1975 game proved that “Women were ready—overdue in fact—to compete anytime, anywhere, including on the country’s biggest basketball stage,” noted Harvey Araton in the New York Times. His article glowingly previewed the Knights and Mighty Macs’ 40th anniversary match-up in the Garden on January 4. In 1975, QC lost 65–61. This time, Division II QC beat Division III Immaculata (now a co-ed university) 76–60 in game one of the Maggie Dixon Classic, named in honor of a celebrated collegiate roundballer and coach. The anniversary game “was a mental turning point for them,” says Naumovski. “It just kept climbing from there.” For the second year in a row, the Knights won at least 20 games (22–8). For the second time, they became East Coast Conference champions and reached an NCAA tournament.

“Our team was on Cloud 9,” Naumovski says of the rematch. Used to 100 to 200 fans at a regular season game, they experienced

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of six credit hours were eligible. Applicants submitted an essay addressing specific points, such as the relevance of King’s message today, and were interviewed by a committee.

Eighteen students were chosen; each had to pay a $100 nonrefundable fee. Few knew each other, so at an orientation session before winter break, they played games to get acquainted. Instructions were mixed in with the fun. “I gave everyone a packing list that included two business casual outfits,” reports Kayla Maryles, QC’s coordinator of Student Life, who managed and —with co-worker Savanna Ramsey—accompanied the trip. “Some students had traveled extensively; others had never been on a plane.” The contingent was varied in other ways, too, involving a wide range of ethnicities and religions. “It just worked out that we had an extremely diverse group,” continues Maryles.

The travelers assembled at LaGuardia on Sunday, January 18, 2015, for the flight to Georgia. Shur was already in Atlanta. Fresh from a gathering where he ran into fellow civil rights veteran Andrew Young—“Serendipity? That was no coincidence,” says Shur—the rabbi met the group at the airport for the bus ride to their hotel. The first item on their agenda was a presentation by Peter Geffen, a QC alum. Geffen spoke about Summer Community Organization and Political Education (SCOPE), a campaign that enlisted volunteers like himself and Shur in the 1960s. Created by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the civil rights organization once led by King, SCOPE registered nearly 50,000 new African American voters in the summer of 1965.

Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, was devoted to action. In the morning, members of the trip served meals and beverages at a program run at the Georgia World Congress Center by Hosea Feed the Hungry, an international aid organization founded by King colleagues Hosea and Juanita Williams. “This was a huge event, where people could get haircuts, clothes, legal help, and medical attention in addition to food,” says Maryles. “We built it into the trip because of its connection to King’s mission.”

That afternoon, the QC group joined the SCLC in its annual march through town. This year’s observance was shadowed by cases across the country in which unarmed black men died in encounters with law enforcement. “I heard people chanting, ‘We still have to fight, we still have to win,’” recalls political science major Zushye Kestenbaum ’15, who appreciated the opportunity to experience the march with people of different backgrounds.

The next day was spent at the Center for Civil and Human Rights, a museum that links the U.S. civil rights movement to broader campaigns around the world. Afterward, students sat down at the hotel with Hosea’s daughter, former QC Associate Provost Barbara Williams Emerson, an activist who lived in St. Albans for about 30 years before moving back to Atlanta.

Wednesday involved a day trip to Alabama to see the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute and iconic locations nearby. The group went to Kelly Ingram Park, site of 1963 protests against segregation and, at one corner of the park, 16th Street Baptist Church, bombed by the Ku Klux Klan in an infamous crime that killed four little girls. “Walking around Kelly Ingram Park was one of the most emotional parts of the trip for me,” comments Richards.

The Birmingham schedule included a visit with U. W. Clemon, an activist and lawyer who became the first African American federal judge in Alabama. [Glenda Grace, chief of staff to QC President Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, had interned with Clemon.] “The students met people who were in the movement and saw the fruition of their work,” says Shur. Another extra—because students, who were responsible for meals other than breakfast, didn’t eat together—was a dinner that the rabbi arranged through Chabad of Alabama, accommodating all dietary requirements with kosher Southern fried chicken and vegetarian options.

Maintaining a whirlwind pace on their last day, the group went to the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, exploring his boyhood home and Ebenezer Baptist Church—which King and his father had served as pastors—as well as the King Center and the visitor center. En route to the airport, in a detour arranged by Shur, they stopped at the office of a celebrated activist–pastor–legislator–diplomat: Andrew Young made time for them.

As memorable as that conversation was, the unplanned discussions students had with each other may be even more important. “I heard different opinions,” says Kestenbaum. “People were very forward about what they felt. I gained perspective.”

“Sometimes people don’t get along on campus,” notes Richards. “Is it age? Gender? Culture?” Citing the Mahatma Gandhi exhibit she saw at the King Center, she adds, “We are all one. We need to remember that we all belong to each other.”

left: Veteran civil rights activists Moshe shur, peter geffen (l to r, standing) and Andrew Young (seated) had an impromptu reunion in Atlanta on the eve of Martin luther King Jr. Day. Above: King posed with volunteers shur and geffen (l to r) while they were registering African American voters in orangeburg, south Carolina. shur donated this photo, and other personal souvenirs from that era, to QC’s Civil rights Archive.

QC students make a life-changing

pilgrimage to places associated

with Dr. Martin Luther King

by leslie Jay

When students go out of town for spring break, they usually head to a beach. But future teacher Sharice Richards ’16 (Childhood Education) went instead to Ferguson, Missouri, a magnet for protest since Darren Wilson, a white local police officer, fatally shot Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager. From April 4 to 10, Richards tutored children in reading, worked on downtown cleanup projects, and attended training sessions in community organizing. “After I finish my master’s degree, maybe I’ll teach in Ferguson,” she says.

Figuratively speaking, Richards is following “In the Footsteps of Dr. King,” a pilot program that brought her and 17 other QC students to Georgia and Alabama during winter session. “I needed something to give me a push to be a part of the struggle,” observes Richards, who says the insights she gained on the trip influenced her decisions.

That was the goal, says Adjunct Professor Moshe Shur (History). Shur thought up the program in response to his experience as a guest lecturer for a history class on civil rights. While talking about the movement and his involvement in it, he felt his audience grow detached. “The students were born after Martin Luther King died,” explains the rabbi, who surmised that events from nearly 50 years ago must have seemed like ancient history. “So I had the idea for a program that would take them to the places King had been. It would be experiential and spiritual education.”

Shur’s idea evolved into a five-day journey dedicated to the memory and vision of his friend David S. Taub, a philanthropist and founder of Palm Bay International Fine Wine and Spirits. QC’s Student Association endorsed the project, publicizing it through flyers and allocating $20,000 for student travel and lodging. All QC students who had a GPA of at least 2.5 and carried a minimum

landmark experience

gathered behind the banner of civil rights, a QC contingent observes Martin luther King Jr. Day by participating in a march through downtown Atlanta. The southern Christian leadership Conference, an organization associated with King, holds this event every year.

