The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19 1870 i ttauwade fiauroabs oase famishing 283 1 2 MAIN ST 283 1 2 GLEANINGS AND GOSSIP fJIO THE LADIES Ciquors Q0LDEN SHEA BOURBON BOURBON WHISKY rjniE AMERICAN BROILER (Patented July 21 1868 and October 19 1869) Embodying in a plain and cheap utem THE Steam bears al9 f7 daw LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE 110 NORTH STREET BOSTON illiBEfUaneans WROUGHT IKON PIPE or Steam Gas and Water iitttisicai SITU NG I ELD MASS fire anSleodOm Tub SCTEitioniTr of this Engine Consists: WILL RESUME HIS MUSIC LESSONS SEPTEMBER 21 sl6 5d 810'70 1yd MANUACTURED BY THE (Sine LYNDEBORO GLASS COMPANY EO UPTON AND OB BALE AT THEIR GLUE WAREHOUSE NO 20 MILK STREET MANUACTURER (ormerly at 51 Kilby street) CONTINUES IN BUSINESS At Bottom Prices TuTliaS2m Lillian Edgarton has' fifteen lecturing en gagements at the South during the coming Edmund iman Chester Chapin Daniel Harris Willla Birnie Lombard Dale Henry Russelllames Brewer George Walker BARTLETT CO 16 Broad street Boston or Ri aN Springfield 1st In its SIMPLICITY It with com plex machinery fire companies reservoirs and suc tion hose Carbonic acid gas is both the working and extinguishing agent 2d In PROMPTNESS It it always ready No steam to be raised no nre to be kindled no hose to be laid and no large company to be mustered 'The chemicals are kept in place and the gas generated the instant wanted In half the caes the time thus saved is a building saved ive minutes at the right time are worth five hours at the wrong time Thia favorite brand of Lead is for sale by David Warner orthington Co Alden Bewster Springfield and Hammersly Chicopee Mass aTfimd urniture made to order All kinds of Cabinet and Parlor work also Repairing at the sliorte notice All kinds of rench work made and repaired Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed by ROBERT BAIIL of Berlin six practice in Paris and for merly at Pottier Ilyinas of New York lately isher Buckhause Knappe 17 6d ALL THE PRINCIPLES 1NVOLV4 IN PERECT BROILING MEATS It has stood the test of time and has proved itself io oe uie une i ana oesi A RICHARDS 99 Washington street Boston Bottlers and Owners of thejllrand) tny9Mly to fill till each and every claim above set forth but to not satisfied alter trial THE MONEY WH BE REUNDED WITH CHARGES BOTH WAYS districts of Georgia by rust particularly Sole Agents for the Union Steam and Water Heating Apparatus (combining later Patents) in Hamp den Hampshire ranklin and Worcester Counties aud the State of Vermont Also Agents for KNOWLES STEAM PUMPS Linen Engine Hose Plain and Rubber Lined Lud and Patent Slide Valves and other Patent urnace Bars Soap Stone Packing 4 87 and 89 Main street near the Depot 15 WaSly 11000 OCO IN USE! 4000000 MADE THIS SEASON Continue to build Bridges of the Howe Truss and Lat tice plans for Railroads aud Highways Business so licited and all orders promptly attended to HARRIS Springfield Mass A WRIGHT Greenfield THE INEST CULINARY INVENTION THE AGE are distributing six a week among the Northampton Mapp TESTED AND ADOPTED BY THE NAVY DE PARTMENT THE UNITED STATES to be found anywhere STYLE ami can be found in all the DRUG GROCERY STORES Of his own Manufacture Carefully adapted to the peculiar wants of every trade Branch Warehouse Nos 5 and 7 Superior street Cleveland m21 MWaSly BOSTON Wholesale and Retail £RS CRAWORD TEACHER THE PIANO No 19 Block corner State and Main streets Pupils received any time after the first of Sep tember autOoMW Julia Ward Howe calls for a peace of women Tub races are the favorite amusem*nt at Augusta Ga Extensive deposits of potash have been dis covered in Nevada The colored people of Nashville project a fair ground of their own Alton III naturalized a colored man the other day who was born in Scotland An Ohioan eommittei suicide the other day because his wife had obtained a divorce A two legged colt is one of the principal at tractions at the county fair in Schenectady THE PROVINCE QUEBEC The completion of the Massawippi Valley' tforms a new aud short route to the Province of Que bec Trains leave Springfield 8 00 a and 645 This route is the direct line to the White MountainsLake Willoughby Lake Memphremagog aud the Massa wippi Lake now for the first time made easy of mccess Cars on a train run through from Spring ueld to the Grand Trunk Railway A PERRY Supt jy6 Stnod Conn Pass and Rail Roads REENIELD 31 1870 Messrs Gentlemen: Your urnace heated house of seven roums thoroughly last wiu er with rive and a half tons of coal tn every respect it has exceeded your promises Placing the hand on the smoke pipe one foot from the furnace ii was always found to be cold sho ing that the heat had all been sent to warm the rooms above and not caped into the chimney It required little skill to manage it aud intention only wee in twenty four hours in modi rate weather It diX not make a pound of clinkr and the purity of the air from it excelled any furnace I have ever seen 1 have tried quite