The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: RIDAY SEPTEMBER 1' 1922 DROPPED BY HAGEN EXHIBITS MIRACULOUS GOL Strong But AMATEURS SET OR TOURNEY AT BROOKLINE CLUB RESULTS STANDINGS Eastern League 4 (10 in 4 (second (two out have American League Left to right Willie Ogg rank House Walter Hagen Joe Kirkwood 156 National League NEW 4 4 0 5 0 12 0 the 4 3 2 0 6 4 0 0 0 were placed with the help of Hesse HERD IN THE HILLS Also on the 14th he had a in TWO OR BRIDGEPORT ab 0 0 in had 3 not 2 4 0 ah 2 0 4 4 on 2 1 0 3 29 6 27 13 3 in 3 WATERBURY DOWNS ALBANY RUNS OR THE WEEK I 0 EASTERN LEAGUE 1 Tl 24 0 3 0 0 14 8 20 0 3 7 4 0 ab 0 LEAGUE 2 0 4 1 0 3 0 0 5 1 4 Tl 4 10 3 3 cigar KANDY KIDS ADMITS KILLING ATHER THE Tl 6 9 0 Ot932 SAnr RAZOR 5 0 9 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 5 3 11 0 8 0 2 3 0 0 3 3 Struck Double Passed Downey 7 5 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 3 6 2 2 1 0 1 6 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 S10 6 10 6 5 8 7 3 4 3 6 Seeded included leading the Steiger nine until inning the George Nye team Berg cf Burns 1 Timothy 2 EDaly 1 Daly Bresactts 0 0 Torphy plays in the halting 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 1 po 2 3 0 0 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 0 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 of that day derived of Me the needs of disabled 2 4 1 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 6 0 1 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 New Haven Waterbury Hartford Bridgeport Springfield Pittsfield Albany Worcester 0 2 10 9 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 2 Try Blackstones for one week Smoking one or two is not a com plete test for any 0 0 0 1 0 Tbree Bressett 0 1 1 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a little of the amount ab 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 New York Chicago St Louis Pittsburg Cincinnati Brooklyn Philadelphia Boston Larkin and fellow con hail on the would court ab 4 5 0 1 0 0 1 Arnold Gerald drew a 123 and were 1 ti made two un Albany used eighth Thor the Brasscofi ab 5 5 6 CHICOPEE MAN HAD LIQUOR IN HIS MILK CAN Hartford ails to Get Clean Blow Off Springfield Hurl er and Has No Men Left on JBase Score 2 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 10 1 0 3 Bennett 3 Ruckley Putnam 2 Bowen cf Gaudette 1 Lynch 1 Kamyck laherty Niclwls for the man with A ACE AS tender AS A was was per dou 2 it 2 4 New Haven Wins 15th in Row by Downing Hillies STEIGERS CLINCH DAILY NEWS TITLE Consider Revision of Olympic Constitution SWIMMERSWILL TRY AGAIN TODAY New York St Louis Detroit Cleveland Chicago Washington Philadelphia Boston 4 0 Tl Single in 10th Scores Malone With Deciding Tally Eayrs and Stapleton in Brief Bout Cykow ski Has Better of Snover Bud hesitated be and Martin was play St Angelo to Bates who first Hargrave 1 iedler 3 Miner Irving 2 alk cf Klngdon Smith Vines GAMES TODAY Boston at Philadelphia St Louis at Detroit Chicago at Cleveland Other teams not scheduled 3 0 18 3 1 35 1 0 0 Martin I Malone 2 Shay a Bowman 1 Eayrs cf2 Ktconda 3 StAngelor Hargravpc Cykowskip Wilson cf SLOAN ALLOWS ONLY THREE HITS Steubenville Aug 31 Herbert Woodward 17 confessed today he shot and killed his father Clarence Woodward while shielding his mother from abuse After shooting his father the boy called the police WATER SPORTS OR 5 MILE POND 3 0 3 3 3 2 GAMES TODAY Philadelphia at Boston New York at Brooklyn Pittsburg a St Louis Cincinnati at Chicago RESULTS Boston 3 Philadelphia 1 New York 3 Washington 1 Cleveland 7 St Louis 6 Chicago 10 Detroit 1 STANDING THE CLUBS BREAKS RECORD BY SIX STROKES 7 6 12 MANY ARE SEEDED AT GERMANTOWN Beat George Nye Team 2 to 1 to Make Sure of po 4 5 0 14 2 0 2 The game was so exciting that the bout was soon forgotten New Haven showed that spirit which makes champions the abil ity to come from behind when the oppor tunity for scoring is offered 3 3 3 3 3 3 afternoon when he at to dispose of moonshine the vicinity of Hanover io 0 0 0 2 a 3 commander of the 29 2 24 11 060 1 4 0 2 2 12 1 2 5 11 1 3 The Stapleton Eayrs go was the second ngnc or me week at nanconah park ured tn a mixup Tuesday afternoon The fight of this afternoon lasted lancer than the others as the Pittsfield team who figured Stapleton would have the better of Eddie wanted to sec it decided Police stopped the fight Capes and Lindstrom also staged a tame fight here some weeks