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Stephen StepanchevThe First Hundred Years

“Nothing happens here except for the wind that blows . . . ”

That line from Stephen Stepanchev’s poem “In Our Village” isn’t quite right. In Hastings-on-Hudson, he is happening, as fluidly as the Hudson. He just happens, on his 100th birthday, to have pub-lished his 13th book, River Reveries.

It’s been three decades since the professor emeritus of English retired from Queens College, where he inspired creative writers for more than a third of his life. The Borough of Queens took note of January 30 as well, proclaimed his 100th birthday Stephen Step-anchev Day to honor its first poet laureate (1997 to 2000). From a dozen of his volumes poems unfurl, some reprinted from leading literary sources. His other book is a 1966 critique: American Poetry Since 1945.

“I write about things that I see, the world surrounding me,” Stepanchev relates. “I like living out here. It’s very, very good being in the countryside.” As we converse by phone, he gazes from an

armchair in his apartment out across the Hudson, “a source of some of my best work.” The river’s ice is “moving slowly south”—and north—on what the Algonquins called “a two-way stream, a place of ambiguity,” as he described it in “A Crack in a Palisade.” He tells me, “Sometimes the whole area is covered with fog. It’s fascinating to look at that.”

Beginning as jottings on paper scraps, and then typed up, Stepanchev’s poems penetrate the fog. He deftly handles haikus, villanelles, and free verse “in a world where no one writes in hexameters,” as he observes in “Fire Island.” His lyrical loveliness, immigrant empathy, and sympathetic narrative voice emerge whether the image evoked is his niece’s cat, diced galaxies, lilacs, cops, a shoe-box theatre in Flushing, or the loves of a lifelong bachelor.

Just as he delighted in dim sum and Russian pastries while living in Flushing, Stepanchev likes to take a daily walk in Hastings-on-Hudson. Poetry, he says, becomes “the proper way of looking at the world,” of “making it come alive,” metaphor by “beautiful metaphor.” He makes it sound easy: “You link them and it becomes a poem.”

In “The Resurrection of Saw Mill River,” Stepanchev declares:

. . . The time is right. A river of April promises Runs through my stirring, winding blood, Energized by a love of light.

There are more life-affirming lines in his latest volume than “death’s opening door” thoughts, though certainly any centenarian has earned the right to reflect on those, and he does. In “Upturn,” he upends a death cliché:

But this is the season of the resurrected bulb,When the dumb awake, stretch, and speak in color.Someone is pushing up tulips.

One poem in River Reveries recalls his “dream-swept years” in the Serbian village of Mokrin, from which he and his mother emigrated to Chicago when he was seven. “I didn’t know a word of English,” he notes, but ensconced in poetry and the public library, soon he knew thousands. On a scholarship, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Chicago and stayed for a master’s degree. Drafted during World War II, he served in the Army’s Adjutant General’s Office, returning from Europe with a Bronze Star, then earning his PhD at New York University.

For QC’s 50th anniversary in 1987, Stepanchev edited The People’s College on the Hill. He found it marvelous that Walt Whitman “had such a close connection” to QC. In 2005, QC dedicated a plaque on the spot on campus where the 19th-century poet-journalist-humanist had taught in a one-room schoolhouse.

Stepanchev took part in the ceremony. In “Words for Queens College,” he summoned his kindred spirit:

Walt Whitman rises from my boot-soles, takesMy hand, and shows me waves of immigrantsCome to renew the land . . .He shows me that life, not death, is permanent.

Stepanchev recalls of his 36 years teaching at QC that “the students were very bright, very able. I taught them how to write poetry and a course in the history of American literature.” Joseph Caruso comes to visit his former teacher. “We talk about his poetry and my poetry, and world events,” says Stepanchev.

Each Tuesday, at the James V. Harmon Community Center, Stepanchev engages a wider audience in discussing current affairs, drawing upon his thorough reading of the New York Times. “My students are very active in discovering what’s been going on,” says Stepanchev. “We’re tough on many of the grave issues.”

Very little deters Stepanchev from rising well before dawn to read and to write. It’s not insomnia, he explains, but that love of light. He clearly foresees a 14th volume. “I just feel it’s necessary, because I want to make a really complete oeuvre to leave behind about things I’ve experienced. There isn’t much that I haven’t experienced.” The words he would leave to alumni are these: “Find a way of living honestly, to be colleagues living good lives. That I try to do. That’s about all I can tell you.”

Along the top: stephen stepanchev through the years, with his mother (far left) to the present, near a water tower that intrigues him and will likely be the subject of an upcoming poem.

by Donna shoemaker

12 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College

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A fter the New York State Military Museum (NYSMM) found encrypted passages in one of its Civil War diaries, the staff searched online for expert help. “We Googled ‘Civil War

ciphers,’” says Jim Gandy, librarian of the Saratoga Springs-based museum. “We saw that Kent Boklan (Computer Science) did similar work.” Indeed, breaking historic ciphers is something of a hobby for Boklan, a cryptanalyst trained by the National Security Agency. (A QC faculty member since 2004, he teaches mathematics and cryptography. His coolest office toy is a working replica of the Enigma machine familiar to fans of The Imitation Game.)

The future QC professor was still at the NSA in 1999, when he saw an intriguing item in a catalog from Sotheby’s—the auction house was selling a letter that a Confederate soldier wrote in code. Boklan volunteered to crack it. His success with that project led people to bring him other mysterious texts: a diary kept by a U.S. surgeon during the War of 1812, a letter sent from one Union officer to another. “I’ve broken four historical ciphers,” says Boklan, including the NYSMM diary. “It’s a step-by-step process based on deductions. I imagine myself a detective and channel my inner Sherlock Holmes.” His papers about each cipher have been published in Cryptologia, which put him on its editorial board.

Boklan needed just a week to tease out the secrets of Confederate officer James Malbone, the only Reb diarist represented in NYSMM. “It was wonderful,” comments Gandy. “We were amazed he did it so quickly.”

Not much is known about Malbone, who enlisted in Virginia in March 1862, was promoted to second lieutenant that May, and wounded in combat a year later. Subsequently, he served behind battle lines. At the end of the war, he returned to Virginia. A lifelong bachelor, he died in 1912 at the age of 84, leaving no direct descendants to be troubled by the contents of his journal.

Professor Kent D. Boklan deciphers old military documents

by leslie Jay

Above and opposite: pages from Malbone’s journal, the only Confederate diary in the new York state Military Museum, show their age. inset, opposite: the secretive author in uniform.

Code WArriorThe fragile leather-bound book is filled with accounts of person-

nel and supplies, information Malbone presumably expected to share with his commanders. He jotted down notes about his purchases, avowals of loyalty to the Confederacy, even a poem in which he longs for the war to be over. But other material appears in a cipher that he created himself, employing punctuation marks, dollar and pound signs, and other symbols.