a number of furnaces but the is superior to any that I know of s7 1 am vours WENDELL DAVIS HYDRANT VALVES STEAM AND WATER GAUGES GAUGE co*ckS OIL CUPS RUBBER HOSE CASKETS AND PACKING fJHE SEL ACTING IKE ENGINE made and sold BY THE NEW ENGLAND IRE EXTINGUISHER COMPANY 1'or sale in Springfield nt retail by JAS ABBE SON I WILCOX CO MONTAGUES CO LEONARD! LARK SIMP'ON CLARK JAS ALEXANDER slO WaSlmJw 17OR HARTORD NEW LONDON 1 GREENPORT AND SAG Thu steamer SUNSHINE Capt AV Bates leaves Hartford from foot of State st Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at a Returning leaves Sag Harbor Mondays Wednes days and ridays at 7 a THOS GROSS Ja Sec (Conn) Landing a'2l eod6m NW DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT No 1 Block Main st Tim undersigned1 having taken rooms on the sec ond tloor of No above Maiu st Springfield are now prepared to Cut Make and Trim in tne latest tyles and in tee neatest manner Dresse" Sacques Cloaks giving perfect satisfaction and on reasonabe terms Also Machine Work of all kinds neatly done A share of patronage is solicited Mrs WICKHAM slOSwd Mrs It GOODALE CORK 6 BBLS OR fl UOKK SHAVINGS sufficient for double Mat tress $200 Orders received nt MARSH Grocer Store or may be sent by mail to Springfield Cork Manfg Co my20 WESTERN TICKET PAS SENGER TICKETS 1st 2d and 3d Class San rancisco and all points West Northwest and Mtuthwest via Albany New lork Pniladelphia Bal more and Washington GUNN MERRILL ila Opposite House Springfield Muss DAILY LINE OR NEW The Steamer State of New York leaves Hartford Mono a Wednesdays and ridays at 1 Steam er City of Hartford leaves Hartford Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4 and Sundays at 5 Horse cars and baggage wagon run direct to Steamboat Landing on arrival of trains at Hartford Baggage transferred free of charge are Springfield to New York 1st class $2 15 2d 180 Tickets for sale by POWERS BRO dor Massasoit House jy2u New London northern rail SUMMER ARRANGEMENT com tHences May 2 18TO Trains leave New London for Palmer 500 a steamboat 800 a mail 245 accommodation Leave Palmer for Greenfield Hoosac Tun nel itchburg Brattleboro and the 10 a msteamboat 1210 accommodation and 4 25 freight Leave Palmer for Amherst 220 and 6 15 ooixo south Leave Grout S20 a freight 1000 a passenger 135 Steamboat 6 Leave Amherst for 630 a and 435 passenger Leave Palmer for New 810 a passenger 12 freight 215 ra passenger 635 steamboat The splendid side wheel steamers of Bos of New of New Lon of and of Law run in connection with this route leaving Pier 40 North River New York daily ate and rates of freight always as low as by anv other route or further particulars as to connections at New London Norwich Willimantic Palmer and Brattleboro see Railroad Guide a3 MoMANUS Tut up In SPLENDID ana HIHE STEAMERS of the Hartford Phikv Line are running regular'? between Hart ford and Philadelphia leaving each port on Thurs days at noon This route is direct to Baltimore Washington Wilmington and all points on the Penns ivania CHAIN BURK Agents 75 erry street Hartford Conn WM Al RD CO 132 South Delaware ave Jy23 to dl Holyoke steam boiler works' COGHLAN MULLIN Manufacturers Steam Boilers Bleachers lumes Tanks Doors Shutters and all kinds plate iron work urnace Grates ire Brick and Tube Cleaners always on hand Second hand Boiiers for sale Uld Boilers taken in exchange Repairs promptly attended to Satisfaction guaranteed AV oiks near the Depot Holyoke Mass COGHLAN 1yd HNT MULLIN As manufactured by theLyndeboro Glass Company practically the be and most reliable in the market Attested by an experience of many years Boston and albany On and after Monday May 2d 1870 Passenger Trains will leave Springfield: or Boston 2am 715 a ay) 1130 (way) 145 (express) 4pm (way) 810 (express) Sundays 1225 aud 630 a 8 or Albany 1245 a (express) 9am (way) 1215a (way) 630 (wav to Pittsfield) Stuping cars on 630 pm train run through to Rochester All trains connect at Albany with trains on New York Ceniral road 9am and 1215 pm trains connect at Chatham with trains for Hud on 9 am 1215 and 6 30 trains connect at Pitts field with trains for North Adams Westfield special 715 a and 4 returning from Westfield at 9 a and 53'' On Mondavs a train will leave Springfield for Westfield at a "0 am returning from Westfield at30 a a30 RUSSELL Now for sale in Bo ton by the bouse below named in halfdoz and dozen packages who will be respon sible to the full extent of the above guarantees for all Broilers sold by them ULLER DANA ITZ STACY CO TOOL MAKERS AND MACHINISTS Also manufacture a light four spindle Drill Press for Pistol aud Gun Shops Lock Sheps Sewing Machine manufacturers General Jobbing and Repairing Also LIGHT MAClllNEand MODEL BUILDING done on short notice at Milton Bradley building corner of Harrison avenue and Dwight street a few rods east of the Office Springfield Mas ES STaCY GEO STACY au22 MWaSSm TVEW ROUTE ROM SPRINGIELDLT AND V1CINITV to Vineyard Taun ton New Bedford all Riverand Newport via