ago 15 11 8 fist a grenvcs and Cotrlss of Hartford having fig New York Aug 31 Revision of the constitution of the Amer ican Olympic association in ac cordance with proposals set forth by the National Amateur Athletic federation whose entry into rhe association has been proposed isunder consideration federation officials announced today In a statement issued today these officials declared that if the organization joined the Olympic association they believed it should have equal voting power with the Amateur Athletic union and that the principle of jurisdiction which the union claims over ama teur sports in the United States should be removed 2 3 TI mo McCrck2 Shaw Klnnerep Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bennington Loses Game to Windsor 2 to 1 North Adams Aug 31 Windsor defeated Benington 2 to 1 in a seven inning twilight game here tonight The visitors outbatted the locals nine hits to was at bases twisted winnig 30 8 24 8 0 2 5 4 4 4 4 4 HAVEN po 2 5 3 4 4 4 0 0 3 2 3 16 5 8 8 5 3 Jleime cf Demoe 2b Pnaenthnl rf Belanger lb Hank 3b Knr If Nrher as wradabsw Bioan Totals 3 3 30 9 Oil 0 10 walking Bressett the seventh The 12 3 8 33 11 27 1 0 The Kandy Kids by steady hard playing won rom the Eastern States Refining Co last evening at Emerson Wight by 4 2 A batting rally in the sixth 7hat netted two runs for the company gave the game added inter est but the team's other hits wenj go scattered that Ahs sujv 5 7 2 18 0 4 3 6 4 3 4 4 2 3 8 2 Ogg Equals orififer Mark But He and House Are Beaten in Best Ball our some Kirkwood Shows and on the double steal Naughton Hauk scored and other 22 11 io 7 13 Carnival to Be Held Tomor row With Many Prizes Offered The ive Mile pond water barnival that will be held tomorrow afternoon has brought forth a large nurAber of entries with interest centering about tho half mile swimming champion ship open to all men living in this city seen 3 6 3 3 5 Hesse's run po 0 0 0 0 WARM ab 3 5 3 4 heaver must bank the GAMES TODAY Hartford at Springfield New Haven at Pittsfield games) Bridgeport at Worcester Albany at Waterbury a 16 7 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 6 1 3 Quartet of Golfers Who Gave ine Exhibition at Oxford Club Did not play "AMERICAN Hit hr nitcher Wlnnlnr nltcher uller Etten Umpires Summers and Time 2h 12m Taylor 3 Leary cf Emmers 0 IMurphy2 0 Neuselr 1 Etten 0 iMattesp 0 0 I Many Entrants Practice or National Golf Play Open fl ing Tomorrow Brookline Aug 31 Over the links of the Country club which will be the scene of the national amateur golf championship play beginning Satur today 100 or entrants Get land the range for putts they 2 Blackstone CIGARS tS7 WAITT BOND Inc 1 3 3 3 3 4 5 2 0 10 7 6 Rimpson Hummel Attreau Obetev rf Duffy If Herrera i Navcbton Nagle Uholewa Totals Hartford 'J'hree btum hit Bradshaw Stolen base Neber? Sacrifices Hesse Hummel Double piny Hank Denioe nnd Belanger Left on base Springfield li Base on bulla oft Sloan 3 Struck out by Chulewa 3 Wild pitch Cholewu Umpires Talbot and Brown Time lb asm Chicopee T'alls Aug 31 The Hem lock baseball club of Chicopee alls will pay the Amherst town team at Amherst Saturday afternoon On Labor day at 1015 in the morning ey will play the Belding Bros nine Bl the Sheridan street grounds and in the afternoon of the same day they will play a rcturn game with that nine at their grounds in Northamp ton The game will be called at 315 day there trooped more of the 170 odd ting the lay of the for drives the touch found a course of long distances fair ly trapped and of keen greens rolling true It was agreed that the champ ion who comes out of the week of play on that course to succeed Jesse Guilford of Woodland will have been well proven Two Nations Represented Americans of high standing in na tional and in sectional tournament play Britons who have carried their among Some Rudy four but Kuhncrt his best with men on try Iinnere of Schenectady vfo for Bennigton forced in tally by with thee on score: wiNnson )o Did not play NATIONAL LEAGUE Play or United States Ten nis Title In Singles September 8 New York Aug 31 In the draw today for the national singles championship beginning on the turf courts of the Germantown Cricket club Philadelphia September 8 Wil liam Tilden 2d the champion and Gerald Patterson of Australia were seeded into the lower half and Wil liam Johnston of San rancisco and Vincent Richards into the upper brackets Twenty three Are The total entry list players