“His handwriting is difficult to read,” says Boklan, who used a transcription and a PDF of the diary provided by the museum. “I’d wonder whether a period was a period, or part of a code. I looked for sections that were clearly written, and worked from there.” He also looked for operator errors. “I like to exploit mistakes,” Boklan explains. “If something is done right, it can be hard.” Upon seeing the sentence, “May the Lord bless + be with you in my

prayer,” followed by “?*. ,” Boklan noted that the last three of these characters also followed the word three in another section of the diary. “That was an oversight on Malbone’s part,” he continues. “From a simple deduction that these four characters meant Amen, the code began to unravel.”

The deciphered texts involve gossip—one soldier in his camp was caught in flagrante with another soldier’s wife—as well as the author’s sexual fantasies or experiences. Another section disparaged Varina Howell Davis, wife of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. (During her years as First Lady of the South, Mrs. Davis spoke fondly of her northern relatives and friends, and visited hospitalized soldiers from both sides of the conflict; in a form of coded social communication, her critics mocked her olive complexion.)

None of this material is terribly surprising to Boklan. In his Malbone paper, he notes that ciphers by military personnel tend to cover a handful of topics: sex, opinions the writer doesn’t want others to see, and matters of military import. The Malbone diary had all three, as well as a fourth: matters of religious observance. “Despite the advances of technology, we’re not all that different now,” Boklan muses. “We have the same interests, the same thoughts, the same problems.”

Decoded, the passage above reads:Three men were puplicly whipt @ whipping post befor the whole brigade March 11th, 1863

“It’s a step-by-step process based on deductions. I imagine myself a detective and channel my inner Sherlock Holmes. ”

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16 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College Queens: The Magazine of Queens College 17

by Bob suter

Students pack the Campbell Dome to hear the stories that Michael Weisman ’71, Michael Cohen ’83, and their special guests have to tell as part of the new Media Studies course, Introduction to Sports Broadcasting.

Today at the head of the class is Ken Aagaard, executive VP for operations, engineering & production services at CBS Sports. He is recalling working on Super Bowl XXXVIII in Houston, a great game between the New England Patriots and the Carolina Panthers that few remember for the quality of play on the field.

Aagaard remembers thinking at halftime how months of intensive planning had paid off in a flawless broadcast so far. As the halftime show began, he confidently left his control room perch in a production truck to enjoy a moment’s rest outside. He was stunned by what he saw.

“It looked like Armageddon. People were going crazy, running all over the place.”

Aagaard had just missed Janet Jackson’s now famous “wardrobe malfunction.” Quickly returning to the truck, he requested a slow-motion replay, and immediately concluded that this was no accident. Then, came the call.

“Leslie Moonves, the chairman of CBS, is up in the press box and he hadn’t seen it either,” said Aagaard. “He has to see it, and all they have up there is a VHS machine. He’s sending runners down to me, and they’re saying, ‘He’s got to have it now! And it’s got to be VHS!’ It’s 2004, I’ve got $60 million worth of equipment, and I don’t have a VHS machine.”

Somehow VHS equipment was found elsewhere in the vast Reliant Stadium complex and Moonves got his tape. Aagaard had

extinguished that fire, but the experience still burns him to this day: “That woman ruined my broadcast.”

This war story from the legendary Aagaard, a man who has earned 11 Emmy Awards and induction into the Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame, is typical of what students hear every week. Introduction to Sports Broadcasting came into being thanks to Weisman and Cohen, who are also legends within the sports broadcasting industry.

A former executive producer of NBC Sports, Michael Weisman has received 24 Emmy Awards in a career spanning more than three decades. He is revered for his innovations in the production of such marquee events as the Olympics, World Series, Wimbledon, and the Super Bowl.

Weisman made headlines recently when he was drafted by NBC to come out of semi-retirement and take over as executive in charge of MSNBC’s ratings-challenged “Morning Joe” with Joe Scarbor-ough. (Noting the challenge of having to be in the studio by 5:15 am, he joked to the New York Post that his goal was to change the show to “Afternoon Joe.”)

Winner of eight Emmy Awards, Michael Cohen is also renowned as a producer of sports programming at NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and ESPN, where his credits include the Olympics, the World Series, the Super Bowl, the Kentucky Derby, and the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament. As executive producer for Major League Soccer and its marketing arm from 2001 to 2010, he waged a successful effort to grow the American audience for the sport the rest of the world prefers to watch.

Though Cohen and Weisman both grew up in Queens, neither had initially planned to attend their local college.

In Weisman’s case a personal tragedy, the sudden death of his father in 1969, saw him transfer to Queens from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he was on a baseball

scholarship. Returning to his family’s Douglaston home, he enrolled at nearby Queens College as a communication arts and sciences major, working nights and weekends to help support his mother.

Cohen, who grew up in Kew Gardens Hills, had been accepted to study economics at colleges in Maryland and Florida; Queens was his safety school. While in high school, he had secured an internship working weekends at WNBC TV, the local NBC affiliate. As graduation approached, the sports and news department offered him the opportunity to continue working weekends—including working with the NBC network—provided he remained in New York. Queens College suddenly became his first choice.

It was at NBC in the 1980s that the two first met in a hallway, says Cohen. Weisman, who began work at NBC as a page, had since risen to become coordinating producer of baseball for NBC Sports and was about to be named executive producer of NBC Sports. Standing with a baseball bat in his hand and seeing Cohen approaching, he yelled, “Hey, Theismann,” because of Cohen’s curly-haired resem-blance to Washington Redskins quarterback Joe Theismann.

Their paths crossed many times in subsequent years, and they became friends as well as colleagues. Last fall, when Cohen was the featured speaker at one of the Professionals on Campus forums regularly presented by the college’s Office of Institutional Advancement, Queens College’s new president, Félix Matos Rodríguez, was present. It was a large, enthusiastic gathering, and it offered Cohen a chance to raise with the college’s new executive officer an idea he and Weisman had been playing with for several years: an introductory course on all aspects of the sports broadcasting business.

With the president’s support, the project quickly moved forward, and in February Professors Cohen and Weisman began teaching for three hours every Thursday morning.

With his new “Morning Joe” responsibilities, the schedule has presented a bit of a challenge for Weisman, who emphasizes his commitment to the class by noting, “When I signed the contract

with NBC, I only insisted on one perq: that every Thursday a car be available to take me directly from 30 Rock to Queens College.”

Cohen has demonstrated a similar level of commitment, recently cutting short a week of meetings in Los Angeles so he could catch a red-eye flight back to New York and go directly to class.

If class attendance is the equivalent of television ratings for the pair, Intro-duction to Sports Broadcasting is a hit. “We may be the only class at Queens where students are dropping in,” says Weisman, with Cohen confirming that they’ve exceeded the 35 enrollment cap.

“We wanted to create a curriculum which scratches the surface of the business, and came up with 12 different topics for the 14 classes,” says Cohen. “For a final project we’re going to have the students form groups and create and pitch an idea for a sports television show. By that time they should have learned about programming, producing, management, technology. We’re pretty excited to see what they come up with.”