South ramingham and Mansfield and ramingham Trains leave Springfield via and A at 715 a king sure connections at South ramingnam for above places making the quickest and most di rect route A1 0 trains from those points connect at South ramingham with on and A It tor trpringfield and all points west Through rickets and Baggage checked through from and to all impor tant places Ask tor tickets via Mansfield and ra mingtiam A BLOOD and and and Roads itchburg July 27 6md 3d In EICIENCY Mere water inadequately applied feeds the fire but Carbonic Acid Gas never Bulk for bulk it is thirty times as effective as water the sixty six gallons of the two cylinders being equal to nineteen hundred and eighty gallons of water Besides it uses the agent that will extinguish burning tar oil and other combustible fluids and vapors One cylinder can be re charged while the other is working thus keeping up a continuous stream 1VEW HAVEN AND NORTHAMPTON AT RAILROAD On and after July 20 1870 Passenger Trains wiL' run as follows viz NORTH Leave New York by Boat from Peck Slip Il Leave New York by New York and New Haven Rail road 8am aud 300 Leave New Haven 650 a 1055 a and 545 Leave Hartford 615 a 1125 a and 6 25 in Leave Plainville 758 a 1158 a and 6 52 Leave New Hertford 715 1120 a and 555 Arrive New Hartford 8 50 910a 136 and 7 56 pm Leave Westfield 913 a 125 and 815 Leave Westfield special for illiamsburg 650 Leave Northampton 950 a 206 732 aud 850 Arrive Williamsburg 1010 a 225 750 and 915 SOUTH Leave Williamsburg 600 a 10 45 a and 445 Leave Williamsburg for Westfield only 1155 a Leave Northampton 6 2o 1108 a 1214 ami 5o5pm Leave Westfield 700 a 1150 a and 545 pm Leave New Hartford '15 1120 am and 5 55 Arrive Hartford 935 a 145 and 800 Arrive Plainville 820 a 108 and 706 Arrive New Haven 932 a 205 tn and 820 Arrive New York 1250 505 and 11 2o Steamboats leaveNew Havenat 1100 pm and reach New York next THROUGH PASSENGER CARS will be run to and from New York on the 6 00 a Train from Williamsburg and the 3pm Train from New York SHORTEST AND Sf DIRECT ROUTEto itts field Saratoga and the West via Westfield and Bos ton and Albany Kailroad THROUGH TICKETS SOLD AND BAG GAGE CHECKED from New Haven Plainville and Northampton Eggf Passengers by 650 a in Train from New Haven reach Albany at 1 and Saratoga at 3 Buffalo at 1215 a and Suspension Bridge at 1235 a tn Passengers by 545 Train from New Havenar rive at Albany (by Sleeping Cars from Westfield) at 530 a in season for the morning West Oxly one Change oe Cars between New Haven and Suspension Bridge or Buffalo CH XS YE AVIANS and New Haven July 1870 dS IMPORTANT NOTICE All ore warned against buying or using ire Extinguishers of any kind in which water impreg nated witli Carbonic Acid Gas is used as the extin guishing element except those manufactured by our Company or others duly licensed and authorized by us on pain of immediate prosecution for infringe ment MILES Treasurer American Consolidated ire Extinguisher Company The New England ire Extinguisher Company of Northampton Mass derived its patents from the American Consolidated ire Extinguisher Company of Boston and is the only company in New England licensed by it fjyl 4th In CONVENIENCE Two or three men can draw It and manage it Its small dim' neions require but a small area either for work or storage One hun dred feet or more of Its light pliant hose can be car ried on a arm up any number of stairs inside a building or if tire forbids up a ladder outside Sth In SAVING ROM WATER what the fire has spared It smothers but does not deluge the modicum of water used to give momentum to the gas is soon evaporated by tlie heat doing little or no damage to what is below Th's feature of the Engine is of incalculable worth to housekeepers merchants and insurance companies 6th In ECONOMY It costs only about half ns much as an average hand engine and about one tenth as much as a steam engine with its necessary appen dages and the chemicals for each charge cost less than one dollar The Price is S700 Send for cir cular CONNECTICUT RIVER RAILROAD 7 Train leave Springfield At 800 a for Brattleboro Bel'ows ails White River Junction St Jjhnsbury Lake Memphremagog Montpelier Burlington st Aloans Rutland Keene and intermediate stations At 145 for Brattleboro Bellows alls Rutland White Hirer Junction Keene and way stations At 645 (night express with sleeping car) for Brattleboro Bellows ails White River Junction Montpelier Burlinaton St Albans Montreal Ogdens burg Rutlaud and intermediate stations At 12m 403 aud at 830 pm (on arrival of evening express from Albany and New for Northampton at 910 a fcr Ilolyoke At 715 and 955 a 1220 315 615 and 840 for Chicopee alls Trains for Springfield leave Chicopee alls at 620 750 and 1035 a 100 345 and 637 Chicopee Junction at 636 S00 1010 1053 and 1117 a 110 131 403 4 41 556 650 and 747 Holyoke at 622 955 and 1104 a 118 430 543 and 734 pm Northampton at 553 558 910 and 1039 a 1256 519 and 703 jc29 MULLIGAN New haven Hartford and SPRINGIELD