of whom 16 Americans seven foreign racquet stars seeded in the following order: Upper half first quarter: Watson Washburn Howard Kinsey Vo shell Jose Alonso and Manual Alonso of the Spanish Davis cup team and William Johnson who drew a first round bye Second quarter: An derson Vincent Richards Robert Kin sey Lucien Williams and Ander son and Wertheim of the Aus tralian Da vis cup team Lower half third quarter William Tilden 2d Niles Wallace Johnson Dean Mathey Pat Wood of Australia and Zenzo Shimizu of Japan ourth quarter: Norris iliiams Philip Neer Jones rancis Hunter and Patterson of Australia who first round bye Stars Not Bracketed Among the prominent players seeded are: Upper half Craig Biddle Pearson Clothier red An derson Ralph Baggs Robert Le roy Charles Garland Carl ischer and John Graves Jr Lower half Willis Davis Wil liam Wear Irving JVright Kelleher George El liot Binzen Walter Pate red Paggs and Graham RESULTS Hartford 2 Springfield 0 New Haven 5 Pittsfield nings) Bridgeport 5 Worcester game) Bridgeport 13 Worcester game) Waterbury 7 Albany 3 STANDING THE CLUBS 0 2 2 Taylor Murphy WORCESTKR po i 0 2 2 0 Hagen Does 65 Over Oxford Club Course terested spectators whom stayed after the golf competition to see exhibhtion of fancy shots which wa: nothing less than amazing performance was an eye opener Hi: shots were as true as the creases ii his natty knickerbockers and on tl one or two occasions when his shot went slightly wrong his golfing ten: perament was as unruffled as glossy black hair Certainly if Hag is the foremost American golfer is also the most debonair At very finish when he had a putt a 64 the other players began to jos him but he took it in good part an made a beautiful putt the ball rol ling around the edge of the hole and giving the spectators heart disease before it decided to stay out Beautiful Game game was beautifully ac curate All of his drives were long and straight and they were low in contrast to the high ball that is so fashionable nowadays Kirkwood was close to him in length but once in a while Hagen would let out a notch or two and be well in the lead off the tee The round was full of beauti ful shots but the most spectacular came on the fourth hole when Ha drive soared beautifully down into the valley on to the green com ing to rest so near the hole that he much of a putt left for his 2 Kirkwood got one nearly as pret ty on that hole in the next round but he was too far away to hole his 2 second try at this hole Al most caused the loss of a shot because his drive went into the rough to the right hole high and there was a sharp break in the green down to the hole Playing it tenderly he was 27 10 5 2 1 2 4 2 RodrI 2 incs Two base hits Eiu Itving Smith Three base hit Stolen bases Irving alk Ryan iedler Vines Double plays Ines to 3 4 4 4 3 3 2 0 2 0 ME DAY OR DISABLED VETS The annual national Me day of the Disabled American Veterans of the World war will be held Saturday November 4 according to the proclamation of Hamilton Cook national organization The proceeds from the sale will go towards veterans throughout the country re gaidless of affiliations with erganizations Commander Cook de clared Some of the purposes to which the money derived from the campaign will be put are legislation for the men wounded or disabled in action relief to the needy finding work for the unemployed special vocational and hospital treatment for those who require such aid and es tablishing summer where the veterans may gather to work out their problems Committees of citizens women workers and other organizations will be formed throughout the country to prepare for the occasion according to Commander Cook ALBANY ab Total Bridgeport Worcester Runs Emmerich 2 guez 2 alk Klngdon 2 Smith enristy Hart ttyan merlch Irving Smith 1 horpe Sacrifices Vines to Kinadon to Rodrlguez: iedler to Rodrlguez Ring to Wolfe to Hart (2) I eft on base Bridgeport 10 Worcester 6 Base on balls off Vines 2 off Lindstrom 3 off Bush 4 Struck out by Vines 2 by Bish 1 Hits off Lindstrom 4 in 2 3 Inning off Bish 10 In 8 1 3 Innings Hit by pitcher by Vines (Thorpe) Losing pitcher Llnd strpm Umpires McLaughlin and Kuhn Time Ih 47m Datted for Bish in Oth Pittsfield will try to break New winning streak In the double header tomor row rank Woodward nnd Jo'unny Tillman may be the opposing pitchers in the first game Woodward warmed up In the ninth inning today when Manager Donovan thought of sending a pinch hitter In for