Besides Aagaard, other guests to Campbell Dome have included Mets and Islanders announcer Howie Rose ’77; media consultant and former Twitter executive Ben Grossman; former president of HBO Sports and MSG Network Seth Abraham; ESPN announcer Bob Ley; and many, many more.

Weisman proudly observes that “Every time someone appears, they always ask Michael and me the same question: ‘Who was here before?’ And they all say: ‘Wow!’ I would say that Queens College, with this cast of speakers, has arguably the best sports broadcasting course in the country.”

Weisman and Cohen both acknowledge that, as students, they had no sense of how good a job Queens College was doing in preparing them to take on the opportunities that came their way. Citing his initial feelings of inferiority competing in an industry with so many individuals who came from Ivy League schools and schools with big sports programs, Weisman says, “I came to realize as I rose up to become the head of NBC Sports that I take pride in being from Queens College. . . . And I want these Queens College kids to know that they can be anything, and I’m proof of it.”

Cohen’s motivation derives in part from his economics background. “We did some research and found that sports broadcasting and sports in general is over a billion-dollar industry for universities. . . . So, I wanted to help bring the real world back to Queens College and help it compete with these other universities that have focused on sports media, broadcasting, and management.”

“Our obligation to our students is to give of our time and our effort, and bring these guests in and expose students to people who can give them phone numbers that can lead to interviews and jobs,” says Weisman. “And if a couple of them become the next Cohen and Weisman, or if someone gets a job as a technician or publicist or any job in the sports business because of what we exposed them to, then we’re impacting people’s lives, and we’d feel great about it.”

Weisman, it should be noted, has previously impacted a student’s life in a less visible and more personal fashion. Working with Institutional Advancement, he agreed to fund a four-year scholarship covering all expenses for someone who, like him, had experienced a personal tragedy that would have derailed the student’s college plans. Expressing profound gratitude to Weisman and the college, that student recently reported an achievement that might otherwise not have been possible: acceptance to study medicine at Johns Hopkins University.


longtime Espn announcer Bob ley takes time to chat with students after his presentation with Espn Executive Vice president norby Williamson at a session of QC’s new class in sports broadcasting.

Alumni and friends Michael Cohen ’83 (above left) and Michael Weisman ’71 have returned to campus after long, distinguished careers as television sports producers to offer Queens College’s first-ever course in sports broadcasting.

WInnerProducing a

Media studies major gabrielle riviere

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18 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College Queens: The Magazine of Queens College 19

room with fantastic views of the san francisco Bay.” They can be reached at [emailprotected] . . . 1958: susan Felix published Stay Amazed (Poetry flash Players), a collection of poems written for her by friends like Jonathan lethem and California Poet laureate al Young. susan had enjoyed a 55-year marriage with Morton, the poet and playwright she met at QC who wrote poems for her throughout their years together. after Mort’s death in 2012, she felt the loss deeply and asked for poems rather than the usual forms of help and support. The resulting book has led to poetry readings around Berkeley, where susan is a ceramic artist . . . Mimi stern-Wolfe was honored with the 2014 lower east side Commu-nity leader award for her service to a community where she has lived since 1963. her many local efforts have included starting a nursery school collective, teaching children’s community theatre and music, and founding a music series called Composers of the holocaust . . . 1959: robert schuettinger was appointed a visiting research fellow at the Rothermere american institute of oxford university, following an earlier appointment at Mansfield College. President of the oxford study abroad Programme and associate fellow of davenport College at Yale, he has taught at Yale and harvard . . . 1961: Arthur Flug retired as executive director of the harriet and kenneth kupferberg holocaust Resource Center and archives at Queensbor-ough Community College—his sixth career and counting. arthur retired from the Board of education in 1990, after 30 years as a teacher and administrator; volunteered in the israeli army at age 61; retired as district administrator for then-Con-gressman gary Ackerman ’65 in 1999; retired as director of the Manhattan region of the american Jewish Congress; retired as then-Councilman david Weprin’s chief of staff; and took a position in community outreach at the holocaust Center, becoming director and staying almost a decade. While there he raised $6 million for a new center with classes on racism, prejudice, and stereotyp-

ing; internships devoted to interviewing holocaust survivors and studying hate crimes law; and a new asian social Justice Program with exhibition space and lessons on korean comfort women. his latest retirement will give him more time with his wife, state supreme Court Justice Phyllis orlikoff flug, their four children, and nine grandchil-dren. at 75, arthur plans to continue fundraising for the center. as he told the Queens Times Ledger, “There are a lot of things i want to do i don’t even know about” . . . peggy sapphire received the 2014 eric hoffer award: honorable Mention for her book, The Disenfranchised: Stories of Life and Grief when an Ex-Spouse Dies (Baywood). she writes: “i first learned of eric hoffer at QC, in the mid-1950s, when the late dr. Joseph Mulally, teaching Contemporary Civilization, introduced hoffer’s 1951 True Believer, as vital as it was almost 60 years ago” . . . 1962: robert Ball returned to new York after years of teaching at the university of hawaii, where he is professor emeritus of classics. in 2013 he published in the Musical Quarterly a biographical article on Joseph Machlis, who taught music at QC for 37 years and is widely known as author of The Enjoyment of Music . . . 1963: steven Charnow published his first novel, Charlie Fig and the Lip (unsolicited Press), a coming-of-age story set in Canarsie, Brooklyn, and Jamaica Bay. Writing fiction adds to steven’s long list of achievements as a social worker, Peace Corps volunteer, lyricist, and screenwriter . . . paul simon was honored with a multimedia exhibition at the Rock and Roll hall of fame, marking the 50th anniversary of his music career and consisting of artifacts, videos, music, and taped interviews. among the items on exhibit is a photo of him as a drama student at QC . . . 1964: Mark levy (Ms ’73) was the keynote speaker at the Rev. dr. Martin luther king Jr. Commemora-

tive Celebration Program at Meridian Communi-ty College in Mississippi; in 1964 he had been coordi-nator of the

QUEENS aluMni noTes

Meridian freedom school during freedom summer. Mark was present at the QC premiere of Freedom Summer, directed by stanley nelson and aired on PBs. also in atten-dance were Dorothy zellner ’60 and steve schwerner, older brother of Michael schwerner. The film includes interviews with dorothy and with Michael’s widow rita schwerner Bender ’64 as well as still photos of Betty Bollinger ’63 and Andrew goodman . . . 1966: Adria Henderson was a licensed private investigator in Connecticut for more than 20 years, but it is her love of animals that has gained her a public following. The writer of a monthly column on pets for the Newtown Bee, she also created the animals Matter page on facebook, where she posts animal stories and events from around the world and has a readership of more than 11,000 people; it was recently added to, a network of hyperlocal websites . . . laura oren retired as professor of law at the university of houston, where she taught family and constitutional law. This has been laura’s third career, embarked upon when she was already a practicing historian as well as the organizer and first president of the feminist Credit union in her community . . . 1968: John Concannon was recognized with an award from the nassau County auxiliary Police for his three decades of service, including 300 hours in 2013 alone. although John retired from his career in teaching in 2012, he stayed on as volunteer captain and commanding officer of the new hyde Park auxiliary police department. in that capacity he goes on neighborhood patrol, helps with crowd and traffic control at community events, and in emergen-cies can perform first aid and CPR. in his own modest estimation, “Basically it’s helping people in the community and the police department” . . . Vance Koven writes lively, albeit exacting, reviews for the Boston Music Intelligencer ( he is both a composer and a practicing attorney, and for many years was chairman of the dinosaur annex Music ensemble . . . Estela lópez was appointed interim