On aud after Monday May 9 1870 Trains leave Springfield as 52) a Accommadation Train for New Haven aud Way Stations connecting at Berlin with Train for New Britain aud at New Haven with Train for New York 790 a Accommodation Train for Hartford New Britain Middmtown New Haven New York and Way Stations 1040 a Accommodation Train for Hartford and way stations north of Hartford a Express Train for Hartford NewBritian Middleton Meriden New Haven New York 220 Accommodation Train for Hartford New Britain Middletown New Haven New York and way stations 510 in Accommodation Train for Hartford and way stations north of Hartford 630 Express Train for Harford New Britian Middletown Meriden New Haven and New York 830 Steamboat Train for New Haven connect ing with Steamer Continental for New York 1230 a Train slopping at Hartford Meriden and New Haven only connecting at New Haven with Train for New ork On nights a train will le ive at 1225 a for Hartford New Haven and New Trains leave New Haven for Springfield at 455 755 and 1055 a 315 555 and 1115 Leave Hartford for Springfield at 1240 6 30 and 930 a 1220 200 445 630 and 715 Leave New York Steamer Elm Uity 1100 New Haven 455 a and Hartford 630 a arriving at Springfield at 730 a my7 REED Supt AT HIS NEW STORE NOS 56 KILBY AND 96 WATER ST BOSTON He offers in lots to suit at reduced prices 2500 BBLS STANDARD GLUES PACIIC MAIL through hue to California and China ares greatly reduced Steamers leave Pier No 42 North River foot of Canal street at 12 noon on the 4th and 20th except when these days fall on then the day previous Sept Capt Gray connecting with COLORADO Capt arnsworth Departure of 4th connects closely for China and Japan and stops at Acapulco and ManzauiHa That of 20th connects closely for South Pacific ports by steamer from Panama or Japan and China steamer JAPAN leaving San rancisco October 1 1870 One hundred pourds baggage allowed each adult Medicine and ittendance free or reight or Passage Tickets or further inform ation apply at the company's ticket office on the wharf to BABY' Agent or to the Agents lor New England HAWKINS HERTHEL BUKRALL Civil and Median Engineers and Builders of Parent Truss Bridges and Roots and Turn Tables i Wood also of Patent Truss and other Bridges Roofs and Turn Tables of Iron Corru gated Irou Djors Shutters and general building ma terial of Iron Piling Docking and Railroad Work generallv S3 Main st Springfield Mass jl Ivdaw ROCHE BROTHER Manufacturers and Dealers in Steam and Gas Pipe and Steam Engines Boilers and Sheet Iron Work of all description shafting aud Mill Work Repairs on Engines and Boilers done at short notice Harris's Building north of Railaoad near Planning Mill jlfe A BRIGGS Co Civil Engineers aud Bridge Builders ort Block Springfield Mass Contractors for and other Iron Bridges Wooden Bridges upon Turning Tables tor Railioads Roofs of all kinds iron timber and slate jl 1UY THE BLACK BEAUTY UME He Early Grape sweet largo luscious Vino hardv prolific 2 each $18 per dozen hdnt by mail Descriptive Nursery Catalogue full of facts sndhiire 10 cts Club and amily rates ot Trera MERRILL COLEMAN Geneva au27 WaSlm "VERMONT AND MASSACHUSETTS AND TROY AND GREENIELD RAIL ROADS leave Boston for Greenfield Bratle ho Hoosac Tunnel and Troy 730 and 1100 o'clock a leave Boston tor Athol at 730 and 11 a and 530 A special tram wUl leave Boston every Saturday or Greenfioid and Brattleboro at 530 Leave Hoosac Tunnel for Boston at 800 a and 110 Leave Greenfield for 935 a and 230 leave Brattleboro for Boston 900 a and 1 59 Leave Athol for Boston at 425 a A special train will leave Greenfield for Boston every Monday at 400 a RUGGLES itchburg July 4 1S70 jyl pIDR BBLS OR SALE Good clean VJ empty whisky and wine bbls re coopered and in good order for sale cheap by 8 WORT HINGTON CO Oil 117 Main street 814 0dlw2s JAlLROAl TIME At Skiff Co's Watches put in order by the original New and second hind watches for sale Opera glasses for sab' and to rent SK I Agent Sign the Red Watch near depot Dealers throughout lie city and country arelnvifed hr order on til so ami families to test it for themselves with the certainty of its costing them nothing if not as reprAmted Each Broiler will have the authorized Jnbel nt tacli willi the Trade Mark stumped thereon RETAIL PRICE ONLY 82 Insurance can be effected in the largest and best companies and at as low rates as other first class offi ces Also Agent for 1 lie Anchor line of Steamers to and from New 1 oik and Glasgow ami to and fron Portugal Spain Italy Sicily Egypt and the Adriatic via Glasgow Tickets mid Drafts tor sale Office 11 Barne's Block 8 WAitnixKi: A uller Residence 3 Wilcox st o22eodly NGliCLD i IRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL $500000 ASSETS $939609 40 DIRKCTOBS Marvin Chnpin William Stowe George A Hull Smith Geo Southworth Covill Albert Briggs EDMUND REEMAN President SMITH Vice President SANORD IT ALL Secretary Operates upon the essential natural principles for broiling moats to jierfection