The Franklin Evening Star from Franklin, Indiana (2024)

Monday. August 24, 1942 THE FRANKCTH (lNDrANT EVENING STAR Pig si. I SANDALS FOR TIRED TIRES '50 CANADIANS KILLED John Mead Weds 1 Dorothy Henry 1 1 1 1 1 1 "1 ISSIIflG TACKLE COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE TRUST DEPARTMENT4 AND INSURANCE PERSONAL LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS CHECKING, SAVINGS and TIME DEPOSITS Y'our Account Will Be Appreciated, Whether Large or Small Johnson County National Bank Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation SAVE for your HOME and COUNTRY and the joys of-LIFE are YOURS! Ask about the new Recording Savings Bank HERE. UNION TRUST COMPANY AND TRAFALGAR BRANCH Deposits Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.

ii.a i CNew "tire sandal," developed in Detroit by U. S. Rubter may be answer to anxious motorists' prayers. Dr. Sidney Cadwell, of the company's tire division demonstrates the sandal, made of woven cotton treated with asphalt, which will add 2500 to 3000 miles to the life of a tire if driven at speeds under 30 miles an hour.

tNEA Telephoto). I III RAIDS ON DIEPPE IC.New York. August 24 fINS. Ma-I pie leaves, flown from Canada yes-! terday were put on the graves of 50 Canadians who died in the Commando raid on Dieppe, Wednesday. According to a British radio broad- ca.

hoard by CBS Lieut. Gen. G. McNaughton. commander of the Canadian forces Ui- Europe, and other high-ranking ofliceri saluted their former com-I rades.

As the coffin.1- i the 50 vrre placed in to graven, two fir-I parties fiied three volleys, pipers played and buglers bounded the last Cill. Nab 26 in Terre Haute Vice Raid CTerre Haute, Aug. 24. INS) Terre Haute's critical west end vice problem appeared greatly lessened today after State police, reporting at the request of Army officials, arrested 26 persons Saturday night and early yesterday. The list of those arrested included prostitutes and other characters of the city's infamous "red light" district, which had mushroomed into activity one resort at a time following a cleanup of the region several months ago.

State Policeman Don Franklin, seeing the vice resorts were operating as usual, led the raids to wipe out the industry here. To Complete Plans Tonight for Dance CThe Community club will meet at Bethel A. M. E. church tonight at o'clock to hear reports of committees and complete arrangements for entertaining the celored soldiers fiom Camp Atterbury cn Thursday night at the City hall.

Presence of women as well as men is desired. CMarriage has been issued by the Decatur county clerk in Greeiisburg to John Lewis Mead, age 20, of Franklin, son of Mrs. Archie Short of Greensburg. and Miss Dorothy Henry, age 16. daughter cf Mr.

and Mrs. Omer Henry of Indianapolis. CFor the first time in the history of Fire Prevention Week the Federal government will take an active part in that annual safety observance, scheduled this year for the week of October 4-10, 1942. COcerlan Ward, of Kokomo, and Donald Ward, of Austin, were in Franklin Saturday visiting friends. They are both former residents of Trafalgar.

Three of a Kind. CSons Martin, who waits Navy Air Force call, and Morris, who hopes to join Army Air Porces, salute Mrs. Margarete Klinge-mann, San Marcos, Texas, on acceptance by WAAC'S. 16 Arrested Here In Busy Weekend (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE). rested at the same time at Mull's home, admitted that "he got pretty tight Saturday night" and was fin ed $1 and costs amounting to $9.

A native of Kentucky, he said he was boarding with Mull while working at a. Franklin canning factory. Charles Porter, 45, who lives in Franklin, plead net guilty to a BRAZIL PREPARES FOR WAR; SPY FORCES FLEEING INTO URUGUAY BULLETIN. CJtio De Janeiro, Aug. 24 (INS) Three enemy submarines have been sunk off the Brazilian coast during the last 24 hours, well informed sources said today.

It was reported that three squadrons of Uruguayan a rfr the Brazilian frontier spotted the fccmbers ratroUina; the coastlir.e near undersea raiders. mi td i to Tonoivr. Aim 94 TTCS i of the snnt)ort of bpr neighbors. Brazil rushed r.reoarations for war pclice and government authorities carried out a widespread search for enemy spies and fifth columnists that brought to light a secret. Nazi-built airfield.