provost of the Board of Regents for higher education in Connecticut. she is charged with introducing Transform CsCu 2020, a strategic plan for uniting the state universities, community colleges, and an online college in one state system . . . 1969: Joan richardson was made a distinguished professor, the highest faculty rank in the CunY system. she teaches american literature at the CunY graduate Center . . . Catherine Tsounis (Ma ’73) has published several books on the greek-american experience. her latest is Through My Eyes: St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church of Flushing, New York 1987–2014, which is a collection of her newspaper articles on the people and work of this community anchor . . . 1970: Alan Krasnoff has been mayor of Chesapeake, Va, since 2008, and previously served on the city council for 18 years. Though retired, he works a few hours a week as a chiropractor and also volunteers with programs for at-risk youth . . . 1971: Deirdre Mcgilloway Hayes (Ma ’76) retired from the herricks (l.i.) school district, where she served as assistant superintendent of instruction and curriculum. she hopes to travel with her husband, Peter, who retired last year, and expects to be involved in adult literacy programs. “My hand will always be in the education field in some way,” she told the Anton News . . . 1972: Therese Mcnally was profiled in the New York Times as a polymath with a bird as famous as she: dudley, a macaw with a big vocabulary and an outsized personality. a former opera singer, Theresa now works for a financial company, writes musicals, and posts popular YouTube videos, but it is as “dudley’s mom”—his companion out and about—that she is known in her neighborhood. she credits him with getting her through chemo-therapy and a bout with typhoid . . . Harold rosenbaum (Ma ’74) received the 2014 ditson Conduc-tor’s award, the oldest continuing award in honor of conductors who have made distinguished contribu-tions to american music . . . 1973: Duffy spencer (Ms ’75), who is a social psychologist, presented “love Therapy 101” in oceanside, nY, last

1942: peter skala, who attended QC in 1941 and 1942 before being drafted, has again been honored for his wartime service. on June 18, which is observed in france as the founding of the Resistance and the free french forces under Charles de gaulle, he was awarded france’s highest honor: the national order of the legion of honor. in recognition of his valor during the liberation of the city of Metz in 1944, the french ambassador in london (where Peter lives) presented him with a medal and the distinction of Chevalier de la legion d’honneur, noting that “Your heroic actions forced 400 enemy troops to surrender and enabled the capture of the commander of german forces in Metz, which led to the end of german resistance.” in novem-ber Peter was an honored guest at the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Metz’s liberation . . . 1943: The late Mitzi libsohn wrote poetry over a 35-year period, and recently her daughter Pauli Rose libsohn compiled those poems into a book titled Immortal Kisses: Confessions of a Poet (Page Publishing) . . . 1955: Joe “Yogi” Brostek has been keeping busy. he is events maven for the broadway–flushing homeowners association and membership chair of the QC Retirees association. he also served on the centennial committee of his church, st. andrew avellino in

flushing, where he produced the 100-year history of the parish. Joe was recently installed as a trustee of the Queens historical society . . . Marc pilisuk and phyllis Kamen pilisuk have sent news of how they are doing. Marc writes that they married in 1956. Phyllis, who had graduated magna cum laude, became “the first woman ever admitted” to harvard’s department of social Relations, but the two of them went instead to the university of Michigan, where she earned her Ma in sociology and he got his Phd in psychology. They have both been active in social justice causes, including Marc’s role in helping found Psychologists for social Responsibility. he taught at uC Berkeley, where Phyllis obtained her MsW, and at uC davis. Together they coedited two books on poverty and, though Phyllis has struggled with multiple sclerosis since she was 16, she published four volumes of poetry. Marc has authored ten books on humanitarian topics and has received national honors for teaching, research, and community service, including the 2012 howard zinn award for lifetime achieve-ment in Peace studies. now professor emeritus at uC, he is teaching at saybrook graduate school & Research Center. Marc writes, “We live in a wonderful house in the Berkeley hills and love to have guests, who get the guest

april . . . 1974: Jeffrey geiger (Ma ’77) published his second book, Camp Cooke and Vandenberg Air Force Base, 1941–1966 (Mcfarland). it portrays life in an army camp during World War ii and the korean War, and describes the evolution of Vandenberg into the country’s only space and missile base, where the first iCBMs equipped with nuclear warheads were positioned. Before retirement, Jeff served as Vanden-berg’s chief historian for more than 30 years . . . Marlene Wieden-baum exhibited pastel paintings in group shows at the dacia gallery in nYC and the Mark gruber gallery in new Paltz . . . 1976: robert Bacchi was appointed executive vice president and chief information officer of Choice logistics . . . Camille Eskell teaches aP and honors studio art at staples high school in Westport, CT, where she has developed a loyal following. in a profile in Inklings, the student newspaper, interviews with her students turned up enthusiastic endorsem*nts of her teaching and personal style. “she’s totally hilarious and quirky, which makes all her classes entertaining and fun,” said one. “There is so much love and respect for Ms. eskell,” said another. “she is passionate, funny, kind and genuinely cares about how we are doing” . . . 1977: Warren lehrer completed his second residency at rutgers–newark, including an

exhibition of his work, a reading, and a panel discussion on the future of the book. he was invited back to work with Rutgers undergraduates and Mfa candidates on his innovative graphical-novel project, A Life in Books: The Rise and Fall of Bleu Mobley, which has won a number of awards, including the national indie Book award . . . Mona scott published Timothy McHugglebee Gets His Coat of Arms, a book about bullying written for children 6–14 years old. This is her third book in a series on life lessons . . . 1978: Bruce Eder retired after 35 years as a professional writer, affiliated with firms as diverse as Current Biography, Newsday, and the Criterion Collection. he writes, “My english major led me to a good and often also exciting living for three and a half decades, in journalism and scholarship, in music, film, history, politics, and current events. But after thousands of articles and an equal number of deadlines met, it was time to sit back and start enjoying what i’ve been writing about” . . . Edward smaldone, the director of QC’s aaron Copland school of Music, was one of 11 composers chosen in an international competition to be featured on volume 2 of aBlaze Records’ Orchestral Masters disc, slated for worldwide release. his composition The Beauty of Innuendo, inspired by Wallace stevens’s poem “Thirteen

Bookshelf: irA spAr ’64over and above the staggering numbers of battlefield deaths in the american Civil War, the majority of the dead succumbed to disease. in response to the lack of even elementary preparedness, the u.s. government, physicians, and others worked together to introduce more professionalized care of wounded troops. in new Haven’s Civil War Hospital (McFarland), irA spAr focuses on the creation of a

thousand-bed military hospital for Connecticut soldiers, showing how that effort led to a comprehensive facility that functioned as “a city within a city.” Returned to civilian control after the war, it grew to become today’s yale–new Haven Hospital. Ira is uniquely suited to tell the story. he is an orthopedic and hand surgeon who deals with trauma in his practice, and he served as a battalion surgeon during the Vietnam War. Through the well-chosen use of letters, newspapers, songs, and anecdotes, ira brings to life a compelling struggle off the better-known battlefields.