prevents tlie escape of nutriment by evaporation and retains all the rich juices aud delicate which are mostly lost iu ad other Broilers or by the process of J'rging in less than half the time required by any other and cooks the meat' perfectly uniform leaving no burned or raw spots Doos away with all smoke and smell of grease requires no preparation of lire and makes broiling heretofore so vexatious the Qniel'esf and Ea dest as it is the Healthiest of a'l Modes of Cooking Mutts Broils equally well ever coal or wood answers 'or all sized stove or range openings iiml is equally good for Jleefshak Chicken Ham Chop tsh and Oysters it is not only GUARANTEED Hartford providence and fish KILL On and alter July 7 1870 Trains will leave as follows GOING EAST Hartford for Providence at 6 It) a and 150 connecting for Boston 150 pm connecting for Wor cester via PlainfWd Hartford for Willimantic 610 am 150 and 615 the 610 am 150 and 615 pm connect for New London the 610 a nr and 150 pm connect for Palmer Willimantic for Providence 740 a and 325 Plainfield for Providence 655 a 1215 and 430 tn connecting from Norwich at 835 a and 1245 connecting from Worcester GOIXG WEST Hartford for Waterbury 820 1120 a and 410 tn connecting for Winsted the 1120 a and 410 trains connect for Bridgeport Willimantic for Hartford 620 940 a and 500 the 620 940 a and 5u0 trains connect from New London the 940 a and 5 OT pm trains con nect from Palmer Providence for Hartford 700 a and 220 connecting for New Haven New York and Spring field Providence to Willimantic 700 a and 220 Providence for Plainfield 700 1010 a 220 and 505 pm the 700 and 1010 a and 505 pm trains connect for Norwich the 1010 am and 220pm trains connect for Worcester SAMUEL NOTT Supt je30 eod6m gECOND HAND MACHINERY ENGINES BOILERS PULLEYS SHATING HANGERS BOLTS STEAM PIPE Agents for 'Etna Manufacturing HOT AND MACHINE ORGED NUTS Cash Paid for Scrap Iron and Metals HAMMOND CO East Bridge street A few doors from Main Idward A Ives a Troy merchant was stricken blind three years ago arid the uiliiction has made him insane zenith city of the unsalted is the fond title which the people of Duluth Minn ap ply to their city Competition has reduced the steamboat fare from New York to Albany a distance of 159 miles to ou cents The bakers of Dresden hundred pounds of bread wives of absent soldiers The cotton crop in several has been seriously damaged where guano has been used Over 500000 small trees mostly mountain cot tonwoods have been set out in Denver Col within the past three years Daniel Woodson once secretary and acting governor of Kansas is a type setter in the office of the Parker (Ixs) Attorney General Akennan is seriously ill at Atlanta Ga ami will not be able to return to Washington for some time Ti frightful mortality which among children in Cincinnati is ascribed to the impure milk sold throughout the city A young girl and a young man kneeling at the Catholic church in Liedberg Germany were re cently struck by lightning and The women teachers at the recent meeting of the Crawford county (lud) institute signed a pledge not to wear corsets for one year The grain crop of Eastern Germany this sea son has been a very tine one but there is great diiliculty to obtain laborers enough to harvest it Cornelius Walsh a prominent Newark manu facturer is in connection the United States senatorship by New Jersey repub licans A refrigerator ear loaded with 9000 eggs has been dispatched from Chicago to Sm rancisco and on its return will bring California pears and other fruit John Brown who has been nominated by the democrats for governor of Tennessee is a younger brother of Neil Brown who tilled the office a few years ago Six Catholic missionaries passed through the United States last week on their wav from rance to China to replace those recently killed in the latter country A company has been organized in Jersey City with a capital of S500C()() to till in the left bank of the Hackensack river and build a number of grain elevators and storehouses The citizens of Mobile are taking the stock of the Mobile and Northwestern railroad with alac rity 6 100 COO being subscribed during the first four days the books were opined Twenty car loads of silver ore from the mines of Salt Lake valley Utah weighing 200 tons and valued at passed through Omaha the other day on the way to Newark Congressman Stokes Tennessee who has been dangerously ill fix the illects of a sunstroke is now convalescent and will probably be able to take his seat in Congress in December A New prodigy only six years old al though unable to read a line possesses a won derful memory and recites page after page of Shakspeare all the feeling and expression of a veteran A Virginia judge has revived the lash as a means of punish incut and recently sentenced a colored man nearly 80 years old who had stolen a piece of rope valued at 30 to receive ten lashes upon the bare back Prussia deals suinnnirily with the villains whd rob dead aud wounded soldiers and