Discovery of the airfield, in Formosa province in Goyaz state, also netted a powerful Nazi radio transmitter. The field is about 1.000 miles charge that he drew a razor in an Navy lor assignment Aug. 31. argument which occurred Saturday night. Picked up by Lawson Sulli- CR0Ber Kinlcy.

ulio n-ccntly rcvi-n-van. city police chief, on Sunday cd nLs lUon as vocational agri-morning, his case was continued in lnstriirtcr whiteland CROQUET SETS LAWN TENNIS RACQUETS The Week in Franklin MONDAY i CQueen Esther class (Tabernacle church) family picnic, 6:30 p.m., Pioneer park. TUESDAY CTri Kappa with Mrs. Fertig, 7:45 pm. Dayton MRS.

MILNES FETED ON 34TH BIRTHDAY Edinburg, August 24. Mrs. Kate Milnes was surprised Sunday at her home on South Main street with i covered dish dinner honoring the 34th anniversary of her birthday. A bounteous dinner was enjoyed and many gilts were received by the henor guest. Mrs.

Milnes enjoys reading, is quite active in her garden and has been doing her usual fall canning, she has a fine sense of humor. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alva Milnes of near Franklin. Mr.

and Mrs. Lee Gosch cf Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fallis anl daughters and Mr.

and Mrs. Roscoe Stillabower and family, all of Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Milnes and children, Roy Milnes. and children and Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Mimes and family, all of lumbus; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Fordyce, Mr. and Mrs.

Alhe Coy and Mrs. Mary Coffman. all of Edinburg. 2 Atterbury Men Issued licenses CThe following couples received marriage licenses last weekend at Indianapolis in the office of the Marion county clerk: Cliiford Ewing, of Camp Atterbury. and Lola Madsen, cf Peoria, Illinois; Raymond Earl Austin, of Camp Atterbury, and Martha C.

Claghorn. of 3714'- East 25th street, Indianapolis. Youth Drowned in Columbia City Lake Columbia City. August 24 cINSi. Ned Howard 1 hompson, 20.

of near Warren, drowned yesterday at Tri-LaKes during a morning swim. The jouth and his fiancee, MLss Jean iheerilove, ci Marion, had gone to the cottage cf Thompson's brother-in-law and sister for the weekend. The body was recovered 20 minutes later, but efforts to revive him failed. Ci-Ii'ton H. Forsyth has recovered from a recent severe illness at his home in Trafalgar and has gone to Portland for a Lit with Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Ferguson. Mrs. Ferguson is a granddaughter of Mr. Forsyth.

CThe Williams reunicn was held it Pioneer park. Sunday, witn an attendance of 26. Mr--. Earl Thompson was re-elected president and Mrs. Will Harrison, secretary-treasurer.

CMr. and Mrs. Ben Keaton Sundav in Edinburg. spent oun '7- in SERUICE CRobd't. Demaree spent the weekend at his home here.

He is located at the Great Lakes naval training station. CHarold Lee Chapman of Edinburg graduated last week from officers' candidate school at Fort Sill, I and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the field artillery. He i is the son of Mrs. A. R.

Trigg of Ed- CYoung men who enlisted in the Navy last week at the Indianapolis recruiting station included Max Ar-; thur Guinnup cf Franklin and Harry Robert Haggard of Morgantown. CPvt. Raymond F. Wells is now located at the station hospital, Port Worden, Washington. CPvt.

John Pershing Burch graduated August 20 as a radio operator and mechanic from the Army Air Force Radio University, Scott Field, 111., and has been assigned to the 329th Flight Group. Paine Field, Everett, Wash. Pvt. and Mrs. Burch, the former Miss Mildred Baker, are on a short vacation at Lake Tipie- canoe until he leaves to report for duty.

i CLouie Lcerkamp cf who graduated this Indi.inapohs, summer at Franklin College will report to the chool to become a selectee in the Army, was sent from the Fort. Har- rison reception center today to a training assignment, lie was inducted recently thn ugh the Jackson county selective service board at Seymour. CSidncy Petro, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Petro.

left Saturday tor Drew Field, Tampa. after sending a nine-day funough with his parents. Aviation Cadet Gerald H. Harrison has been transferred from Florence, S. C.

to Randolph Field, for primary flight training in the Air Corps. Norma Shearer Is Bride of A rouge C.IIolIywrod. 24 (INS-. Norma Shearer, glamorous screen actress, and Martin Arrouge, her one-time ski instructor, were husband and wife today following a wedding ceremony at the Church of tre Good Shepherd in Beverly Hn. hich was itnessed by sec res of Hollywood notables.