Cykowskl was a brilliant the way Ogg worce 5 11 IK note short and it took a nice putt to get ms narrow escape from a lost shot Play ing to the green across the pond from a soft Ideep lie he went into the rough across the green and was short com ing out and again a fine putt saved his score But generally speaking 65 was not made by putting It was made by long straight hitting and by deadly accurate pitches with the mashie niblick He missed no short putts but if he had got a fair pro portion of the long ones his score would have been two or three strokes lower The course was in fair con aition out tne putting was slow and tricky on many greens on account of the great of rain Nothing Over our Hagen had nothing over a 4 it his card He had 12 4s five 3s and a 2 He was under par by holes and 9 by strokes and 'that' means a lot on the Oxford course where there is plenty of opportunity to go wrong if the shots are not hit just right Ha 4 on the the long pond hole was a fine example of his con fidence He had a rough hard lie on the very brink of the pond but he slapped into the ball with a hard hit brassey shot that almost reached the green Ogg had hard luck on this hole the first time he played it getting intothe water from the tee with a spoon 4 Walter Hagen tore the record of the Oxford Country club golf course at Chicopee alls to tatters yesterday afternoon when he shot a 65 on the first trip he made over it The old record of 71 made by Eddie Towne former at Oxford has stood for a long time but gone now and Hageli has given the something new to shoot at Ogg Equals Record The record was made in a four some in which Joe Kirkwood the famous Australian trick shot player and Hagen played the best ball of Willie Ogg the Worcester pro and rank House long known as the leading amateur of the Oxford club The famous visitors nnisnea 4 up it performance all equaled the old record and came with in an ace of breaking it by a stroke and splitting the prize of $50 offered by the Oxford club Kirkwood too might just as well have had a 71 missing a short putt on the 17tlr House played a nice straight game but lacking the power of the husky pros was at a considerable disad vantage though he frequently wor truly hit shots Altogether it was a real field day for the Oxford club( the event draw ing several hundred intensively in nearly all ot whirlwinc fliCapes I 0GardTa3 btapl onl Silva 1 Baker 0 Bosse cf OBates a 1 ui snover Moshierc 3 Total 0 0 streak but Bill fighting league leaders tied the count with twe runs in the ninth inning and won in the 10th 5 to 4 at Wahconah park this afternoon although Pittsfield had men on third and first and nobody out in the fifth inning It made 15 vic tories in)a row for the Indians who will play fa double header here tomor row The Eastern league record of 18 straight victories In a row was es tablished by Bridgeport in 1918 Howie Baker who was with Bridge port that year came near breaking New streak today when he tripled with two runners on the paths and the score tied in the sixth in ning Gene Martin who alsij was on the Bridgeport club that season did all in his power to keep the winning streak intact Bowman's Hit Does It 1 Col Snover and Cykowskl were op posed on the mound Snover touched up for 14 hits but he strong in pinches and was given feet support Two singles and a ble enabled the visitors to tie the count in the ninth Malone singled to left sending the winning run over Moshier singled to center in Pitts half Bosse laid down a bunt that he beat out Riconda made an unnecessary wild peg allowing Mosh ier to reach third Bates sent a fly to St Angfielo pretty well out The Saint made a rainbow peg to the plate but it carried and nailed the slow traveling Moshier who tried to count on the out Bosse went sec ond on the throw in but Shay tossed out Zimmerman ending the game New Haven scored two runs the second inning St Angelo was passed Hargrave put him on third with a single to right field Hargrave lock second on the throw in Snover on a good play pegged out Cykowski Mar tin hit to Stapleton who got the ball back of first base fore starting for first called safe on a close scoring Malone hit pegged him out at scoring Martin tried to go to third and was nailed Statpleton to Gardel'a Pittsfield tied the count in its half Baker was passed Horgreaves singled to center putting Baker on third Baker scored as Riconda made a good play on grounder forcing Hargreaves Bates grounded to Bow