seventeen such of the battle as they are called in that country were shot on the 12th of August at Ehrenbreitstein The total value of the oysters sold annually at wholesale in the New York nnuket is estimated at OCO 000 about $4000000 worth of which is consumed in New York and the neighboring cities and the balance sent to the interior Gen Judson Kilpatrick late United minister to Chili is troubled with an enlarge ment of the exterior muscles of the neck brought on by political speech making but it is thought a surgical operation will entirely relieve him A California highwayman who recently com mitted suicide to escape arrest claimed to have commenced his criminal career from despair be cause of his rejection by a lady whom he loved in London where he was once a wealthy man Artemus stage traps consisting of the curtain tools show bills etc which he used in his exhibitions several rears ago are about to be sold at auction in New York to pay for room rent by the owner of a storage loft where they have laid for two years A seventy year old monk in a convent of East Prussia stabbed and killed recently a fellow monk who had already obtained the eightieth year There bud been a grudge between them i'or over forty years and the murderer after he hud done the bloody act exclaimed length I am A cave 30 feet deep the mouth of which had been closed so long that only the oldest citizens were aware of its existence was recently re opened by well diggers near ranklin Cross Roads Ky and a human skeleton was found at the bottom covered to the depth of several feet with earth and stones The Chicago aidermen having adjourned im mediately after organizing the other day in or der to attend a game of base ball between nines selected from the republican and democratic members of the body have virtuously resolved not to take from the treasury the 510S which would be the amount of their attendance fees for the session Prof Goldwin Smith is spending the season at Dryden Springs water cure He somewhat dis turbs the fixed ideas of the frequenters of the Spa by making the journey between that place and the Cornell university on loot a distance of about 11 miles not accepting invitations to ride or taking passage in the stage This peculiarity is regarded by them as an eccentricity Great tracts of pine wood are every year de stroyed by fire in the south of rance and a scientific man who has tried to discover the origin of these tires reports that they are caused by "the heat setting fire to the vapor of tur pentine which is contained in the minx and which is exposed to direct contact with external heat by the holes bored for the extraction of turpentine A Missouri farmer who feared the depredations of horse thieves fixed a loaded shotgun iu such a manner that upon the stable door being opened without the necessary precaution of taking down the gun the contents would be di charged im mediately across the doorway Going to the stable himself one morning while thinking of other matters be carelessly opened the door and received the full contents of the gun earning his death soon after The first velvet factory in the United States has been started by a rench colony in Kam as at the town of ranklin 18 miles southwest oi Ottawa The colony began operations last sum mer on the co operative plan ard have already beside their manufactory coiufurtible dwellings stores shops aud farms under Hill cultivation pioneer in this enterprise eietop de contemplates supplying his community with other looms not only to increase tUO manu facture of ribbons but alse to enlarge the products of his community by including sewing silks tassels trimmings and other dress ma which are fast becoming indispensable even bevoud the Mississippi ITTINGS COILS VALVES PUMPS TOOLS WHISTLES RADIATORS ONE REAM GOOD WRITING (480 sheets) for only ONE DOL LAR for sale Booksiller and Stationer 247 Main street opposite Court Square Half reams sent free by mail to any part of the country on receipt of GO cents sll5d PURITY An Elegant HAIR DRESSING or sale by BURDETT CO bpnnglield Mass Lebanon springs AND BENNINGTON AND RUTLAND Passengers for Lebanon Springs Bennington Man chester and Rutland leave Springfield at 9 a and 1215 tn connecting at Chatham our Corners with passenger trains for the above WHITE Bennington Vt Aug 7 1869 an" JEW AND DIRECT ROUTE ROM SPRINGIELD WINDOW WEIGHTS A large assortment for sale cheap 8 AMMOND CO 15 East Bridge st Springfield nu26 Stndaw airbanks soalks aii sizes both new and second hand 8T 11 AMMON CO 15 East Bridge st Springfield Mass au26 3mdaw 1 1 WIST SALE Onc 120 Spindle A Twi ter in complete order for sale or exchange for Stafford Loom PHELPS WOOLEN CO Spring field Mass slu iilarijiiurs A NEW 20 HORSE POWER STELYM ENGINE fitted wi'h No oil or other lubricant required or sale bv RANKLIN BRADSHAW jj 2 61 Broadway New York Rooms 26 and 27 AfUSICAL William Wiese Teacher of LoL Music respectfully informs the inhabitants of Springfield that he Js fully prepared to receive