C.Mi. E-quiline Coons. Edinburg, was in Franklin Monday morning cn business. (1 V7 COFFEE MAKERS Without With Stove $6.75 FIRESTOII Corner W. Court and West Jeff.

SU. Franklin, Ind. Phnne 284 7 IEW USED TRUCK AND PASSENGER CAR OEMS Jackson Street Auto Parts 221 South Jackson St. Webb Reunion Will Be Held on Sunday C.The ninth annual reunion of descendants of Nancy Hough and Zachariah Webb will be held Sun- jday. August 30.

in Pioneer park. A dent and Mrs. Ruth Hearn of White -land is secretary-treasurer. All are requested to bring sweetened tea for iced tea. Class of '37 Has Last Annual Picnic Young Couple To Make Their New Home In LaGrange John Lewis Mead of Franklin, son of Mrs.

Archie Short, of Greens-burg, and Miss Dorothy Jean Henry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Henry, of Indianapolis, were married Friday at Shelbyville at the home of the Rev. Walter P. Halbert.

Miss Charlene Swinehart, a close friend of the bride, was the maid of honor and Edward Lee Mead, brother of the bridegroom, was the best man. Mrs. Short, Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Thomas Swinehart attended.

Mr. and Mrs. Mead left Sunday for their new home in LaGrange, here Mr. Mead takes up his new position as head of the trouble and maintenance division of the Unite-d Telephone Company. He has teen employed with the same company in Franklin for several years.

PARTY HONORS BOY GOING TO COLLEGE CEdinburg, August 24. Employes of the Danner Brothers store honored Arthur McNurney with a farewell picnic Friday evening, as he entered college today. He is the son ol Mr. and Mrs. Lec McNurney of Liberty, who are former residents, and has been the assistant manager oi the local Danner Brothers store the past two months.

Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dipple, Mrs.

Oren Abbott, Mrs. Rrscoe Talbert and the Misses Ruby Oaks, Betty Richardson, Evelyn Waldron, Harriett Miller, Lucille Clark, Jean Wirey, Winifred Thompson and Pauline Mathis. 12th Annual McClain Reunion Held Sunday CThe 12th r.nnual reunion of the McClain family was held Sunday at the home of Oke T. McClain, on Edwards street. There were 45 present and officers for the nevv year are Glen Bee-son, president; Mrs.

Oke McClain, vice-president, and Mrs. Fred McClain, secretary-treasurer. CMr. and Mrs. G.

W. Furnish and son, Sgt. William G. Furnish, visited Mr. Furnish's aunt and husband, Mr.

and Mrs. Otis Hooker, in Columbus Sunday afternoon. CMr. and Mrs. H.

A. Ehlert, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herman and Mrs. Barbara Elhert of Whitestown spent the weekend visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Will Hopkins. CWaUer caplinger. auxiliary fire man, is now on active duty during the vacation period. Morris btout is on vacation this week.

CThomas Keith, 849 North Hurricane street, was taken to the St. Vincent hospital in Indianapolis, on Monday morning. CMr. and Mrs. Cecil Jeffery entertained a group of friends from Lacrosse over the weekend.

CStanley Spicer left Monday Syracuse and Buffalo, N. Y. for CMrs. Carl Neitzel spent Mondav in Indianapolis on business. CBuy Defense Bonds or Stamps Every Pay Day! Like Uncle.

CCarcline T. Tupper of Los Angeles, niece of U. S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Georgs C.

Marshall, is in the service herself, a member of the WAAC officer candidate course at Ft. Des Moines, la. NEA Telephoto. i p. AX program will be given and contests CMr.

and Mrs. Joe Overstreet and and games iU be enjoyed. A short Mr. and Mrs. Tom Overstreet spent uvicc to iirnor men in the armed Sunday as guests of Mr.

and Mrs. forces wiu De ilcld. John Alex McClain and son in, ft-ndamsmllce theiriiamos Greenfield. jcn tne tree." Prof. Merrill 'j Webb of North Vernon is presi- with WAYNE SWEET MIX Thu well balanced, hlgh-protcin and molasses leed made to supply the minerals and other nutrients lacking In your farm grains.

Your cattle need these extras to add profitable weight and to finish off with the fine bloom that commands top market prices. Wayne Sweet Mix is easy to handle pours easily any weather and your cattle like it! Open Until 9 P. Saturday Evenings. sue ws REV. RALPH BENNETT ORDAINED MINISTER Completing the third generation of pi cachets in his family, Rev.