Bookshelf: CYnTHiA BisMAn ’65 a globalizing world creates a host of new challenges in everyday life—from changing social identities to emerging legal issues. lives are experienced in constantly evolving ways around the world as people work in global teams, immigrate to new countries but stay in touch with the old, and simultaneously embrace tradition and post-modernity in lifestyles, family patterns, and communication. in social Work: Value-guided practice for a global soci-ety (Columbia university Press), CYnTHiA BisMAn addresses what this new world means for ethical, reflexive, and critical social work that aims to promote social justice and human well-being. a model of graceful thinking and writing, the book draws on Cynthia’s long experience in social work—as professor emeritus at Bryn Mawr College and former co-director of the Bryn Mawr College Center on international studies.

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QUEENS Alumni notes

Ways of looking at a Blackbird,” is performed by the Brno Philharmon-ic under Maestro Mikel Toms . . . 1979: susan Jacobini Harrington became a tax partner at Margolin, Winer & evens . . . 1980: susan Behrens has published a new, and humane, study of students’ struggles with academic english, along with suggestions for how teachers can help them, titled Understanding Language Use in the Classroom: A Linguistic Guide for College Educators (Multilingual Matters). she also has made her first documentary, The Three Rs (Plaster Bear Productions), which can be seen on YouTube. sue teaches communication sciences and disorders at Marymount Manhattan College, where she is co-director of the Center for Teaching innovation

and excellence . . . Jane irish (Mfa) had a solo exhibition of ceramics and gouache paintings, titled Faience & Firenze, at locks gallery in Philadelphia. Jane’s work—which explores such themes as war, power, and collective memory—has been widely exhibited in the united states and is held in the permanent collections of several museums. she is retiring this year as Mfa coordinator at the university of Pennsylvania . . . steven Kalm sang at Carnegie hall in november for an american Composers orchestra concert of Meredith Monk’s Night. steven was a member of the Meredith Monk Vocal ensemble for many years, and participated in the creation and premieres of several of her works. he also performed to

high acclaim last year at Carnegie hall, in the opera The Wayward by harry Partch. steven is dean of the College of Visual and Performing arts at the university of Montana . . . 1981: Julie livingston launched her own company, livingston PR, in new York, offering services in communications, marketing, and business develop-ment . . . 1982: Audrey pheffer’s name is known to residents of Queens, where she is county clerk and commissioner of jurors. she supervises the summoning of jurors and their placement for trials. she and her partner glenn Riddell enjoy their five children and seven grandchildren . . . 1983: Maria Cocchiarelli (Ms ’85, Mfa ’04) lives in Walsenburg, Co, with her

husband and fellow artist Brendt Berger. she is chief curator and head of development and educational programs at the Museum of friends, which they founded. They recently hosted an exhibition on Labor, Mining and Immigration: Contemporary Artists Interpret the On-going Struggle . . . 1985: robert panariello (Ms) received the lynn Wallace Clinical education and Professional development award at the american Physical Therapy association annual event this february. Rob, who studied exercise physiology at QC, has lectured nationally and published more than 60 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. he rehabilitates and trains athletes, and is founding partner and chief clinical officer of Professional

Physical Therapy in garden City, nY . . . 1987: lisa Deloria Weinblatt has been having great success with her School Lunch series of paintings. Created with the backing of a nYC Public arts grant, and based on observation of lunchrooms across metropolitan new York’s high schools, colleges, and universities, her paintings explore interpersonal relations and emotions in multicul-tural settings. The series has been exhibited widely in the united states, including in solo exhibitions . . . 1990: patricia Quigley is juggling her legal practice with service on the boards of the shelter island Parent-Teacher-student association and Communities That Care, an anti-addiction organization. having stepped down as town justice, she is enjoying life with her sons and husband Mike dunning . . . Deborah riegel was appointed to the board of directors for the alumni association of Brooklyn law school. she is a trial lawyer at Rosenberg & estis . . . 1991: rita plush (Ma ’94) has gathered her short stories in a collection entitled Alterations (Penumbra). in her dedication she thanks her teacher, novelist and Professor emeritus of english Joseph Mcelroy . . . 1996: Todd Bashore (Ma) is a fixture on the new York jazz scene, but also travels—from Japan, with the Christian McBride Big Band, in september, to his native north Carolina in January to perform with the duke Jazz ensemble . . . 1997: pei sun is on the piano faculty at the China Conservatory of Music in Beijing. he recently welcomed QC Professor emeritus of Music Raymond erickson, who gave a master class on Bach interpretation . . . 1998: rekha Malhotra is still going strong as dJ Rekha, creator of the Basem*nt Bhangra experience at le Poisson Rouge in greenwich Village. There’s a dance party the first Thursday of every month, at which she mixes bhangra, hip-hop, dancehall, and electronic sounds . . . 1999: nelly Yusupova continues to enjoy her work as chief technology officer of Webgrrls international, a position that, since 2001, has let her combine her entrepreneurialism with tech savvy and a sense of mission. Webgrrls is

one of the preeminent organizations working to empower women in technology and technological careers . . . 2000: Joseph Williams (Ma) was named deputy director at greenwich library. he is working on a second book (due to be published by Chicago Review Press), following on his earlier Four Years before the Mast: A History of New York’s Maritime College (fort schuyler Press) . . . 2001: salman Ham-dani, the nYPd cadet and eMT who famously volunteered his help at the World Trade Center and lost his life there, was honored by his home community of Bayside when 204th street at 35th avenue was named “salman hamdani Way.” sal’s mother, Talat Hamdani ’98, described the homage as “a sad day and a victorious day” . . . 2003: Dong-Hyun Kim (Ma ’06) started and is conductor of the Queensbor-ough symphony orchestra. as music director of the nova Philharmonic, he was approached by a group of musicians who asked him to organize an orchestra specifically for central Queens . . . Cynthia leis joined storm smart, located in fort Myers, fl, as executive assistant to the senior vice president and chief financial officer . . . lucrecia ponce Knapp joined harter secrest & emery as an associate, working in the immigration practice group . . . Eddie Venegas (Ma) has been a regular member of Marc anthony’s band since 2010, but he also is violinist for the sweet Plantain Quartet, which tours extensively here and abroad and also teaches, through master classes, educational concerts, and teaching residencies. Members compose and perform chamber music steeped in improvisational latin, jazz, and hip-hop musical idioms . . . 2005: Mikael Karllson (Ba/Ma) did us proud as recipient of the 2014 Wladimir and Rhoda lakond Prize from the american academy of arts and letters, which is awarded to an exceptional mid-career composer. he studied composition with Profs. Edward smaldone ’78 and Bruce saylor; the former writes that Mikael’s award is “among the most prestigious a young composer can receive” . . . Arturo o’Farrill (Ma) is enjoying a multifaceted career as a

grammy award-winning pianist, composer, and educator. The son of the late Chico o’farrill and now leader of what the New York Times deems the “first family of afro-Cu-ban jazz,” arturo and his afro latin Jazz orchestra performed in november at the legendary Birdland . . . 2007: rachel Trapp was honored with a Jefferson fellowship. awarded by the Jefferson scholars foundation, it is the premier graduate fellowship of the university of Virginia. it will not only fund the full cost of Rachel’s studies as a doctoral student in music, but also will provide her with space in the state-of-the-art Jefferson fellows Center for her work and research. after completing her QC studies in music performance, Rachel earned a master’s degree in music composi-tion at Mills College and worked as a composer and performer . . . 2008: scott Cheshire returned to