pupils for Piano and Singing Application for terms etc inquire at No Sd Water street corner Union or at Wiese's Store Harrison avenue si Itnd PHURCH ORGANS Built to order by A JGII of Westfield Mass Repairing and Tuning (iODC on short notice by thoroughly competent workmen Second hand Organs for sale n3 1yd RIMES ELLISON SPRINGIELD MASS MACHINISTS AND BUTLER MAKE RS Manufacturers of and iu all of BOILER PLATE IKON WORK Machinery of all kinds made to order Shafting Pulleys and Coupling Repairing done on En gines and Machinery neatly and with des patch St am Gas and Water Pipe and kept constantly on band Piping in all its branches done at short notice in a thorough and workman like manner Liberty st roar of Hotel au9'70 ly gRIDGE BUILDING HARRIS AVRIGHT PROVIDENCE and WORCESTER RAIL Road Arrangement July 1 1870 Express train (stopping only at Woonsocket and Uxbridge) leaves Worcester at 1015 am Providence at 215 Accommodation trains will leave Providence for Worcester and way stations at 740 and 1445 a and 405 Worcester for Providence and way stations at 730 and 1130 a 4 00 and 6 30 Leave Providence for Waterford at 900 a con necting immediately with trains for Southbridge Putnam and Norwich Leave Woonsocket for Providence at 220 Leave Proidcnce for Uxbridge at 7 Leave Uxbridge for AVorcester at 54o a tn Trains leave Milford for Providence and Worcester at 800 and ll00a and 430 At Worcester Junction will connect with trains to and from the Boston and Albany Nashua itchburg and Norwich and Worcester Railroads The Express train makes close connection with the through train from and the evening train to the north and west Through tickets Baggage checked through m31 HILTON YVORCESTER AND NASHUA RAIL TT ROAD On and after May 6 1868 Passenger Trains will run as follows Leave Worcester 630 1115 420 Leave Nashua 710 a 12 and 5 pm or connections at Worcester itchburg Groton Junction and Nashua see Pathfinder Railway Guide for New England TURNER AVorcester June 1 1870 jl ORGAN MANUACTORY STEER TURNER continue to manufacture Cuurcn Orgaxs at their old stand corner of lm and Meadow streets AVest field Mass Second hand Organs for sale Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to jl i0 pRANK OSGOOD OR NEW NEW ARRANGE The first class Steamers CONTINEN TAL and ELM CITY leave Haven Daily at 101 a in and 1130 leavingNew York at3loand 11 A connecting train leaves the wharf New Haven (Sundays excepted) at 500 a for Springfield and the North The Steamboat train down leave1 Springfield at 830 Baggage checked through reight by the 315 in boat from New Yori reaches Springfield early next morning my9 JNMAN LINE STEAMERS TO BOSTON DIRECT The public are hereby informed that this well known and Popular line of are now run ning from Liverpool and Queenstown to Boston di rect for the accommodation of New blngland pasten gers or information or passage apply to JOHN DALE New York Or to PHILIP RY AN Agent j27 1yd 1 Harrison ave QUNABD LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS This old and favorite line of Atlantic Steamshins it now carrying passengers and mails to and from Bos ton and New York direct leaving New York foi Queenstown and Liverpool trl weekly and afforoing the best of treatment and accommodations either cabin er steerage or passage or dates of Bailing appply to RYAN Agent JeG lyd 1 Harrison Avenue OR PROVINCETOWN On and after Mondvy July 11 the steamer GEORGE SHAT TUCK Smith Commander will leave Central Wharf north side Boston for the above place every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at half past 9 a in untU further notice Leaves Province town Mondays and Thursdays are S175 Through Ticsets furnished to Truro S2 South Truro and Wellfleet $225 The owners reserve the right to tow ships in particular cases No freight received after 9 jyl 3md pOR BOLIVIA VIA ST THOMAS AND PARA The Steamship WM TIBBETTS II Leonard Commander will sail October 1st and each second month thereafter 320 ACRES LAND AND PASSAGE OR $100 Cabin are including meals $100 gold or its equiv alent Those who go out by this steamship to settle will receive 320 acres of land as a free gift from the Com pany ull particulars will be sent on application Apply at the office of the Company 44 Kilbv st Boston or to BAKER HURL BUT 41 South st New York A Pi PER s7 12d2w Co of Bolivia Inoprtmct Law Ladd A Ladd BROS INSURANCE AGENTS Representing the largest and strongest ire and Life Insurance Companies of this country or Europe Over Sixty Millions Capital Protects the Policies issued from tills Agency au2eodly Office No 1 Opera House yAKRINER ULLERS INSURANCE AGENCY Sewing and Knitting Xllacbiiics IJ1HE zETNA AMILY SEWING MA A CHINE is a first class Lock stitch machine it is elegant in style and finish perfectly simple In con struction noiseless in operation makes perfect work on every description of material received 4 first pre miums The JEtna Improved Sewing Machine is adapted to a greater range and variety of work than any heretofore offered to the