man Bosse going to second Zim merman drew a pass Snover doubled over third Capes was passed filling the bases Gardeila forced Capes Eayrs and Stapleton Mix Shay singled in the third inning and Bowman hit into a double play Bates to Zimmerman to Stapleton Bates tossed out Eayrs Bud claimed that Eayrs unnecessarily put his foot close to his when going by the bag although Eayrs was out by a big mar gin There had been ill feeling be tween the two players previously uuiipiuiuil WcUKCQ OUC rJayrs to task JAPAN IS URGED TO RECOGNIZE RUSSIA Tokio Aug 31 The Tokio Maini chi a leading newspaper of Japan to day urged that Japan recognize the Soviet government of Russia regard less of the attitude of other world powers The position of the Mainichi was considered highly significant al though the government seemed re solved not to grant recognition rank Klemek is Arrested When Delivering It Westfield Westfield Aug 31 Acting Inspec tor William O'Brien arrested rank Klemek of 2 West street Chicopee this tempting liquor in street Klemek had driven from Chicopee in an automobile and was in the act of disposing of liquor that he was carrying in a milk can A search of the machine revealed one 10 quart milk can filled with moon shine He was brought to the police station and booked Tor keeping ano exposing for sale and operating an automobile not registered He was bailed in $200 bonds and will be ar raigned tomorrow morning Worcester Aug 31 Bridgeport made its first visit to Worcester this season and won both games of a double header 5 to 2 and 13 to 4 Tne Americans played a fine game of baseball and hit and ran bases as well as they fielded Boyce pitched well in the first game and only for a muffed fly by Lavallee in the seventh would have made it difficult for Bridgeport to win The scores: irst Game BRIDGEPORT po 1 2 1 2 Waterbury Ct Aug 31 Water bury staged rallies in the seventh and olghth innings today and defeated Al uany 7 to 3 after going scoreless up to tne seventh assisted double three pitchers mahlen finally The score: WATERBURY po 0 0 Torpedo Destroyer McCor mick to ollow our Lads By the Associated Press Dover Eng Aug 31 With wind and the rain having slackened somewhat tonight the prospects seem fairly promising for a start riday evening by the four American long distance swimmers in an effort to cross the English Channel from Dover to some point on the rench shore The United States torpedo boat destroyer McCormick arrived here this evening and Charles Toth and Sam Richards of Boston agreed to take to the water sometime after nightfall tomorrow with the destroy er acting as an escort Henry Sulli van of Lowell Mass and Walter Pat terson of Bridgeport Ct also plan to start about the same time Starting Points Secret Americans are guarding as secrets their respective starting points and it is possible the commander of the destroyer may have to detail pet ty officers in the ship's boats to fol low the swimmers in case they start at widely scattered points The gale and the rain which have swept the channel for several days have made the water rough and brought the temperature of it down to 58 The men have been hoping for a tempera ture of 62 which is regarded as necessary to a successful swim So high were the seas in the channel Wednesday night that pilots had difficulty in making landings with their boats Notwithstanding the desire of some of the swimmers to start alone and to keep their opponents in ignorance of the exact time and the place where they will plunge into thef water the commander of the McCormick will make a last endeavor to effect an agreement among them to start si multaneously at the same spot so that the destroyer may render equal service to each Sullivan is anxious to start alone but Toth insists on taking the plunge with him as the Lowell man holds the American en durance record in the channel To Wear Goggles During the swim the men will wear nothing except rubber caps and gog gles They will have a liberal coat ing of grease as a skin protector The goggles are to shield their eyes from the irritating effects of the salt water Bets are being made that at least one of the Americans will succeed in equaling or surpassing the records of Captain Matthew Webb and Burgess the only men who ever suc cessfully negotiated the channel Charlie Michel who is being trained by Burgess will make another at tempt from the rench side to swim the channel this week Several Eng lish women also are to try to