QC to read from his novel High as the Horses’ Bridles (Macmillan). scott, who won the Robert greenberg Memorial Prize for

best performance in the english honors Program, actually began the novel as an undergraduate. it was published last year to rave reviews and was the Washington Post’s Top 50 of 2014 fiction Pick and a Wall Street Journal Book of the Year . . . 2009: Emily Asher (Ma) is on fire—and emily asher’s garden Party has been deemed “red hot” and “very exciting” by the Wall Street Journal. emily plays trombone in a seven-member band of all-stars that performs early jazz in clubs and dance halls across the country and that has just released Meet Me in the Morning, its third album-length recording. she also has been composing, touring internationally, and giving private concerts (including one for kofi annan). as the appreciative Wall Street Journal writes, “in traditional jazz, the trombone comes closest to the human voice, although up to now it’s rarely been cast as a distinctly female voice. . . . Ms. asher plays with both grit and grace” . . . 2010: sean imboden is playing saxophone and touring internationally with his

quartet; fellow alums may have seen him on “late night with Jimmy fallon.” in november he returned to his native indianapolis for a jazz concert series hosted by the university of indianapolis . . . paul Kerekes was the winner of the 2015 american academy of arts and letters Walter hinrichsen award, which honors publication of a work by a gifted composer at mid-career. Paul, whose music already has been performed in prestigious venues, is pursuing graduate studies at the Yale school of Music . . . Elease Wiggins wrote A Farewell to Welfare: 25 Strategies to Freedom, Indepen-dence and Prosperity (available on amazon), a guide for single mothers living in poverty. she runs elease, llC (loving, living, Creating), a consulting firm, is a lYfe skills trainer, and teaches sociology at laguardia Community College . . . 2011: Jennifer McCreery (Mls) was named director of the desmond-fish library in garrison, nY . . . 2013: Ben Faulding is living in Crown heights and working as a photographer and writer. he contributed social-justice reporting and opinion to Tablet magazine in december . . . Joanna sztencel mounted a show, Motherland/Ojczyz-na, concerning her native Poland, which was exhibited at the green-point branch of the Brooklyn Public library . . . 2014: Elisha Mlotek is having great success as drummer for zusha, a neo-Chasidic group that fuses Jewish music with jazz, folk, rock, and reggae. Their self-titled eP reached number 9 on the Billboard World Music Chart. his father zalman is director of the national Yiddish Theater-folksbiene and, as elisha told the NY Blueprint, “i grew up in a house where i was surround-ed by a love of Jewish and Yiddish music. so i definitely know where i come from” . . . peter Touros was one of five grand-prize winners in gatorade’s unreal around the World contest. The former QC soc-cer captain has recovered from six surgeries and is still pursuing a dream of becoming a pro athlete. his award includes training with elite football clubs liverpool, arsenal, Barcelona, aC Milan, and Boca Juniors, and travel to Brazil for a scrimmage game at Maracanã stadium.

The Queens College community mourns the loss of all of our alumni and friends who have passed away since our last publication. Included here are several supporters of our mission who, through their generosity and spirit, have left Queens College a better place.

lois Afflerbach ’42a tireless supporter of the Queens College library, even after her retirement as a librarian in the Paul klapper library, Ms. afflerbach continued to volunteer her time with friends of the library. With her sister Janet ’42, Ms. afflerbach coordinated book sales for the benefit of the library, bringing in thousands of dollars every year.

robert Bittman ’62a member of the Chemistry department from 1966 until his death last october, Bob Bittman graduated from high school at the age of 16. he enrolled at QC and earned a degree in chemistry. he obtained his Phd in 1965 from the university of California at Berkeley, and then went to the Max Planck institute in göttingen, germany, to work with nobel laureate Manfred eigen. named a distinguished professor in 1988, dr. Bittman was other scientists’ ideal collaborator as it was generally known that his approach to solving chemistry problems was the best approach available. The dr. Robert Bittman scholarship fund has been established in his memory to support research projects by

students in the Chemistry and Biochemistry department.

Constantine Browna dear friend of Queens College, Mr. Brown was born to greek immigrants. he served in WWii, using his fluency in greek to assist the Cia. after retiring from a long career with the nYC housing authority Police, he remained active in the Queens community. Mr. Brown was predeceased by his wife, olga ’49, and daughter, Themis ’92. in their honor, he established the olga and Constantine Brown Professor and director for the Center for Byzantine & Modern greek studies at QC, and funded an annual lecture named for his daughter.

John V. Conti ’59Mr. Conti had a distinguished career in counseling, universi-ty teaching, and rehabilitation administration. The first person in his family to attend college, Mr. Conti always remained grateful for that opportunity. To honor the education he received at Queens College, he established the John V. Conti award for graduate students in psychology or a related field

who intend to serve individuals with developmental disabilities.

linda lamel ’64a respected member of the Queens College Business advisory Board, Ms. lamel was an attor-ney in the field of insurance law, entering the world of insurance when she was appointed the deputy superintendent of insurance by then-governor hugh Carey. Ms. lamel served in a number of key positions in the insurance industry. she also taught courses in the risk management programs at QC and Brooklyn law school, from which she received her law degree.

paul r. lonigan ’60dr. lonigan graduated from Queens College in 1960 with a Ba in french, and went on to receive a Phd in Romance languages from Johns hopkins university. a beloved member of QC’s Romance languages department, he retired after a long and illustrious career. dr. lonigan is survived by his wife, Cynthia, his children, and his grandchildren. his colleagues and friends have established the dr. Paul R. lonigan scholarship fund in his memory.

lawrence rosenfeld ’47dr. Rosenfeld served as a trustee of the Queens College foundation for over 25 years. exceedingly generous, he established both the david gorenstein Chair in Mathe-matics and the lawrence Rosenfeld Music scholarship. after graduation from QC, dr. Rosenfeld earned an Ma and Phd in mathematics from harvard university. he served as a naval officer on the U.S.S. Chicago in the Pacific campaign during WWii. in addition to an accomplished career in money management, dr. Rosenfeld was one of the key developers of the stock-picking programs used by the Value line service. he was devoted to his late wife, Ruth, and to his loving family.