public sewing with per fect ease the finest Swiss or gossamer using No 150 or 200 cotton and the heaviest cloth it will hem fell braid tuck cord quilt gather bind etc Every machine warranted COLBY General Agent dealer in millinery and fancy goods 177 Main street Springfield Mass mvll WSM6m She grades jyjODELS AND PATTERNS Made to order Also Light Machinery built in the best manner and Light Jobbing all nd promptly attended to by GEORGE KILBUN s3 584 Successor to Marshall 27 Market st Jl AMPDEN CARD CO SANORD STREET Manufacturers of Machine Carl Clothing of all scriptions Also No 10 Hand Cards ji wm Montague Agent JEW AGENCY SAMPLE ROOMS THE MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO IN SPRINGIELD Having the agency of ROGERS BRO'S and the Meriden Britannia we are now prepared to furnish wholesale dealers at actory prices LIVERMORE BALL CO Sign of the Hanging Golden Pitcher au6 Sxodtt Cor Main and bridge street ii yy HOT AIR URNACE ROM HON WENDELL DAVIS PIPER MODEL AND PATTERN MAKER and LIGHT MACHINE BUILDER Special attention given to the building of Improved Double and Single Bill Head Rtillng'Mnchines Im proved Stamping Presses lor Manufacturers an in ishers of Writing apers oot mid Power Initial Presses Spool stamping and Printing Presses for thread manufacturers Alto Manufacturer of School urniture warranted first class IS HAMPDEN STREET Springfield Mass j3l WaSly ESTABLISHED 1S4S A KNIGHT SON PLUMBERS AND PUMP MANUACTURERS Personal attention given to fining up Dwelling Houses actories Hotels and Public Buildings with all the modern improvements Competent mon sent to any part of the country Employing none but first class and reliable work men we are enabled wi'h our long experience to guarantee all work dene by us to lie not only in the best le but also of the niost durable aud substantial character A large stock of Materials constantly on band and supplied to ITunibrs and Dealers at New Y'ork wholesale prices mlO WaSly MAIN ST Springfield Mass APPLETON CO Dealers in Plain and Galvanized IjMHt One upright tubular Steam Bailor 35 horse power 10 Engine Lathes Wood Light Co manufacturers 6 foot bed 15 inch swing back geared and screw cntting eight rest 200000 Brick and 20OT feet Building stone Bv NEW YORK WATCH COMPANY aulSlmd Springfield PORTABLE STEAM Combining tho maximum of efficiency durability and economy with the minimum of weight and price They are widely and favorably known more than SOT being in use All warranted satisfactory or no sale Descriptive circulars sent on application Address HOADLEY CO Laurence Mass Illillinern anb Dress Hlaking JUST RECEIVED NEW ard HAND SOME STYLES Dressmakers fromthe country can be supplied with a lino of Datums upon reasona ble terms SCRIMGEoUK S16 8d No 1 new Block New hair goods Just reielved a large assortment of Hair Goods of the latest styles the largest Invoice of fashionable Hair Goods ever brought to the city Also and ladies' wigs front pieces chignon braids puffs halt switches Ladies take notice A complete as sortment of imitation of Hair of all descriptions ALo a large assortment of ancy Goods MONTAGUE 77 Main st Under Copley's Hotel fj UIE NEW CANCELING STAMP Adopted by the Government Aprils 1870 HILL Patentee and Manufacturer Harrison Avenue Springfield Mass The latest and most perfect improvement witli three solid brass wheels for day month and year Patent Indicators for days and years War ranted superior to all others Also all kinds of hand Stamps Seals Printing Ribbons Branding Irons Cigar Box Brands etc etc jy22 3md JIHE RUIT JAR Mu ic Rooms 17 East Union st NEW MBTIIOD OR THE PIANOORTE "Deserves our hearty Mmieal Review Unexceptionable in taste and Journal quite endorse Mr Dwight's opinion York World School that would do excellent Deutsche Miisik Phil Soundest clearest booK for the Phil Evening HulDtin "Will su persede (very other of the kind Worcester Spy improvement on all other Piano book Syra cuse Journal "Possesses merit not claimed by other Clevelard Herald sense plain talk and Bo ton Journal ninny new and important I Tablet Piano book comparable in value to New Cove nant No long dry lessons nor wearisome exercises but Sprightly studies throughout aud Charming Melo dies for practice at every step It is all that can be desired Price $3 75 Sent postpaid OLIVER DITSON CO Publishers 277 Washington street Boston CHAS DUSON CO 711 "Broadway New York eod gnHE BURDETT CELESTE and COMBI NATION ORGANS AHEAD OP ALL (lOMPETlTORS Being the most perfect instrument that musical ear ever listened product musical tones fromthe softest and most delicate whisper to the deep swelling tone of the pipe organ Prices for Cash from $65 to $400 AZLETON BROS PI A NO ORTE MARSH ALL WENDELL PIANO ORTES Superior instruments at low prices for cash and other Musical Merchaudit every description at JOHN HAYNES CO No 33 COURT STREET BOSTON MASS Price and iroulars sent on application I33eodawly Paints and Oarnisbes JJNION WHITE LEAD.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.