exceed the endurance record of Mrs Hilda Willing of London who is credited with having remained in the water of the channel in her endeavor to swim it for 10 hours and 40 minutes Orvis Golf Tourney Reaches Semi inals Manchester Vt Aug 31 Lewis Washburn and rank Clark both of Philadelphia will meet tomorrow morning in one of the semifinal matches for the Orvis golf trophy at the Ekwanok Country club In the other match Donald Carr of Ardsley will meet George Morse of Rutland The final round will be played Saturday In the second 'round this afternoon Washburn defeated Bernard Graves cf Providence 4 and 3 Clark defeated Lee Maxwell of Sleepy Hollow 1 uo in holes Carr defeated Barker of Bridgeport Ct 4 and 2 and Morse defeated Charles Leake of New York 4 and 4 1 Local Players in Berkshire Tourney The annual Berkshire County teji nis tournament starts at Pittsfield to day on the courts of the Country club and a number of local players have entered including Davenport Pike Snow and Chase It is also expected that A Chapin Jr will also enter he being in the finals last year RESULTS Boston 5 Philadelphia 4 game) Boston 7 Philadelphia 2 (second game) Brooklyn 7 New York 4 Pittsburg St Louis rain Others not scheduled STANDING THE CLUBS BENNINGTON po ABOUT TO WED OR OURTH TIME AT 83 Brockton Aug 31 Dr Pliny West S3 years old will shortly make his fourth excursion into matrimony it was learned today Dr West who does not look near lis age is happily making nrpruiro tions for his marriage next week to Mrs Julia Young age 6G who has been married three times Dr West likes to dance he says ind often does so and he is a great admirer of the 1 Prindle 1 0 King 0 Mackey cf 0 Scott 1 1 Miner 3 0 Brazell el a) OlLavilleer 4 0 Chrlsty3 5 0 IThorpe cf 2 uireao 0 Hart 1 ityan 1 I Ring Wolfe 2 Llndsmp 0 Misn Hager Total 0 1 2 0 0 0 Miller Irving JIM LARKIN SENT BACK TO SING SING New York Aug 31 Jim Larkin Irish agitator who was out on bail after serving two years of a five to 10 year sentence for criminal anar chy was sent back to Sing Sing to day Motion of counsel for Benjamin Gitlow alleged spirator for renewal of grounds that an appeal carried to the supreme 8 35 10 30 27 0 0 2 0 Total New Haven Pittsfield 0 Runs Malcne Riconda St Angelo 2'IIar arnve Gardeila Silva Baker Bosse Tw base hits Snover Hargrave Three base hit Baker Sacrifices Wilson Zimmerman Silva Shay Double playa Bowman and Shav Bates to Stapleton to Gardeila Bates to Zimmerman to Stapleton St Angelo to Har Him es Haven 6 Cykowski Cykowski Time 2h po 1 ab Lavallee 4 i nriRty3 Thorpe cf Hager Hart 1 Ryan 1 Ring Wolfe 2 0 Boyce 0 Total 0 0 2 alk Boyce nitx eft on bases Pittsfield 10 New Rase on balls off Snover 1 off 6 Struck out by Snover 3 by 3 Umpires Conroy and Waters 2 Schmehl ISeuMel Not only vill the experts but a well filled program has arranged for limited to boys girls east of pine point This After the last lost their Daily News Twilight league game last evening at orest park 2 to 1 when Babe Slate slammed a three bagger that tied the score and brought in the winning run on Texas leaguer in the final inning This wm put the Steiger nine at the head of the league with little danger of be ing displaced The Nye team scored their lone run in the fifth Burton walked two and a healthy single to right field by White brought in the run Both teams played snappy ball and the game was a hummer to watch OlCleary 0 1 Leahy cf 0 iCote 0 JSnHivanc i ronin 'Z White 3 Keere 1 Quinn 1 Total 0 2 0 38 14 30 16 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Special Dispatch to The Republican Ct Aug 31 Hartford get a single clean blow off the delivery of Walter Cholewa Spring field pitcher this afternoon but the game was chalked up in the win col umn because three of its four fluky bingles were grouped with an error aBild pitch and a sacrifice fly while Springfield failed to spike the scoring rubber The count at the finish of nine listless innings was 2 to 9 Cholewa nt Best The Senators are credited with four tingles in the box score but on a weii groonred diamond and an field not ready for the haying sea eon Cholewa would probably pitched his way into the hall of fame and have emerged from the contest with a no hit no run no man reach first base victory The quartet of safeties was meanly Ii) all that the word implies Two in field taps by Bradshaw and Belanger were made possible by an unk pt diamond the base paths of winch were rough and untrue Their topped drives