Andrea scheidt ’62after graduating Queens College with a Bs in Biology, Ms. scheidt earned a Master of Public health in environmental sciences from Co-lumbia university and a law degree from fordham university. her law practice specialized in all aspects of intellectual property matters concerning trademarks, copyright, unfair competition, and patents. an enthusiastic supporter of her alma mater, Ms. scheidt attended numerous QC events throughout the years.

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22 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College

QUEENS Alumni notes

in MEMoriAMJ. duncan Badenius ’72audrey e. schreib Barnes ’41Robert W. Bass ’58lawrence Berenson ’64Colin P. Bolger ’78lucy Madonia Bramanti ’54Jerome d. Brent ’54dorothy Ceparano ’62Charles Chiarello ’73Barbara Cohen ’67Maria scarfalotto d’angelo ’84,

Msed ’88shirley deifik ’71daisy denenberg ’76Ruth B. druen ’82sister John eudes duffy

(Ruth duffy) ’46Ben eichler ’69eleanor finkle ’49Ray finkelstein ’55Robert M. finks ’47dinah l. Weinstock foglia ’45annie france ’69frederick eli greitzer ’68 Marian J. griffin ’50Bernice h. grodman ’55leonard grossman ’64Jeanne harris ’05 sandra harris heyman ’75Raphael hoffman ’56Mildred d. howard ’71dorothy indenbaum ’62david J. Jacobs ’47hoyt Jacobs Mfa ’11, Ma ’13John C. James ’05Pearl M. kamer-Bloomfield ’60evelyn f. katuna ’70Wilma J. kelsey ’50lionel a. knight ’67Joel M. kramer ’65evelyn a. krempasky ’86Marilyn kwitkin ’90Patricia Booth lee ’67Moira fitzpatrick leMay ’56lucia lermond ’76irving Malin ’55lotte Markeloff ’80Thomas a. Mattia ’43Betty J. Mesard ’61effie Mitsis ’95ethel friedlander Mitty ’73Mary Moundros ’69Thomas P. Murphy ’52Raffaele sansone noto ’48Virginia R. olney ’73ayla imre onart ’61Joyce keller ouziel ’61spencer a. Parker ’13ernest J. Peace ’50gabriel e. Perle ’43

Betty l. Plimpton ’45Michelle Caputo Prendergast ’06Paul e. Rochford ’43dan Rosenberg ’74frank Rosengarten ’50Carolyn kupferberg sapir ’46leslie scherr ’59david B. schwartz ’42herbert k. sessler ’52leo shear ’53isadora Ruffine sherman ’44ellen a. sherman ’72Mabel leimbach slocum ’47herbert M. sollinger ’51doris Johnson sommerfeld ’49,

Ma ’53alexander sosiak-Woloszyn Ma ’86 kenneth J. stacey ’62enid sweetbaum sterman ’44sheryl levine strear ’57Robert a. straub ’55Joan Rigney sullivan ’53andrew e. Taslitz ’78Carole e. Taylor ’58arnold l. Tillman ’57gloria Tortora ’79andrew f. Turano ’43Theresa d. Tyor ’47Barbara M. Van Buren ’51alan g. Vorwald ’47henry J. Walker ’51doris Warshay ’62lilian V. Weissman ’77neil s. Wolf ’58arthur M. Wolfe ’61helen V. Yasper ’73norbert zeelander ’60florence Pomerantz zinker ’56Morton zivan ’45

sEnD us Your nEWsWe want to hear from you. Tell us where you are, what you are doing, what you remember most about your college years, and enclose a [emailprotected]: alumni news, office of alumni affairs, Queens College, 65-30 kissena Boulevard, Queens, nY 11367-1597. Phone: 718-997-3930

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Pioneering and Modern Photographers at the Godwin-Ternbach Museum

richard Avedon (American, 1923–2004) Woman in French Train Station, n.d.

gelatin silver print, 14.125 x 11.125 inchesgift of Matthew r. Bergey

Dorothea lange (American, 1895–1965) Migrant Mother—Nipomo, California, 1936 Courtesy of the reading public Museum

a donation of outstanding american and european photographs from the 19th and 20th centuries is on exhibit alongside Masters of American Photography, on loan from the Reading Public Museum in Pennsylvania, at the godwin-Ternbach Museum through June 6. The donated work, Photographs from the Matthew R. Bergey Collection, includes remarkable images ranging from pioneers of the medium to modern and contemporary photographers. “in this age of digital photography, it is rare to see so many famous photographs and photographers in one venue,” says gTM director and Curator amy Winter. “This is the most important donation of photographs ever received by the museum and one of the most meaningful in its history.”

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What is Queens College called now? ›

Queens College, City University of New York.

What is Queens College ranked in the US news? ›

CUNY—Queens College's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities North, #45. Its in-state tuition and fees are $7,538; out-of-state tuition and fees are $19,208.

Do you need an essay for Queens College? ›

Queens College requires a personal statement/essay as part of our review process.

Is Queens College prestigious? ›

CUNY--Queens College is ranked #45 out of 178 Regional Universities North. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. Read more about how we rank schools.

How prestigious is Queens university? ›

In the 2022 Academic Ranking of World Universities rankings, the University ranked 201–300 in the world and 9–12 in Canada. The 2024 QS World University Rankings ranked the university 209th in the world and the eleventh in Canada.

Is Queens College a hard school to get into? ›

The acceptance rate at Queens College is 69.5%.

In other words, of 100 students who apply, 70 are admitted. This means the school is somewhat selective.

What is the average GPA at Queens College? ›

The average unweighted GPA at Queens College is 3.0 on the 4.0 scale. To achieve the average GPA for admission, you need to earn B letter grades and regularly score around 83-86 percent on tests and assignments in high school. The school ranks #110 in New York for highest average GPA.

What major is Queens College known for? ›

The most popular majors at CUNY--Queens College include: Social Sciences; Psychology; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Education; Visual and Performing Arts; Health Professions and Related Programs; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; ...

Does Queens College look at SAT? ›

Admission to Queens College is based on a variety of factors, including high school grades, academic program, and SAT or ACT scores.

What is unique about Queens College? ›

Nearly half of Queens' 2.3 million residents were born overseas. We pride ourselves on our diverse student body. Queens College offers learners a vibrant community like no other. Recognized nationally for our liberal arts and science programs, Queens College offers you a world of opportunities to pursue your passion.

What is the mascot for Queens College? ›

Queens University of Charlotte's athletic teams take the identity of the Queens Royals on the field and cheer their teams on via their mascot, Rex.

What College has the most impressive alumni? ›

1. Harvard University: Harvard has produced numerous successful graduates across various fields like business, politics, law, science, and the arts. Notable alumni include Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Natalie Portman.

What is CUNY--Queens College known for? ›

Queens College is highly regarded for its academic quality, diversity, and affordability.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.