Ralph Bennett, pastor cu the Mount Pleasant Chiistian church in While Riv-ei township and the Pieasant Grove Christian church in Morgan county, v. as ci darned the Christian ministry Sunday at tr.e latter church. Hie oiaii.ation was in cnarge oi l.k, laiher, the Rev. O. L.

Bennett "iuientum, ttuu nas; if I niuiaiua lor a number oi cars. Air. Bennett v.js gi actuated from Joan. on liicie Cohere ai Kemberiin lyj9. and nuv is t- student ihc coilege religion at Butler

xlia father is p. graduate 01 Bethany College in est ana lined the pulpit of the Mount Pleasant church as guest speaker at the fcunuay mc riling services. Landis Urges Men For Naval Service CAn appeal lor in the LnHcu states Navy was maue Saturday in an aduress transcribed over racuo station WIRE in Indianapolis Gerald W. Landis. representative cor.

guv liom the Seventh In-ciana district. Mr. Landis said: "Never in all his-tcry ln.s the tali lor detainers ol licedom teen so urgent as at this moment. Our Nay nee do brave men who wt uld rather light to stay lice than live to be CMr. and Mrs.

George Gaiit, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hughes and Mrs. Dan Walden spent Sunday in CLEAN FEEDf i 'TT') tV'ctnc Sweet MIX -7 contain only clean, L)TT-rJ uholesome Went absolutely Y-M screening or fffl ml hte'im I CSeveral members of the class of their big neighbor, established a vir-1937 of Franklin high school held a tually impassable chain along the picnic Sunday noon at Pioneer park. Brazilian frontier tc halt the flight At the business meeting it was de-1 0f enemy nationals.

acainst Germany and Italy today while sfrlrom tne capital. Reliable sources indicated that Aigentina. Chile and Uraguay will grant non-belligerent status to Brazil sometime today, which probably will mean that Erazilian ships may use their ports, and perhaps even transport tie ops across their border. While Uruguay's decision was expected, because she has been close to Brazil in the hitter's anti-Axu stand, reported non-belligerent support of Argentina and Chile loomed signilicant insofar as they are the only two South American natk ns which had not severed diplomatic lelations with the Axis months ago. Excitement in Brazil, meanwhile, continued at the fever heat, it reached last week after announce ment was made of the srnKing oy Axis submarines of five Brazilian hips, with 600 or more lives prcbu bly lost.

Axis Nationals Flee. From border towns came reports ot the attempted headlong flight of Axis nationals, trying to escape over the bcrder into Uruguay following President Getulio Vargas' announce ment that a state of war exists be i tween Brazil and Germany and Italy. Uruguay's police, moving into a sneedv co-operative- set-up with Up to last night, more than 70 Germans, beating a hasty retreat from the newest of the United Nations, found their way barred at the borcier, and were turned over by Lruguayan authorities to Brazil at the boundary tewn of Santa Ana Do Liviamento. Brazilians throughout the Republic eagerly awaited portentious cabinet meetings this wees, as the nation prepared to assume its share Hie eai tuuiuu iui the Axis. Restrictions that will be imposed on the large German and Italian populations were a special ject Gf discussion.

Brazilian authorities, active for spy 1 to I months in stopping an Axis manipulations, moved swiftly Ir-rsrk down immediately on any re- surgence oi nun cuu.imi wn. Subs Still Lurking. The discovery of the secret air field in Formosa followed an investigation by Brazilian planes, it was torn the Brazilian ships that precipitated the nation's war declaration, still lurked off the South American coast. From Montevideo, Uruguay's capital, came an official announcement that two enemy submcrsibles were Derating on tne uruuaan tun. 180 miles northeast of Barra D3 Chouy.

(The British radio, according to CIS, quoting the Soviet newspaper, pravda, called Brazil's war declara- tion "a fact of great significance ci eneth i the anti nnie iThe London Daily express was quoted by BBC as saying that Bra zii's declaration "is a clear indication that the old fear of Hitler's invincibility is CMrs. Martha Henderson vv a bi ought to the Johnson nursing 1 home here Saturday afternoon from apolis. She was recently injured in a fall. i Mayor Oliver's court. State Patrolman Phillip Banowitz arrested George Ferguson, 49, of Franklin, on East Court Street on 1 Saturday and he was fined $5 and 1 costs on a public intoxication charge in city court.