stopped as dead as a well played mashie shot on the green Bradshaw's triple was a humpback fly to left that landed on the foul line Puffy got his hands on it but hold it and then thinking the nail landed outside of fair territory field it and raced to third The fourth safe blow was a line drive by Kane one of the three hard hit drives contributed by the Senators during the session Simpson mis judged the ball hitting his gloved hand and bounding away The playing field looked like the kind that the sandlot iclds are forced to utilize as diamonds though the abundance of tin cans and large rocks were not discernible The running paths gave tho appearance of not hav ing been rolled since the team started on Its present losing streak while the outfield was covered with tall grass tiiat must have hampered the outfield ers in their fly chasing performances It was the condition of the field that enabled Bradshaw to get his two bingles and Belanger to beat out his infield tap and the manner in which lmpson played hard drive brought forth the comment that the tail in center bad probably twined itself around his feet so that ha could not move from the spot in Which he stood li Slum Haris Shntout That coupled with the fact that lcan blanked the opposing team ex iarfs the victory of yesierday It ap pears that in order to win a same the senatorial ether fide which is what the did with the help of Hesse Neher the rough infield and the hay pasture that was once when the Sen ator were going good a fairly likely looking outfield Hertford didn't have a man left on Lnse because only six landed on the initial sack Two of them scored one 'was out trying to steal second another was retired in an effort to "lifer' home and the other two were retired on fielder's choices Springfield succeeded in getting only one man as far as third Thfe runs were scored in the fifth nnd sixth Innings In the fifth Belan ger Was safe on Ids fluke infield hit and was forced out at second on attempted sacrifice Kane hit to Simpson wno misjudged the drive nnd Hauk went to second Neher force Hauk at the keystone sack 4 dropped peg and gift triple sacrifice fly scored the the sixth The score: HARTORD nb 1 iedler 8 Miller Irving 2 1 alk cf Klngdon Johnson Total 37 il 27 17 Bridgeport 1 Worcester 0 0 Runs iedler Bornhoeft TTioroe Johnson Three base base Wolfe Klngdon Boyce to Hart Boyce to Ring to Atari ter 3 Boyce Borce Johnson Time lh Baltimore Rochester Buffalo Jersey City Toronto Rending Syracuse Newark Did not nlaj ab Corry Torphy 1 Klngl Ionaue2 Long 3 Schmehl Hmrep idler Total Waterbury Albany Runs Anderson Schauffel uller Two base hit Schmehl sinz ixmz d) 2 Donahue to Torphy Bmmer to Murphy inmovnn Left nn I on balls nff Howe 2 off uller 2 off Mattes 1 Struck out by by uller 3 by Thormahlen 2 Howe 4 in 2 1 3 off uller 4 in Etten 10 In 7 off Mattes 2 In 0 inanien in 1 (Donovan) by Mattes (King) nowe pitcher Donald Total 35 12 27 36 Ware Runs Kamyck 2 Bennett Putnam Iwcn Gaudette laherty Nichols Two base hits Bowen Stolen base laherty Sacrifice Lynch Double play White to Cronin Left on bases Ware of 3 Rase on balls off Nichols 1 off Batchelder 4 off itzgerald 1 Hits off Batchelder 10 In 6 innings off itzgerald 2 in 2 Struck tut by Nichols 7 by Batchelder 5 by itzgerald 1 Passed ball Sullivan Time lh 42in Umpires Sager and White Losing pitcher Batchelder Batted for Ixiahy in llth colors here were those who went around today were serious in their efforts Knepper of Sioux City was among these stforing a 73 2 over par Others played merely to get acquaint ed picking up here and there Cyril Tolley long hitter and Aylmer also of the British team among these turning in pretty per formances over several holes but many just walked around Bobby Jones was among the latter explain ing that he intended to play only one practice round tomorrow afternoon The golfers were apparently not agreed on their understanding of the change in arrangements for qualify ing Qualification by medal play will extend over two days Saturday and Monday with 18 holes to be played each day But official information as to whether the field would be reduced to 64 players after Saturday's round or would continue as a whole to play through Monday was lacking It was understood that those who went into the match play beginning Tuesday would do so on the basis of the ag gregate play over 36 holes Consen sus of opinion indicated that strokes probably would qualify 1 6 Did not play INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE and program has swimming and diving events and is divided into three sec tions one for the juniors those under 13 years old the intermediate class ftr those under 111 and the senior class with no age limit ine Prizes Offered Silver cups as first prizes silver pencils as second and chocolates for the third are offered by the carnival committee which have cost in the aggregate over $150 In addition to the prizes that have been bought the following concerns have made dona tio that the list of prizes is a ng me: Winchester store Alling Rubber company Charles A Hall Riordan Charles Bengle Joseph Tavini Cy Collins Co Clifford's barber shop Anthony Parolk James Morrissey Philip Bissonnette Pe ter Caris George Phaneuf Napoleon Duhalme Adolph Guyer Chevette pharmacy Kitchen Clan cy and I Leemaj As an added a traction a boxing exhibition by two professionals has been arranged All the sports will be under the direction of Irving Di neen head life guard at ive Mile pond assisted by Herbert Lynch and Kathryn Bannan Pittsfield Aug 31 Pittsfield tried I Bosse threw high to third and' St An hard to break New winning Selo made second Hargrave doubled to left tor two runs Hargrave went tc third as Cykowski was thrown out by Zimmerman Martin struck out swinging at a high one The score PITTSIELD po 1 0 2 2 Hicks 3 Kuhnetlp Total 21 4 21 8 Windsor Bennington Runs Brindle Daly Timothy base hit Dalv Stolen banc Sacrifice hits Bums Brazell Bressett Base on Dana on nunnert on Kinnere out by Kuhnert 8 by Kinnere 8 play Hicks Timothy and Burns ball Daly Umpires Jones and and called EaVPr Ani in Stapleton and they were soon in a mixup New Haven players more of an effort to stop the firiit than did members of the Pii Id club who were pulling to see tin I Ue go a few rounds Stapleton and Eayrs were chased from the game Wilson played Centerfield for New Haven for the rest of the game and Silva took first base for Pittsfield The visitors were retired in order in the fourth and fifth innings Pitts field filled the bases on singles by Bosse and Capes and a pass to Bates in the fourth but Gardeila up for a second time with the bases loaded filed to St Angelo Shay singled to left in the sixth and went to second on single center Wilson sacrificed Riconda hit to Bates and Shay was cut down trying to score St Angelo died to Baker Bates singled in the sixth ent to second on sacrifice and to third as Snover was thrown out Capes lined to Martin Gardeila opened half of the seventh with a single to center Silva bunted Cykowski took a look at second and then threw poorly to first Gardeila reaching third and Silva second Ba kcr tripled to left center scoring two runs Moshier filed to Martin Bosse struck out and Cykowski pegged out Bates Capes was safe on fumble in the eighth but went out stealing New Haven went out in order in the eighth Snover and Gardeila per forming some good fielding in that frnniA lcid noci be starting the ninth Riconda hit to 'yas Gardeila who pegged to Zimmerman 0 0 0 4 0 ooooo Klngdon Johnson base hit Thome Stolen Double playi Emmerich to Left on base Bridgeport 7 Worcea Base on balls off Bomhoeft 3 off btrucic our oy uornnoeit by Wild pitch Boyce Passed ball Umpires Kuhn and McLaughlin 40m Second Gnine BRIDGEPORT po 4 3 Total 0 0 0 0 Torthy Sacrifice Cullnhnn Double plays Torthy lunassist ran uller ntSrhmehl to Torphy base Albany 5 Waterbury 13 Base off Etten Etten 2 Hits off 6 2 3 off off Thor hr Hovre Wild pitch ixising Mc jfWi 'I Tr rrrnTmr TTrrfjnTTrTTTriTiTTiTmrrTT 7 'V' 7'7 US" Alik 7 77? 7 vV it 4 fit's '7't VV77 'X' 7 s' 7 I IMia I Giflfir a Won Lost New lln ven 86 39 688 Waterbury 68 51 572 Hartford 62 59 512 Bridgeport 65 63 508 SPRINGIELD 59 62 188 rittsfleld 57 60 487 Albany 51 70 J35 Worcester 39 86 312 on Lost rc New York 77 50 606 St Louis 75 53 80 Detroit 68 60 53 1 Cleveland 6 1 63 501 Cliiea go 63 63 500 Washington 58 68 460 Philadelphia 51 72 415 Boston 48 75 300 Won Lost New York 74 48 607 Chicago 69 55 557 St Louis 68 55 553 Pittsburg 68 56 549 Cincinnati 68 57 541 Brooklyn 61 63 492 Philadelphia 42 76 356 Boston 41 81 336 3 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 25 2 4 27 13 2 SPRINGIELD ab po a cf 2 0 0 1 0 0 3b 3 0 1 0 1 0 lb 4 0 1 10 1 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 88 4 0 0 1 4 0 2b 3 0 0 2 2 1 3 0 6 1 0 3 0 1 0 4 0 30 0 3 24 13 1 0 0001100.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.