Meanwhile, in John Hurst Adams peace court, a Bow ling Green, Ky resident. Ray McCormick, who r.irkfH mi bv Chief Slllli- wag finpd $1 and cast.s. amount ing to S6.30, cn a public intoxication booking. Two Freed on Bonds. Two men were free on bonds today following their arrests over the weekend.

Leslie Graham of Indi-anaprlis was arrested Saturday evening a few miles from the capita! city by State Policeman Warrick and was released Sunday on a $250 bond. Stanley Lawson of Greenwood rural route one, was free on bond also fol l-uing his arrest Saturday night for aliened drunken driving by State Policemen Fred Neau and Bishop. Two other men were arrested on public intoxication charges. They were Ivory Wishard, 57. and Thomas J.

Cline. G5. both of Franklin, and all arrested by City Officer Jesse Jones. They were tc be arraigned in the day. Elza Vinson.

22, was held for investigation. Charged with speeding 70 m.p.h.. on Jioad 31, Anvid Sego of Frank lin was fined SI and costs. $9.30. when arraigned in local peace court Saturday nnht.

Two motorists arrested by State patrolman Joseph Cisco for failing to stop at the intersects of State Roads 135 and 44 were each fined SI and costs, S4.30, by 'Squire John Tinrst Adams. They were Richard Havens, oi iiiuiiiuaij'uw, Saddler, colored, of Shelbyville. CMr. and Mrs. William R.

McCul-louch. of Bargcrsville, announce the birth of a son, Leonard Ernest, born Thursday. August 20. He weighed 9 pounds at birth. CMisfi Jeanne Dailey spent Monday in Indianapolis attending the cos- metic show at the Clavpool CMr.

and Mrs. Norrran Brown and family, of Indianapolis, visited Mrs. Mary Etta Clore, Sunday. 1 Announcements i 1 CHome club with Mrs. Clarence Wiesman at 2 p.m.

Wednesday. cided not to have any more reunions until after the war. The same-officers were retained until that time. They are Don Lagle, president, and Deloris Keith, secretary-treasurer. New Director Heads Chicago FWA Region Chicago.

August 24 (INS). Laurence A. Gillett, former WPA executive in Ohio, today was appointed regional director of the Federal Works Agency for Region No. 4 com- prising Illinois. Indiana.

Ohio, Wis- consin, Michigan and Kentucky, ac cording to an announcement by Ad ministrator Philip B. Fleming. Tornado Indirectly Causes Man's Death CMetropolis, 111., August 24 (INS. i One person was dead here today af- i CMr. and Mrs.

Earl Lime ana cnu dren of Milltown spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd. Barbara Little will spend the week visiting her grandparents. CMiss Doris Deer, who has completed her course at Columbia University, is here for a few days' visit with Mrs.

Loren Deer. CMrs. Margaret Moore and Mis- Rachel McClain. of Southport, attended the McClain reunion at the Oke McClain home Sunday. CEarlyne H.uigh and George Cal-lon have returned from a two-weeks' visit with relatives in Chicago and Indianapolis.

(I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. VanCleave and son.

Richard, were in Indianapolis cn Sunday. CBob Campbell and Bob Shannon spent Monday in Terre Haute visiting friends at Rose Poly. Cute Camoufleur. CFifty cents' worth of muslin and paint plus plenty of imagination com.bined to create Doris Mat-tcon's camouflage bathins suit. i i 2k- I I fr 4 T- I m.iT.,T.iaM Il1ir- -1 ter widespread damage was caused i reported.

around Metropolis by a tornadic Advices received in Rio de Janeiro storm hich hit the area at mid- indicated that Axis submarines, per-night. papS the ones which sent to the bct- The victim was Sam Austin, 70. passenger in a truck which collided with an automobile. Austin's throat was cut by a broken windshield. MO MAIL Building Materials Coal Lumber Mill-Work GRAEIALI T.1FG.

GO. "HEADQUARTERS FOR HOME BUILDERS" PHONE 158 KELP YOlli FAMILY HEALTHY! Your family's health aiul comfort is of utmost importance in wartime. keep that in mind when you consider your heating problem for next winter! Don't take chances by waiting. Order NOW, while SCOTT'S top quality fuel i available. SGOTT GOAL COMPANY PHONE 55S LLOYD WALTERS VERNE VAUGHT Phone 98 Phone 803 "DEALERS IX HEAT SATISFACTION" ill ii i 1 1 i --if ii i.

The Franklin Evening Star from Franklin, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.